Return of the Swallow

Chapter 992 Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple (3)

"What I did was just my duty, so what's there to be moved about?" The queen rubbed her sore waist. If it weren't for the crowds here, she would have even wanted to squeeze it if it hurt. He hurt his feet, "It's just that the road to Wanfo Temple is too difficult. Fortunately, Uncle Zhongyi told me in advance, but I refused to listen to his advice, which caused the guard to fall and break his leg. It will stop here for a while, and it won’t go up or down.”

The Queen's tone was quite helpless and regretful.

Grandma Sun could not help but hold the Queen's arm and persuade her: "My Lady, please don't do this. You have already tried your best to pray for blessings. The reason is that the place where the Wai Wan Buddha Temple is built is too dangerous. My Lady is a rich man, so where can I go?" Can you go to such a dangerous place? Since you have tried your best, don't force it. Otherwise, if the empress really causes trouble, how can I feel at ease?"

The Queen has always been considerate of her servants, and Grandma Sun knew that when she spoke, the Queen's usual temperament would definitely take the servants' feelings into consideration.

She is a queen, and if something happens under the eyes of these people, let alone a big one, even if she sprains her foot, they will be punished after they return.

But today, Grandma Sun misjudged the Queen's thoughts.

"I have arrived here. I can walk such a long distance. As long as I walk through the remaining section of the road, I can reach the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple. I cannot give up here."

The queen raised her head and looked at the road at the end of the gentle slope that was not really a road at all.

The mountain roads that followed were almost all steep stone walls. In some places, there were raised rocks for footing, and in other places, wooden boards were built somehow. It's just that maybe due to the age, those wooden boards have many signs of rot, as if they would snap and break if someone stepped on them, and people would fall off.

The road is so steep that even if you climb up, you won't be able to get down.

"Your Majesty, this is really too dangerous." Grandma Sun said earnestly, "I want to serve you, but not even you, your Majesty, can't climb up this road. There is no one around us, if we are the servants I was not sent down the mountain, so I can still carry the lady up the mountain. But I can’t trust the physical strength of those few servants and what’s behind them. If I bump into them even a little bit, is that really a joke?”

The Queen lowered her eyes and listened to Nanny Sun's words. Although she knew that what she said was quite reasonable, she was extremely unconvinced in her heart.

Everyone has already arrived, but they have to give up halfway here. On the other hand, Qin Yining's hand is being held by Pang Xiao, who seems to be planning to take Qin Yining up all the way.

Qin Yining can walk up, can't she?

"No, my prayers for blessings for the rain to stop have begun to bear fruit. Nowadays, the floods in the south are still serious. But not all towns are as lucky as those near Huichuan County. Since I know that praying for blessings is useful, I pass by Wanfo Temple, but because of Is it true that you should retreat when the journey becomes difficult?”

"But Madam, we don't have anyone suitable to carry you up. Look, how about we go down the mountain now and rest for a while. After the servants have arranged the people, we can send you up the mountain after a while. What do you think? ?”

The Queen knew that what Nanny Sun said was the safest way.

But at this moment, looking at Qin Yining being held by Pang Xiao, looking at Qin Yining's clean clothes and the embarrassment on her body, the queen's sourness and unwillingness became more and more uncontrollable.

She is a queen, but in front of a court lady, she is unable to impress her. Qin was able to climb such a steep mountain because her man cared about her and was always by her side.

But even though she is already the most noble woman in the world, she can only envy others in this matter.

How could she be willing to do so?

Looking up at the steep mountain road that can be called a cliff again, the queen shook her head and said: "I must go up the mountain today." Looking back at Pang Xiao, "I believe that with the escort of the prince, I will be fine."

"Empress! You..."

"No more words."

The queen's voice firmly interrupted Nanny Sun's continued persuasion, then she smiled again and said, "With Prince Zhongshun here, what are you afraid of?"

Grandma Sun looked at the mountain road, and then at the prince and princess standing by hand holding hands without saying a word, and couldn't help but feel helpless.

It was normal for Prince Zhongshun to take his princess up the mountain, tug and hold, and even hug her. They are a couple. But what will happen if the Queen wants Prince Zhongshun to take care of her?

The road was very steep, and with the queen's usually pampered body, she would probably have to retreat from exhaustion and fear after a short walk. Could it be that the Queen was planning to let Pang Xiao treat her the same way she originally planned to help Qin Yining?

The queen seemed to be able to see through what Grandma Sun was thinking at a glance, and couldn't help but chuckle.

"It's okay, you don't have to worry. To put it bluntly, in my eyes, Prince Zhongshun is like a younger brother. How old was he when he became sworn sworn with the Holy Lord? The relationship between me and him is not far-reaching at least. It’s also an uncle-sister-in-law relationship. It’s just mountain climbing, so what’s not to climb?”

Seeing that the queen had made up her mind, Grandma Sun's lips twitched helplessly. She didn't know what she could say to make the queen give up today's trip.

The queen had already walked up to Pang Xiao, and was squeezing Qin Yining's fingers as if there was no one around her.

The sourness and jealousy seemed to fill her mouth again, and the queen smiled as usual, "Prince Zhongshun, can you help me?"

Pang Xiao carefully observed the words and expressions, and when he saw that the queen's expression was not fake, he put aside the uproarious scene these days for the time being.

Pang Xiao did not agree immediately, nor did he ask how many maids should be around or what they should eat and drink every day. "

Because the mountain road is steep, ordinary palace servants and maids cannot take the queen to the top of the mountain.

If one is not careful, the lives of innocent people may be injured.

When the queen saw Pang Xiao hesitate, her heart was filled with mixed feelings. Pang Xiao can take Qin Yining with him, and he is willing to carry her on his back, but she is different. Although she is the queen, in Pang Xiao's eyes, Qin Yining is the most important.

Such a huge gap made the queen bite her lower lip involuntarily.

Seeing the queen's expression, Pang Xiao lowered his eyes and began to think deeply. After a moment, he said helplessly: "Your Majesty, there are still guards around me. Why don't you let the guards escort you?"

The Queen's face changed after hearing this, and after a moment she said with a stern face: "Do you want those guards to come to see me off? Who are they and what are their identities? Are they loyal to Da Zhou? If it's loyalty, that's it. If it's not loyalty, that's it. What? Are you comfortable handing me over to others? And the most important point is that they are not worthy of touching me at all. Do I want to watch you go up the mountain while I can only wait at the bottom of the mountain? "

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