Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Across the Southern Region Chapter 371 Natural Demonic Qi

What's the meaning?

Don't like her?

Seeing Wu Haihai diving back into the pool of blood, Ran Ran couldn't help but touch her face.

She looks quite cute!

But seeing Wu Haihai diving back into the pool of blood without looking back, she couldn't help but doubt herself.

Isn't she no longer cute after sleeping for many years?

Zhang Yun didn't know what she was thinking. Seeing that she kept staring at the soul beast blood pool, he thought he was embarrassed, and immediately smiled and said: "Ran Ran, this blood pool is specially prepared for you by the master. If you want to take a dip, you don't have to. What are you worried about?"

"Okay, Master!"

Ran Ran woke up after hearing the words, nodded to him, and immediately jumped into the soul beast blood pool.

Staring at Wu Haihai not far away, I couldn't help but get closer.

Zhang Yun smiled slightly when he saw this.

I am also curious in my heart.

Although the skills he practiced were shabby, Ran Ran was not like an ordinary child in every aspect.

Cultivation, soul, physical strength...the three most important aspects of a monk. Cultivation reaches the peak of the Nascent Soul stage at the age of six. This is basically impossible without special training.

As for soul and body, Ran Ran is equally good.

Especially the physical strength!

With the blessing of the Witch's Holy Body, Ran Ran's physical strength may not be as strong as his, but it has definitely reached the level of the Void Refining Stage.

A six-year-old girl with a body as strong as the Void Refining Stage...

Just looking at it made Zhang Yun smack his tongue.

There is also the soul aspect, which is regarded as the weakest link of Ran Ran, but it has also reached the Nascent Soul stage.

After soaking in the soul beast's blood pool for a while to increase the strength of the soul, and then throwing in a wave of resources, it was only a matter of time before he could slowly break through to the stage of becoming a god.

Among the seven apprentices that Zhang Yun has accepted so far, Ran Ran can be regarded as the most perfect in three aspects.

The only flaw is the lack of good exercises.

Astrological magic fills this point.


Suddenly thinking of something, Zhang Yun immediately left the Ten Thousand Beasts Blood Pool and came to the Ten Thousand Realms Kung Fu Pavilion.

Immediately match the skills for Ranran.

This time I got permission three times, matched with Zhou Kan once, and there are two more left.

Match completed!

‘‘The Mysterious Record of Witches’ – Stepless Kung Fu Technique’

‘To practice this method, you need to possess the Holy Body of a Witch. This method can stimulate the potential of the witch's holy body and awaken the natural demonic energy. This method is divided into seven transformations, the first transformation is the natural witch, the second transformation is the queen of demons, and the third transformation is the daughter of the heavenly demon...'

Zhang Yun breathed out after looking at the contents of the technique.

Since he is a demon cultivator, he is a little worried that he will be matched with that kind of evil skill, such as a skill that improves his own by absorbing other people's energy or life.

The main reason why demonic cultivators are regarded as street rats in the Immortal Continent is that most of the techniques practiced by demonic cultivators are evil in this area.

Although he is not a good person, he does not want his disciples to practice such evil skills.

This Witch Mysterious Record is not bad, it is mainly used to stimulate the potential and improvement of the Witch's Holy Body.

"It seems that there is a chance that we need to obtain some magic energy resources..."

Zhang Yun touched his chin.

He does have a part of him, the Heavenly Demon Pill he got from killing Old Demon Ankang, and the demon flesh and blood he got from the Demon Baoyu in the Demon Sand Land. These are all excellent magic energy resources.

But if you want to train a demon cultivator disciple, these alone are obviously not enough.

Immediately return to the Blood Pool of Ten Thousand Beasts.

Called Ran Ran up from the blood pool.

"Master will teach you a skill now, sit down and listen!"

Zhang Yun put down a futon and spoke.

"Kung Fu?"

Ran Ran was surprised.

Didn't he just give her the magic power of astrology?

But without much hesitation, he sat down on the futon cross-legged.

Zhang Yun immediately recounted the contents of the Witch's Mysterious Record.


As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a surging demonic energy emerging from Ranran's body.

"Demon energy?"

This attracted the attention of Wu Xiaopang and others nearby, who looked at Ran Ran surrounded by demonic energy in surprise.

Zhang Yun said: "Your seventh junior sister is a demon cultivator!"

Wu Xiaopang and others were a little surprised.

After all, demonic cultivation is considered taboo. If the Alliance of Light knows what the master is doing, there will definitely be a lot of trouble.

But thinking about it, I shook my head.

Since the master is willing to accept him as his disciple, it means that this seventh junior sister has merits that attract the master. As for whether he is a demon cultivator, what do they care about?

Seeing that Wu Xiaopang and others didn't react much, Zhang Yun breathed a sigh of relief.

He deliberately taught the techniques next to the Blood Pool of Ten Thousand Beasts just to see the reactions of his disciples.

If he had a big grudge against the demon cultivator, he might as well do some work in advance. To avoid discovering it again in the future, it will only cause more trouble!

As for the Alliance of Light, after experiencing this turbulent world, his thoughts on this organization have completely changed.

I originally thought it was a powerful force of justice, but in reality, it was nothing more than that.

There are even moths inside...

Thinking of the one who kidnapped their sect leader.


He took a deep breath. He might become enemies with the Alliance of Light in the future!

But thinking about the green masked man at that time, he felt a little unhappy.

This time in the original demon city, the only thing he suffered was that the evil shadow branch was taken away.

I originally thought of relying on Zuorang to track him, but I didn't expect that the other party would directly kill Zuorang.

So much so that he couldn't find the other party in the end.

Wait, after he finished solving Gu Tuo and several other Void Refining Stages before, among the people present it seemed...

Zhang Yun was a little unsure.

At that time, attention was directly attracted to the three leaders of Qian Shen Cult, and there were still some positions that were not scanned. And then the monster Elder Mo arrived, so that he had no time or ability to pay attention anymore.


Shake his head slightly.

At this time, a white gas suddenly rose up in front of him.

Ran Ran, who was originally surrounded by black demonic energy, was now surrounded by this white gas.

Zhang Yun was startled and used the Immortal Eye Technique——

【Natural magic energy】

Introduction: One of the purest types of magic energy, it has a suppressive effect on all types of non-pure magic energy. This gas is white in color, and the color will become darker as the purity continues to increase...

"White demonic energy?"

Zhang Yun was a little surprised.

At this time, Ran Ran also opened her eyes, and her pupils were filled with white, giving people a very strange feeling.

But soon, the eye color returned to normal.

Zhang Yun immediately said: "Have you felt the demonic energy of your talent?"


Ran Ran nodded, his eyes slightly excited: "Master, what level of technique is this Witch Xuan Lu?"

"The level is not important, but it is the most suitable technique for you!"

Zhang Yun touched her head and said with a smile: "Next, improve your soul level in the soul beast blood pool. When it is enough, I will help you reach the stage of becoming a god!"


Ran Ran's eyes lit up and she nodded quickly.

The look in Zhang Yun's eyes has completely changed.

Originally, in her eyes, the guy who looked like a pretty boy in front of her was not a good thing. When they met, he snatched her demonic flesh and blood. But as she was now becoming a disciple, first she received a volume of heaven-level skills, and now she was given a skill of unknown level, but one that activated her innate demonic energy.

Maybe she is lucky to have this master!

"You have gained the approval of your apprentice Ran Ran!"

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