The leader of Lingxian Sect has arrived!

On the back of the exclusive spirit crane, there were two more people carrying it at this time.

One of them was Mu Sheng, and there was a young man in white. This is the third disciple of the leader of Lingxian Sect, Wu Yang!

When the Lingxian Sect disciples present saw these two people, their eyes were full of fear.

There is a ranking list of disciples in the Lingxian Sect, and Mu Sheng has always been firmly at the top. This is why he was so arrogant when he faced Zhang Yun.

Perhaps even worse than the elder Mu Sheng of the Golden Core stage. But among the disciples of Lingxian Sect, he is considered the most outstanding.

And this Wu Yang is not bad either, ranking among the top five Lingxian Sect disciples in terms of strength.

【Mu Sheng】

Realm: Peak of foundation building period

Kung Fu and combat skills practiced: Triple Spiritual Sword Technique, Inch Fist Strength...

Weaknesses: Weak mental attributes, afraid of strong coercion and soul-related means.

【Wu Yang】

Realm: Peak of foundation building period

Physique: Top grade fire spirit root body

Kung Fu and combat skills practiced: Spiritual Fire Technique, Fire King Fist...

Weaknesses: Using flame aura as the main means, if it encounters a water attribute monk whose aura purity is higher than that of flame aura, he will be defeated instantly.

Zhang Yun specially used the Immortal Eye Technique to look at it, and then sent a message to Xu Ming and the others below: "If you encounter these two people next, Shui'er will be responsible for dealing with Wu Yang. If Mu Sheng says, Ming'er, you can directly release the Golden Dragon with all your strength. Pressure him, and Xiaopang is responsible for the attack!"

Xu Ming and the others were startled when they heard this, and nodded to him on the high platform.

Zhang Yun said no more.

In this disciple competition, Mu Sheng was the most difficult to deal with among the disciples, so he had to be on guard.

After all, it was difficult to guarantee that Mu Sheng could not defeat him and would not have any thoughts about his apprentice.

As the leader of Lingxian Sect arrived, other elders of Lingxian Sect also arrived one after another.

When the eighteen elders arrived.

The leader of the Lingxian Sect stood up and spoke loudly to the disciples who had already arrived: "Disciples present, you may be a little confused, why is this year's disciple competition brought forward? I would like to tell you that the reason for the advance is that this year happens to be the This is the year of the sect competition. Due to special reasons, the sect competition will start early. In order to meet the time, the disciple competition can only be moved forward! "

After a pause, "Maybe some disciples don't understand this sect competition. It is a grand event jointly organized by our thirty-six sects in Nanyun Prefecture. It is held every three years, and the participants are all from Nanyun Prefecture. Top genius disciples. As one of the organizers, our sect will have fifty places to participate, and these fifty places will be directly allocated to the fifty disciples who perform best in this disciple competition!"

"In order to encourage everyone, any disciple who ranks among the top fifty in this competition will not only get the chance to participate in the sect competition. Each person will be rewarded with a fine weapon and two thousand spiritual stones. !”


As soon as he said this, the venue was filled with excitement.

Many young disciples have bright eyes.

Not to mention sharp weapons and weapons, just two thousand spirit stones are enough to drive them crazy!

For these disciples, unless the master provides it, the normal supply from the sect is only 500 spiritual stones per year. This is still the treatment for high-level disciples in the Foundation Establishment Stage. Most low-level disciples in the Foundation Establishment Stage can only get two to three hundred spiritual stones a year. There are even fewer disciples in the Qi refining period.

Therefore, when they practice, most of the spiritual stones are broken into two pieces.

Two thousand spiritual stones is a huge sum of money to them!

If they can get it, it will be enough for them to practice freely for a period of time!

Looking at the many excited disciples present, the three of Xu Ming couldn't help but look at each other.

Although this amount of spiritual stones is quite a lot according to the disciples' normal thinking, they don't seem to need to be so excited. Well, the main reason is that every time the master gives them spiritual stones, it often costs several thousand yuan.

The three of them couldn't help but glance at Zhang Yun on the high platform.

Thinking about it now, they realized how happy they were to have this master!

"This year's disciple competition is divided into two rounds..."

The leader of Lingxian Sect spoke again at this time, "The first round is a melee. Disciples, you should have seen the disciple tower, right? Yes, this is the venue for your first round!"

"The disciple tower is divided into five floors. Starting from the second floor, there are some such command flags hidden on each floor..."

As he said that, he took out a palm-sized command flag embroidered with the word 'ling': "What you have to do is to enter it and get a command flag, then climb to the fifth floor of the disciple tower and put the command flag in it." There are only a hundred such command flags in the disciple tower on the fifth floor. This means that only a hundred disciples will eventually enter the next round!"

As soon as these words came out, all the disciples present looked condensed.

You know, there are nearly a thousand disciples present. Only a hundred people can advance, the difficulty is self-evident!

"The four-sided tower doors on the first floor of the disciple tower have been opened. Now all disciples go to the tower door and prepare to enter!"

Hearing the words from the leader of the Lingxian Sect, nearly a thousand disciples present all moved together and rushed to the disciple tower on the edge of the venue.

On the first floor of the tower, there are four doors in four directions. Each door is nearly ten meters wide, enough to accommodate dozens of people rushing in together.

At this moment, nearly a thousand disciples were divided into four groups and came to the four doors. They crowded with each other and wanted to stand in front.

Some disciples could no longer hold back their spiritual energy.

"Before this sect announces the start, no one is allowed to use spiritual energy. Anyone who violates this rule will be eliminated directly!"

The words of the leader of the Lingxian Sect made these disciples tremble and quickly gather their spiritual energy.

For a while, those who could not squeeze to the front of the four tower gates could only stand at the back.

Of course, some disciples did not bother to squeeze in at all and stood directly at the back.

Among them were Mu Sheng, Wu Yang, and the chief disciples of the elders.

This is a sign of confidence!

Zhang Yun was staring at the south gate of the tower. At this moment, Xu Ming and the others were not crowded, and they stood at the back and waited quietly.

The other elders also noticed.

In their opinion, Xu Ming and the others knew that there was little hope, so they did not want to fight!

After all, no matter how strong Zhang Yun is now, his three apprentices have just started. It is basically impossible to get a good ranking in the disciple competition!

Looking at Zhang Yun's name on the stone pillar next to him, which ranked first among the elders in the year, many elders secretly sneered.

This ranking will be removed soon!

This year, due to time constraints, this melee elimination format was directly used in the first round. In their opinion, this form is the most unfavorable to Zhang Yun.

The elder's score in the disciple competition is based on the disciple's overall performance in the competition. It is the most difficult to show off in this kind of melee.


Many elders' eyes fell on the rear end of the south side of the tower, where besides Xu Ming and others, Mu Sheng and Wu Yang were standing.

Looking at Mu Sheng's posture, they knew what he wanted to do without having to guess.

In front of the south gate of the tower.

Mu Sheng looked at Xu Ming and the three people in front of him with sneers, and couldn't help but glance at Zhang Yun on the high platform from afar.

He has been waiting for this opportunity for revenge for a long time!

He had embarrassed him several times, and today he had to embarrass Zhang Yun no matter what he said!

As long as Xu Ming and the others are eliminated, even if Zhang Yun has the highest points now, he will definitely fall out of the top three in the end.

Although Zhang Yun's current strength is justified, the removal was approved at the previous meeting after all.

The sect leader will definitely not cheat.

By then...

Thinking of this, Mu Sheng and many people who didn't like Zhang Yun sneered secretly.

"Now listen to my instructions!"

At this time, the leader of Lingxian Sect spoke.

Outside the disciple tower, many disciples looked tense.


The leader of the Lingxian Sect raised his hand and waved it down vigorously.


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