Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Fairyland Chapter 13 Immortal Eyes and Extreme Body Book

‘‘The Overlord’s Holy Heaven Technique’ – Stepless Technique’

"No steps again?"

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows, picked up the scroll and flipped through it——

"To practice this method, you need to have the qualifications of an overlord-like physique. Practicing this method can transform the spiritual energy into the overlord's true energy. This method is divided into seven levels. The first level is the overlord body, and the true energy tempers the whole body. The second level is the overlord's power, and the overlord's energy becomes powerful. Intimidate one side. The power of the triple hegemon shakes all sides..."

"Ning Bawang is really angry?"

Zhang Yun's eyes lit up.

He was worried about how to get the Overlord's Qi to help Wu Xiaopang activate the Overlord's Holy Body. Now it was good, the matching technique was sent directly to him!

He immediately picked up the scroll and prepared to leave the Immortal Master World.


But at this moment, the Immortal Master's warrant on the back of his hand suddenly lit up, and a message popped up——

‘Successfully matching the exercises for two apprentices, you get the right to match the exercises for yourself once! ’

"Self-matching skills? My own?"

Zhang Yun was startled, then his eyes flashed, and he immediately said: "It matches!"

Buzz! !

As soon as the words fell, the void in front of him immediately became distorted, and soon a white jade scroll appeared.

Zhang Yun quickly picked up——

"The Book of Immortal Eyes and Extreme Body" (Stepless Kung Fu)

This code is divided into two techniques, one is the Immortal Eye Technique, and the other is the Extreme Body Technique.

Immortal Eye Technique: Condensing the true energy in the eyes and running this technique can stimulate the second level potential of the Immortal Master's Heavenly Eye, which can see through the weaknesses of other monks and flaws in their martial arts and combat skills at a glance.

Extreme Body Technique: You need to have the Immortal Master's Returned Body to practice. Practicing this technique will open up the Extreme Body Technique. After the host reaches the peak of each major realm, it can open up ten additional peak realms by returning the cultivation base. Each time the host reaches the peak realm, the combat power will be greatly improved.

"I go!"

Zhang Yun's eyes were fixed.

This is not a skill at all, it is just to upgrade and strengthen his two golden fingers!

"Seeing through other people's weaknesses and flaws? If this is the case against an enemy..."

Zhang Yun clicked his tongue slightly.

With this ability, once a fight starts, he will hit the opponent's weak point with all his strength. Who can withstand it?

There is also the peak tenth level of this extreme body technique.

Judging from the combat power that his current Immortal Master Returned Body has brought to him, the combat power here has been greatly improved, and it is estimated that it will go directly to a higher realm.

For example, he is currently at the peak of the foundation building stage. If he breaks through to the tenth level of this peak, he might be able to directly surpass the golden elixir stage!

"What an unexpected surprise!"

Zhang Yun happily put away the scroll and immediately said to the immortal master: "Come out!"

In a blink of an eye, he was back in the cave.

Wu Xiaopang was still sitting there with his eyes closed.

Zhang Yun didn't say anything in a hurry. The spiritual energy in his body surged into his eyes and he used the Immortal Eye Technique to stare at the other person.

I saw a piece of red information appearing in his eyes——

[Wu Xiaopang]

Realm: First level of Qi refining stage

Kung Fu and combat skills practiced: Spirit Emerging Technique, Spirit Emerging Fist

Weaknesses: The speed is slow. The spiritual energy gathered by the practiced skills gathers at the back of the neck. This is the life gate. Attacking this part can easily severely damage it...

"Good guy, the life gate is out!"

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows.

After condensing the aura that gathered in his eyes, he looked at the information displayed by Wu Xiaopang. He had switched to the disciple information seen by the normal Immortal Master's Celestial Eye.

"It's still not intuitive for me to see the disciples. I'll try to find someone who is in the Golden Core stage later..."

Zhang Yun touched his chin and thought.

He also tried to use the Immortal Master's Sky Eye to see the elders of the Lingxian Sect before, but no information appeared.

At that time, the information that the Immortal Master's Celestial Eye could see was obviously limited to his disciples. Now that I have this Immortal Eye Technique, I should be able to see these elders.

After letting out a breath, Zhang Yun said, "Little Fatty, my master is now going to teach you a set of exercises. Please listen carefully!"

Wu Xiaopang, who was waiting with his eyes closed, perked up when he heard this and immediately pricked up his ears.

"This technique is called Overlord's Holy Heaven Technique..."

Zhang Yun picked up the skill scroll and read it to Wu Xiaopang.

Wu Xiaopang listened carefully, and saw that as he listened, his body involuntarily gathered spiritual energy and began to operate according to the content of the exercise.

The spiritual energy of the surrounding heaven and earth began to gather, visible to the naked eye.

It's just that it hasn't gathered much yet, the spiritual energy seems to be stuck somewhere, and the aura on Wu Xiaopang's body gradually becomes messy.

'The cyclone condensed on the back of the neck hinders the absorption of spiritual energy, allowing it to disperse the cyclone condensed by the inferior skills practiced'

Seeing the information popping out of his eyes, Zhang Yun immediately said, "The skills you practiced before have restricted your ability to condense and absorb spiritual energy and disperse the cyclone that you have previously accumulated in your body!"

"Master, this..."

Wu Xiaopang was a little hesitant when he heard this.

The cyclone condensed in his body, which he spent a lot of effort to condense, is now going to dissipate...

"Believe in me as a teacher!"

Zhang Yun said in a deep voice.

This sentence caused Wu Xiaopang's body to tremble, and he gritted his teeth, directly dispersing the whirlwind that had gathered on the back of his neck.


The moment the cyclone dispersed, it was like a valve switch was turned on, and a terrifying suction force suddenly erupted from Wu Xiaopang's body.

Like a huge magnet, it began to attract spiritual energy from all directions.

Zhang Yun didn't pay much attention to it at first, but his expression couldn't help but change as he watched.

Because the suction is getting more and more terrifying.

It started by absorbing the spiritual energy of the world around the cave, and gradually spread to absorbing the entire ninth peak, and then spread towards the other eighteen peaks of Lingxian Sect.

In just a few blinks, Wu Xiaopang had transformed into a humanoid spirit-gathering formation, frantically absorbing and gathering the spiritual energy of the entire Lingxian Sect...

For a moment, Lingxian Sect was shocked.

"What's going on? Why is the spiritual energy of the surrounding world flying away?"

"MD, I can't even absorb the circulation skills. What's going on with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth?"

"It's the Ninth Peak! The spiritual energy of heaven and earth is flying towards the Ninth Peak!!"

"Damn, what is the Ninth Peak doing? How can we absorb the spiritual energy of our Eighth Peak!!"

"Nima, don't go too far on the ninth peak. This is the spiritual energy of heaven and earth from our seventh peak. If you suck it like this, it's a bandit act!!"

"Damn, the dragon roar wasn't enough a few days ago, and now it's sucking in spiritual energy again? You can't let people practice it anymore!!"

As a monk, you are extremely sensitive to the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, especially those who are practicing.

At this moment, this spiritual energy was forcibly absorbed, and the cultivation of many monks from Lingxian Sect was forced to interrupt. They all discovered the strange phenomenon of the Ninth Peak and couldn't help but curse.

"What is that guy Zhang Yun doing again?"

The elders of Lingxian Sect were a little confused when they saw this.

A few days ago, there was a dragon roar from the Ninth Peak. They knew that Zhang Yun had accepted a disciple of the holy dragon spirit root, so they were not surprised.

What the hell is this that is sucking up the spiritual energy of the whole sect now?

The main peak.

The leader of Lingxian Sect was also confused.

what's going on?

Not long after Zhang Yuncai left the sect's main peak, why did he make such a big noise again?

Could it be that Longlinggen disciple again?

Not quite right!

He shook his head.

Not to mention that the other party caused strange phenomena in such a rapid succession, if it were really the Dragon Spirit Root disciple, breaking through and absorbing spiritual energy would usually be accompanied by the strange phenomena of dragon roars and roars. Not at the moment, most likely not the Dragon Spirit Root disciple.

Could it be Zhang Yun himself?

The leader of Lingxian Sect continued to shake his head as he thought.

Not too possible!

Even if Zhang Yun returns to the golden elixir stage, it is impossible to cause such a big movement.

"Why didn't you realize before that this kid is so capable of causing trouble?"

Unable to think of a reason, the leader of Lingxian Sect simply stopped thinking and just looked at Ninth Peak with a strange look in his eyes.

Then he shook his head.

Anyway, it didn't cause any harm to the Lingxian Sect. At most, it temporarily absorbed the spiritual energy of the world and stopped naturally after a while!

The tenth peak.

"What the hell is this bastard doing?"

Meng Zhong looked in the direction of the Ninth Peak next door with a gloomy expression.

He was practicing well, but the spiritual energy around him was suddenly sucked away, causing his practice to be interrupted and quite angry.

If he could, he really wanted to take a knife and kill Zhang Yun right away.

But at the same time, I was also surprised, how could this kind of movement of absorbing spiritual energy be caused?

Could it be that Xu Ming again?

Thinking about him makes him unhappy. How could such a genius fall into the hands of a loser like Zhang Yun?

"But accepting this genius may not be a good thing, it may even become a disaster!"

Suddenly thinking of something, the anger on Meng Zhong's face turned into a sneer, and he glanced at Ninth Peak: "You won't be able to jump for much longer!"

After about two minutes, this spiritual energy absorption stopped.

Everyone in Lingxian Sect breathed a sigh of relief.

If the spiritual energy continues to be absorbed by Ninth Peak like this, they won't need to practice anymore!

The ninth peak, inside the cave.

"Is this special physique activation practice so loud?"

Zhang Yun clicked his tongue as he watched Wu Xiaopang absorb the huge spiritual energy vortex condensed into the cave from all directions.

At this moment, Xiaopang Wu was like a silkworm spinning a cocoon and turning into a pupa. His whole body was wrapped in aura, forming a cocoon of light.

Zhang Yun could feel that Wu Xiaopang's aura was continuing to rise in the light cocoon.

One minute, two minutes...


After waiting for about ten minutes, I heard a crisp sound and a crack appeared on the light cocoon.

The next second...


The entire cocoon of light exploded.

A dazzling golden light suddenly swept out, followed by an aura that soared upwards like a rocket.

The third level of Qi refining stage, the fifth level of Qi refining stage, the seventh level of Qi refining stage...

The peak of Qi refining period!

Zhang Yun didn't even react when he saw that Wu Xiaopang's aura in front of him had reached the limit of the Qi refining stage.


Zhang Yun was stunned.

what's going on?

Is this the way this special physique awakens and achieves realm breakthroughs?

‘Your disciple Wu Xiaopang’s cultivation level has been raised from the first level of the Qi Refining Stage to the peak of the 10th level of the Qi Refining Stage, and you will receive a hundredfold return on your cultivation level! ’

At this time, the large amount of energy that suddenly emerged from his body made him say 'fuck', and he quickly sat down cross-legged and started refining.

"Just in time to try this extreme body art!"

As he started to run the Extreme Body Technique, the energy in his body suddenly started to sweep through his body like a rushing ocean wave.


Every sweep made Zhang Yun feel like electricity permeating his whole body, and every cell seemed to have been tempered. The numbing taste made him gasp, and he could clearly feel the strengthening of his body.


With one wave of impact after another, it was as if an invisible barrier existing in his body was being broken at this moment.

"The tenth level of the peak of the foundation building period begins!"

A message appeared in Zhang Yun's mind.

The next second, a whirlpool suddenly emerged from his body, bringing with it boundless suction, and began to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in all directions.

From the surroundings of the cave, to the entire ninth peak, to the other eighteen peaks of Lingxian Sect...

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth was swarming towards Zhang Yun like crazy at this moment!

"Nima, come again!?"

"Damn it, what on earth is this Ninth Peak doing? Are they going to stop letting people practice!?"

Everyone in the Lingxian Sect is going crazy!

Especially those who just sat down and finally gathered some spiritual energy but were robbed away, now they have the desire to kill!

This ninth peak is no longer allowed to be practiced, right?

One minute, two minutes...

Seeing this absorption not stopping for several minutes in a row, everyone in the Lingxian Sect felt numb.

Just when they were about to raise their swords and attack the Ninth Peak, this absorption finally stopped.

But they didn't put down their swords.

After waiting for a few minutes and confirming that Ninth Peak was no longer absorbing spiritual energy, they all put down their knives.

But everyone looked at Ninth Peak with unkind eyes. If they dare to do it again, they promise to kill Ninth Peak with their swords immediately!

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