Nan Shang City is the largest trading city in the southern region of Nanyun Prefecture. This is also known as Xiaoshi Cave. To put it simply, it is the place where spiritual stones are destroyed.

It is said that once you enter this place, no matter how many spiritual stones you bring, you will be able to spend them all.

This city is also one of the few cities in the southern region that is not under the jurisdiction of Lingxian Sect and Nanshan Sect. Because this city is backed by Nanzangbao Pavilion, the giant chamber of commerce in the southern region, the city has the largest branch of Nanzangbao Pavilion in the southern region of Nanyun Prefecture.

Zhang Yun spent two days arriving outside the city.

Entering the city, he was stopped by a row of guards.

Zhang Yun took out ten spiritual stones before the guards let him go.

This is the rule of Nan Shang City. As a trading city, you have to trade when you enter the city. Ten spiritual stones are equivalent to a ticket to the city.

Stepping into the city, you will see a gorgeous scene in front of you, and under this gorgeous city area are countless small stalls. There are stall owners in front of each stall, selling a variety of items.

Elixirs, elixirs, weapons, exercises, armor...

Almost everything a monk can use can be found here.

This can be regarded as a characteristic of South Mall. There are such trading stalls from the beginning to the end of the city, but the quality of the items sold at these stalls depends on personal discernment.

Because anyone can spend a few spiritual stones to rent a stall, and it’s up to you to decide what items to sell. These will not be specially inspected. So when buying things from these stalls, you have to keep your eyes peeled.

"Low-grade elixir, Snow Lotus Pill. The quality is inferior. The efficacy of the drug is seriously lost, and it can only exert less than 30% of its efficacy!"

"Low-grade elixir, White Fire Vine. Year, 5 years. Due to improper handling during picking, the efficacy of the medicine was seriously lost!"

"Sharp weapon, water iron knife. Quality: average. Black iron stone is used for forging, but the skill of the knife maker is limited and the blade is brittle. It may be broken during battle!"

Zhang Yun glanced over, and the Immortal Master's Heavenly Eye brought him pieces of information.

"The Immortal Master's Heavenly Eye is truly omnipotent!"

With a curl of the corner of his mouth, he immediately stepped into the street and scanned the area with his Immortal Master's Heavenly Eyes.

You can tell the quality of various things at a glance.

Buy the good things you need one by one.

After sweeping all the way and walking two streets, Zhang Yun found that half of the spiritual stone on his body was missing.

"Oh My God!"

You know, he now carries more than 200,000 spirit stones. This includes the trophies collected from the exchange meeting and the 110,000 spirit stones won from the master of the Nanshan Sect. We have only walked two streets to Nan Shang City, but we have already spent more than 100,000 spiritual stones.

As an elder, his annual salary is only two thousand spirit stones. This is equivalent to spending decades of salary!

"No wonder it's called Xiaoshi Cave!"

Zhang Yun breathed out.

He has to be more economical next, after all, he still has two apprentices to support!

Head all the way towards the south treasure pavilion branch in the city. Although he resisted and wanted to stop buying anything along the way, he couldn't help it because of the things that caught his immortal eye at various stalls.

After spending nearly 50,000 spiritual stones in this way, he finally reached the gate of the South Treasure Pavilion branch.

"Just make up for it from here!"

Looking at the luxuriously decorated three-story attic in front of him, Zhang Yun thought and stepped into it.

When he came to the South Mall this time, in addition to buying some cultivation items that he and his two disciples could use, he was also planning to sell some of the hundred-year-old elixirs he had previously obtained in the underground cave.

There are not many chambers of commerce that have the ability to take these century-old elixirs. Zhang Yun doesn't know much about this, but he is sure that Nan Zangbao Pavilion must be one of them.

Although he didn't like Mu Wenxuan, the young master of the South Treasure Pavilion, he still had to deal with the South Treasure Pavilion when doing business in the Southern Territory.


As soon as I entered the pavilion, I heard a clear and sweet sound like an oriole coming from both sides.

He saw two rows of young and beautiful women, wearing low-cut cheongsam, all bowing and smiling at him.

The sight of white flowers made Zhang Yun's face tremble, and he hurriedly walked inward without squinting.

"What does this guest need?"

Just after passing between these two rows of girls, another woman wearing the same cheongsam, but more mature came forward.

Although Zhang Yun was dressed tightly, the woman didn't pay attention, with a smile that made people feel like spring breeze on her face.

Zhang Yun glanced at the other party and said, "I want to sell some high-grade elixirs!"

"Some high-quality elixir?"

The mature woman's eyes brightened slightly, and she quickly made a "please" gesture: "Please come with me, my guest!"

Zhang Yun nodded and followed the other person inside.

On the first floor of the attic is a wide hall with many counters. The flow of people coming and going is not much worse than the street outside. And for every guest who comes in, there is a cheongsam woman in front of him to lead the way.

Zhang Yun looked at and nodded slightly.

It makes sense for Nanzangbao Pavilion to become bigger, at least in terms of service.

The mature woman took him up the wide stairs to the second floor. Many people around were going up to the second floor.

When we arrived on the second floor, we saw that almost all of these people were being led in one direction.

Zhang Yun was curious: "Where are they going?"

"Guests, they are going to the auction venue. Today is the day of the March auction of our Nanshang branch!" the mature woman answered with a smile.


Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows and asked immediately: "Then can my elixir be put up for auction?"

If his century-old elixir were put up for auction, it would be much better than selling it directly. Although part of the commission will be taken away by the organizer, generally the rarer and more precious the item is, the higher the price it will fetch at auction.

For example, the Baby Transformation Pill has a market price of 100,000 spirit stones, but if it is auctioned, it may be possible to sell it for 150,000 spirit stones, or even 200,000 spirit stones.

There is no other reason, scarcity is king!

It goes without saying that the century-old elixir is rare.


The mature woman hesitated for a moment and said: "If the customer wants to put things up for sale at the auction, the value needs to be evaluated by our sect leader in advance. But now the auction is about to start, if it is just an ordinary high-grade elixir if……"

She didn't say any more, but the meaning was clear.

Zhang Yundao: "What if it is a hundred-year-old top-grade elixir?"

"Hundred...hundred years??"

The mature woman's eyes suddenly widened, and she quickly said: "I'm still treating you... Your distinguished guest will come with me!"

As he spoke, he hurriedly stepped forward, his posture obviously becoming more respectful.

Zhang Yun didn't pay attention and followed him all the way to a door. The mature woman gently knocked on the door.


Soon a voice came from inside.

"Invite you!"

The mature woman opened the door and made a 'please' gesture to Zhang Yun.

Zhang Yun nodded and walked in.

The room was very spacious, with a red animal skin carpet on the floor, a coffee table and a sofa inside, and a desk next to it. At this moment, standing next to the desk, was a middle-aged man wearing a Chinese robe, with a clean face and a meticulous look.

"Deacon Lin, this distinguished guest has a hundred-year-old high-grade elixir that he would like to take part in this auction!" The mature woman spoke immediately.

"A century-old top-grade elixir!?"

Deacon Lin, who didn't pay much attention at first, his eyes narrowed when he heard this. He quickly looked at Zhang Yun, not paying attention to his tightly wrapped attire, and asked politely: "I wonder what your distinguished guest is called?"


Zhang Yun spat out a word lightly.

"It turns out to be Mr. Yun, please sit down!"

Deacon Lin nodded, stretched out his hand to gesture towards the sofa, and at the same time glanced at the mature woman.

The latter understood and immediately exited the room.

Zhang Yun was not polite and sat down on the sofa. Seeing that the other party was about to make tea, he waved his hand: "I don't need tea. Let's just take a look!"

As he spoke, he took out three brocade boxes from the storage ring.


Deacon Lin put down the teapot and was surprised when he saw the three brocade boxes in front of him. Are there three hundred-year-old elixirs?

One of them was opened slightly.

A faint fruity medicinal fragrance gushed out, and when he saw the earthy yellow fruit inside, Deacon Lin perked up: "This is... a century-old earth spirit fruit!?"

Zhang Yun nodded, not too surprised that the other party could name the elixir at a glance.

To become a deacon of a large chamber of commerce like Nan Zang Bao Pavilion, you basically need to master some skills. The person in front of me is probably a treasure appraiser!

"It's a soil spirit fruit, but the year to be precise is one hundred and ninety!" Zhang Yun said lightly.

"One hundred and ninety years?"

Deacon Lin raised his eyebrows, looked at it carefully, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Mr. Yun, I'm just blind!"

"It doesn't matter!"

Zhang Yun waved his hand: "Continue to look at the remaining two types. Your auction should start soon, right? Hurry!"


Deacon Lin nodded.

"A hundred-year-old heavenly herb? A hundred-year-old three-leaf rhombus?"

After opening the two brocade boxes and taking a look at each, Deacon Lin couldn't help but open his mouth slightly, and quickly realized something: "These... these are all close to two hundred years old!?"

Zhang Yun nodded and said: "Let's evaluate it!"

"Mr. Yun, this auction is divided into two stages. This earth spirit fruit can be auctioned at the finale of the first stage. What do you think?" Deacon Lin said.

Zhang Yun waved his hand: "You can arrange the order of the auction. Let's talk about the commission!"

"If you take a commission..."

Deacon Lin pondered for a moment and raised three fingers: "I'll charge you 3%, what do you think?"


Zhang Yun nodded.

The general commission for auctions is 10%, and the proportion will be reduced for some high-value lots. Three percent is very fair!

As for only taking out three high-grade elixirs, it was because things are rare and valuable. The most rare thing about a century-old elixir is that it is rare. If too many appear at once, the value will be suppressed.

Three kinds, no more, no less!

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