"The world behind the Shackles Gate?"

Hearing this name, Su Die was a little surprised: "Where is that place?"

Zhang Yun shook his head and said: "But it should be related to those immortals!"


Su Die opened her mouth and digested it for a while before asking: "Will you go to that place in the future?"


Zhang Yun nodded.

"Then take me with you!"

Su Die said unceremoniously: "I have many advantages. Not only is I a top spiritual chef, but I am also...wait a minute, you!!"

As she was speaking, her eyes suddenly widened.

Just because Zhang Yun directly held her in his arms and kissed her on the face: "Stop chirping, you are all my people. Wherever I go from now on, I will naturally take him with me." Fuck you!"

Su Die opened her mouth and was a little stunned.

"Okay, you can practice well here. I will come and pamper you when I finish my work!"

Before he could react, he heard Zhang Yun leave a word and left the Kujin Immortal Palace directly.


Only then did Su Die come back to her senses, her beautiful face turned red instantly, "You..."

He wanted to curse something, but he spat out the word and was speechless for a long time.

It's just that his face is getting redder and redder.


Finally, Yinya gritted his teeth and simply sat down cross-legged to practice.

But I couldn't calm down for a long time.

It took a while before I was finally able to start practicing.

Zhang Yun looked funny.

He shook his head and now returned to Universiade's back, continuing to take out the sound transmission dominoes to communicate.

All he can do now is to keep confirming the new news from the Southern Territory.

In the Southern Territory, on the island of the first sect of Immortal Dao.

"Isn't the clone of the sect leader back yet?"

Gu Hongwen looked into the distance and asked with furrowed brows.

Fang Sheng and Yu Ji beside him shook their heads.

"That little... ahem, since the main body of the sect master is so anxious and hastily sent people to spread the news, the clone that left earlier may have had some accident..."

You Xinyuan said from the side: "Don't stay here, hurry up and enter the space tunnel!"

"Elder You, please come too!"

Gu Hongwen and others spoke.

You Xinyuan shook his head, looked into the distance and said: "No matter what is coming next, someone has to delay it for a while until the little... sect leader comes back. The sect-protecting formation on this island was arranged by me. It’s best to stay!”

"Elder Keyou..."

"Stop talking nonsense and hurry up!"

You Xinyuan interrupted Gu Hongwen and others who were still about to say something, and said: "I have a premonition that it will come soon..."

Upon seeing this, Gu Hongwen and others stopped insisting and quickly led the last group of people into the space tunnel.

It’s just that I haven’t finished entering yet…

Boom——! !

In the blue sea in the distance, a huge wave suddenly rose, and an extremely terrifying aura spurted out.

Even though there was a distance, the entire island of the First Immortal Sect trembled.

You Xinyuan's expression condensed, and he quickly activated the formation on the island, forming a huge circle of light covering the entire island.

Boom——! !

However, as soon as it was started, there was another wave of waves in the distance, causing it to tremble forcibly.

Just in the distant aftermath, the entire formation mask felt like it was on the verge of collapse.


You Xinyuan twitched the corner of his mouth and rushed directly to the entrance of the space tunnel without thinking.

Gu Hongwen and others who had not yet fully entered were stunned when they saw this.

"Why are you still standing there? Hurry in!"

You Xinyuan rushed over quickly and urged: "We cannot stop this kind of existence. Hurry to the secret realm of the Sea Witch Fairy Kingdom and destroy the space tunnel!"

Saying that, he squeezed directly into the space tunnel.


Gu Hongwen and others opened their mouths.

Aren’t you going to stay behind and procrastinate?

"Still stunned? Those in front of you should get over quickly!!"

Seeing them standing in front of him, You Xinyuan became furious.

Especially when another wave of "rumbling" came from the distance, he hurriedly kicked in the blocked space tunnel in front of him, and then rushed into it.

When we are about to enter the secret territory of Sea Witch Fairy Kingdom...

Rumble——! !

A huge earthquake shook the entire blue ocean, causing the endless void to tremble crazily.

The space tunnel that You Xinyuan and others were in was shaking, as if it might be shaken apart at any time.

"No wonder that boy is so anxious..."

You Xinyuan twitched the corner of his mouth and quickly took out a sound-transmitting jade tablet: "Quickly inform that boy that there is a big noise here in Lanhai. It should be that something that that boy is worried about has come out. Tell that boy to come back quickly!!"

After saying that, he didn't care about anything else and rushed into the entrance of the Sea Witch Fairy Kingdom's secret realm. At the same time, he told Manwu and Manhong who were responsible for guarding the entrance: "Destroy the space tunnel and block the entrance directly after entering!"

Manwu and Manhong sensed movement in the distance, realized the seriousness of the situation, and quickly nodded to destroy the space tunnel.

He quickly entered the secret realm of Sea Witch Fairyland and sealed the entrance.

At the same time, a member of the Butterfly Palace in Nanyun Prefecture received news from You Xinyuan.

"That boy?"

The members of the Butterfly Palace were a little confused by this title, but they quickly passed it on to the next stop: "Quickly inform that boy, this side of the blue sea..."

"Quickly inform that boy, this side of Lanhai..."

"Quickly inform that boy, this side of Lanhai..."

The message travels all the way.

It was quickly transmitted to the sound transmission domino in Zhang Yun's hand in the endless void of the middle domain.

"Damn it!"

After receiving the news, Zhang Yun's face darkened.

This was much faster than he expected!

He quickly asked: "Great Fortune, where are you now?"

"Young Master, we have arrived at the edge of the Central Domain..."

Dayunyun replied: "You can reach the Southern Territory in a quarter of an hour at most!"

Zhang Yun said: "As fast as you can, try your best to rush there!"

Roar--! !

Universiade responded with a bear roar, and the five circles of silver patterns on his body bloomed with light.

Bear King Stance!

They directly launched the inherited combat skills of their Space Bear King. The aura of their whole body surged to the level of the Mahayana Stage in a short time, and their speed suddenly exploded as they shuttled forward.

Zhang Yun looked towards the South Territory and couldn't help clenching his fists.

Although the first branch of the Immortal Dao has all entered the secret realm of the Sea Witch Immortal Kingdom, this kind of secret realm can be broken easily as long as it is discovered in the Mahayana stage.

Now I can only pray that the secret realm of Sea Witch Fairy Kingdom can be discovered later...

Southern Territory, deep in the blue sea.

An astonishing beam of demonic energy rose into the sky, shaking the entire sea area and even Nanyun Province.

At this moment, the entire Nanyun Prefecture seemed to be caught in an earthquake, shaking constantly.

Countless creatures in the state were stunned.

Some monks flew to the blue sea with their swords, trying to find out.

But before he even got close, the demonic energy suddenly exploded, crushing him into a ball of blood and exploding on the spot.


Under the demonic light beam in the depths of the blue sea, a roar that had been sealed for many years resounded: "I finally came out——!!"

Around the magic energy beam, there were many figures including Ziwei Witch standing at this moment. They all raised their hands and congratulated under the magic energy beam: "Congratulations, sir, for breaking the seal!"

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