"You...who are you?"

Hearing this, Canhun looked up at Zhang Yun, his big eyes full of uncertainty.

Seeing everything about him at a glance, he also has two evil disciples with saint-level physiques under his command. It is absolutely impossible for such a person to just be in a small foundation-building period!

Hidden strength!

This person definitely hides his strength!

His true strength is probably even stronger than he was during his lifetime! !

"I am the ninth elder of Lingxian Sect!"

Zhang Yun spoke calmly.

"Lingxian Sect, which super sect is this?" Canhun was confused.

Zhang Yun glanced at him.

This remnant soul seems to be older than imagined. Although Lingxian Sect is not an ancient sect, it has a history of over a hundred years.

Zhang Yun said calmly, "I can't say it's a super sect, but it still has some strength in Nanyun Prefecture. For example, our sect leader is a Nascent Soul stage boss!"

"Nascent Soul stage...boss?"

The remaining soul was stunned.

Are you kidding me?

With some strength, the sect leader is only at the Nascent Soul stage?

Return to the Nascent Soul stage boss, you are the real boss, okay!

"Okay, hurry up and hand over your inheritance, I can give you a pleasure! Otherwise..."

Zhang Yun was too lazy to talk nonsense to him and motioned to the two apprentices.

Xu Ming and Wu Xiaopang understood, and golden dragon spiritual energy and overlord true energy surged out of their hands respectively.

Seeing his threatening posture, Remnant Soul's mouth twitched and he said in a muffled voice: "I have left no inheritance!"


Zhang Yun was startled.

Thinking about it, there seems to be nothing wrong with it!

This guy even thought about seizing someone else's body and resurrecting it, so why should he leave a legacy?

"Damn it! If you don't have any inheritance, why are you hanging around here with me for a long time?"

Zhang Yun kicked Canhun directly in the face and waved his hand to the two apprentices: "Kill them!"

Xu Ming and Wu Xiaopang immediately released their Golden Dragon Spiritual Energy and Overlord True Energy.

They were also a little angry.

After a long time, this remnant soul left no inheritance at all, and their expectations were in vain!

"don't want!"

The remaining soul screamed.

But how could Xu Ming and Wu Xiaopang care about him? The golden dragon's spiritual energy and the Overlord's true energy poured into the remnant soul directly to death.

Within a few seconds, the remaining soul was completely eroded by the two energies and turned into a wisp of smoke.

"Is this... is he going to die?"

Xu Ming and Wu Xiaopang looked at it blankly.

A monk in the transformation stage really died in their hands like this?

Zhang Yun didn't feel much at all.

It's just a remnant soul of the god-transformation stage. Without this puppet body, it is equivalent to fish meat that has lost its fighting power. Killing it is no big deal.

He immediately said: "Go outside and search around. Although this thing didn't leave any inheritance, it may not have left some other things!"

"Yes, master!"

After hearing this, Xu Ming and his two men woke up. After answering, they left the small building and started searching outside.

Zhang Yunze searched inside the small building and used his spiritual energy to find his way along the wall bit by bit.

In the memory of his fused predecessor, he has a lot of experience searching for items. Although the small building in front of me seems to be empty except for the tea table, there may not be anything hidden in the surrounding walls.

After some groping, he actually found a spot on the wall that was obviously empty. But after searching, no wall-opening mechanism was found around.

On the contrary, directly opposite this empty wall, there happened to be the only landscape painting in the small building.

"Is there something wrong with this painting?"

Zhang Yun was not sure, so he stepped forward and tried to move the portrait.


With this movement, a burst of gear rotation was heard from the opposite wall.

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows and continued to move the portrait.

The opposite wall slowly opened under his gaze, revealing a circular notch the size of a basketball.

There is an iron box placed in the recess.

Zhang Yun was slightly curious, but he did not immediately step forward to open the box. Instead, he walked to the front and rear of the small building door, and then used aura to open the box remotely.

Don't ask, you're afraid of death if you ask!

After all, it is something left by a person in the stage of becoming a god. If there is a hidden Tao restriction or something in the box, Zhang Yun cannot guarantee that he can block it.


When the iron box is opened, there is no scene that prohibits the energy explosion.

This seems to be just an ordinary iron box. Looking inside the box from a distance, there is obviously a parchment scroll inside.

He fiddled with the iron box with his spiritual energy several times, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong with it, Zhang Yun stepped forward.

He reached out and touched the iron box, and immediately jumped away from the place as if he was electrocuted.

Seeing that the iron box still didn't respond when he touched it, An Xin stepped forward and took out the iron box and looked through the sheepskin scroll inside -

'In September 1900 of the Immortal Calendar, I was seriously injured here. I unexpectedly discovered that this place is rich in spiritual energy. I specially opened an underground cave here, hoeed the spiritual field, and planted all the elixir seeds I brought here, and regarded this place as my residence... '

‘In November 1900 of the Immortal Calendar, the injuries spread all over the body, and I feared that I would not die soon. Leave a legacy? I am not willing to give in! Qiandao old man, if you don’t die, how can I die like this? ’

'In January 1901 of the Immortal Calendar, I divided my soul, leaving some arrangements and a residual soul in the hope of being resurrected in the future...'

‘If the person who sees this content is not me, it means that my remaining soul has been destroyed. Whether it was destroyed by you who saw the scroll, or my remnant soul failed to find a suitable body and could not survive the years and has self-destructed. I hope that after seeing this scroll, you can do me a favor...'

‘South Star State, Qianhai Island in the Southern Territory, that is the territory of my enemy Qiandao Ancestor. The ancestor of Qiandao is a monk at the peak of the divine transformation stage. I hope that when you are able, you can help me kill him. As a reward, two of my abilities are recorded on the back of the scroll. One is the puppet technique; the other is the method of planting elixir...'

‘Finally, I would like to introduce myself. I am Zuoqiubei, a minor monk in the stage of becoming a god. I am a member of the Zuo family, the extinct family in Nanxingzhou! ’

The content of the first half of the scroll is similar to that of a diary.

Zuoqiubei was obviously the name of the previous remnant soul.

Zhang Yun has never heard of this Zuo family, but the name of Qianhai Island in South Star State is familiar to him.

There are six states in the southern region, and Nanyun Prefecture is one of them. Nanxingzhou is also one of them. And these Thousand Islands are the most famous and powerful force in the Southern Star State, and they are the famous overlord of the Southern Territory!

Offending such a force, no wonder Zuo Qiubei was seriously injured and fell to this point.

But looking at the time, it has been a long time since now. It is now the year 2090 of the Immortal Calendar, which is almost two hundred years ago.

"So, the batch of elixirs just now are all elixirs that are close to two hundred years old?"

Zhang Yun couldn't help but raise his eyebrows as he thought about it.

There is still a big difference in value between a century-old elixir that is almost two hundred years old and an ordinary hundred-year-old elixir.

This diary provided him with useful information.

As for avenging Zuoqiubei?

Zhang Yun had no such plan.

This guy wanted to take away him and his apprentice before, but he also helped them take revenge? I want to eat shit!

Besides, the enemy is still a hegemonic force like Qianhai Island!

This revenge will definitely not be avenged. But you still have to get the reward!

Zhang Yun looked at the content at the back of the scroll, and it turned out to be about the puppet technique. It recorded in detail how to make a crystal core puppet like the one he encountered before, as well as the control technique.

This made Zhang Yun's eyes brighten.

What a good thing!

Puppet spells are not unusual, but their quality varies. The quality of the puppet technique in front of me is above the passing line. Especially the method of making a soul puppet, which can accommodate three crystal cores and a puppet with a residual soul at the same time. This method of making a puppet is unheard of and can be regarded as a unique method.

If you put this on the Immortal Cultivation Market, it will definitely fetch a good price!

There is also a method for planting elixirs later, which records a lot of useful experience, and it is also rare.

"He also said he didn't leave any inheritance, so I almost deceived you!"

Zhang Yun glanced at the puppet's remains on the ground.

These two methods can be regarded as a kind of inheritance!


Putting the scroll into the storage ring, Zhang Yun was startled when he saw the bottom of the iron box exposed underneath.

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