During the summer vacation, many students come to the secret place to practice.

Xu Xuan, a seedling with good talent, also encountered a lot, but unfortunately, none of them fit the secret technique of the exercises in his hands.

Such days lasted until one morning in mid-August.

The secret realm welcomed two students.

The former has a tall figure, handsome appearance, a face like a crown jade, sword eyebrows and starry eyes, and qi Yuxuanang, and has attracted the attention of countless girls as soon as he enters the door.

The girls all turned into peach blossom eyes.

This person is so handsome that Xu Xuan doesn't know how to describe it, if he has to say it, it can only be said that this person is the only person who is a little threatening to his appearance so far.

"Mentor Xu, he is Long Aotian."

Next to Xu Xuan, a colleague explained: "This kid used to be called Long Weiguo, but he was very dissatisfied with the rustic name, so he changed it to Long Aotian.

Young people do not understand, that's it.

Xu Xuan smiled, "What about the other one?" Is it Sun Xiaokong? The

colleague nodded and said, "Yes, this Sun Xiaokong is also an arrogant lord, and since he was enrolled, he has said everywhere that he is a man who will surpass the Dinghai King in the future."

Three hundred years since the establishment of Dinghai Academy, no one has ever been so crazy.

The two people are called 'Dinghai Two Madness', but unfortunately this freshman is not powerful, if it is placed in the era of Lord Shuiyuewang, one sword can be two goods in seconds.

Xu Xuan opened the eyes of the Divine Mentor and looked at the two.

Data emerges.

[root bone value]: 150;

[Enlightenment value]: 139;

[Heart value]: 78;

[Compatibility with the Gongfa Spit Starman] 91%;

[Existing physique or bloodline]: already has the Dragon God Bone;

[Suitable for physique or bloodline]: The compatibility with the dragon god body is 95%.

Long Aotian's data made Xu Xuan frown.

This guy actually has a 'Dragon God Bone'? That's exactly what Zhang Mu needs, and this guy is also very suitable for the martial arts to spit on the star.

The talent is also okay, a little higher than the current little carp.

However, the little carp root bone has not yet fully developed, and its understanding has not reached the peak, and it will definitely be higher than Long Aotian in the future.

Look at Sun Xiaokong's data again.

[root bone value]: 139;

[Insight value]: 150;

[Heart value]: 85;

[Fit with the martial arts complaining star] 90%;

[Suitable for physique or bloodline]: The compatibility with the Battle Saint Body is 99%.

Sun Xiaokong's data is similar to Long Aotian's, the root bone is worse, the understanding and heart are stronger, and he does not have a special bloodline or physique.

The most important thing is that Sun Xiaokong is also a 'spit starman'.

Come two at once?

Xu Xuan silently observed the two, and the apprentice had to look at the heart and specific performance, and see how the two performed in the future.

At this time, the two have completed their registration.

They also chose the quest 'Second Spine' in the Advanced Secret Realm, which was difficult to nightmare difficulty.

The common monsters of the second spine include Mad Believers, Kuroyasha, Dragon Head Monsters, etc., and their strength is from the peak of the Silver Moon to the beginning of the Dawn.

The strength of the lord creature giant red octopus is the peak of the Yao Sun level.

Generally, the 'second spine' of Nightmare difficulty for Dawn Realm professionals who want to clear the nightmare difficulty alone is very difficult.

Long Aotian and Sun Xiaokong looked very confident.

The two entered the secret realm at the same time.

At the moment of entering the copy, neither of them took out their weapons to fight, but took on a handsome pose.

Long Aotian held a long sword in his hand, stared at the monsters, and said proudly: "Wu Nai Long Aotian, the future dragon god, come here today to suppress Er and so on?" It's not fast yet.

"If you do not worship God, your true life has been lost, and there is a name on the reincarnation monument."

Monsters: "??? A

bunch of fanatics rushed up.

"Ants!" Long Aotian snorted coldly: "I can kill the entire Twisted Land with one sword.

"If it weren't for my late practice, you wouldn't even have a chance to strike at me."

"Remember the pinnacle moment of your life, it is your glory to die under the sword of the future dragon god."

"Heaven does not give birth to my dragon Aotian, the way of the sword is as ancient as a long night, the sword comes!"


One by one, the fanatics covered their ears and rushed towards Long Aotian like crazy.

Long Aotian's sword technique is exquisite and his strength is good, and he is besieged by a group of fanatical believers, but he still maintains his demeanor.

Each sword goes down, you can not pursue power, but you must pursue ornamentation.

When Xu Xuan saw this picture, he couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

He finally knew why Long Aotian was suitable for the practice of 'Spit Star People'.

Even he couldn't help but complain twice, and by the way, he went up to beat this guy, too special to pretend.

Reading such a long pretend quote with a group of fanatics in another world, how much does this guy like to pretend?


Look at Sun Xiaokong again.

The first time he entered the secret realm, Sun Xiaokong did not make a move, nor did he pretend to be the monsters like Long Aotian.

Instead, he stood with a stick and looked at the monsters indifferently.

Immediately, he put the stick away and said lightly: "You guys are not qualified to let me use weapons." The

fanatic believers rushed up, and Sun Xiaokong stood with his hands in his hands, and he really didn't use a weapon, and he won the battle.

After defeating the group of fanatics, Sun Xiaokong shook his head: "You disappointed me very much, the second spine is just that, I look forward to seeing an opponent who can make me go all out." Outside

the secret, Xu Xuan looked at the performance of the two.

There was a moment of speechlessness.

Does he really want to accept these two guys as disciples?


With the arrogance of these two people, I am afraid that it is impossible to take the initiative to worship him as a teacher.

At least a few beatings.

The two crisscrossed the second spine, and soon came to the lord level and saw the lord creature giant red octopus.

The giant red octopus, with hypnosis, blinding, vertigo and other control skills, belongs to the monster that is not strong in frontal combat, but is more difficult, and may be hit if you are not careful.

Many professionals have suffered at the hands of giant red octopuses.

Even many professionals were killed because they were hit by the Red Octopus's skills and could not use the return scroll in time.


This is completely unable to stop the Zhang Mad duo from assembling and pressing.

Long Aotian's sword pointed at the octopus: "It's just a beast with great power, pitiful!" My sword, it is God's deliverance, tremble!

Sun Xiaokong held the long stick in one hand: "You! It is true that I am qualified to use a weapon, but that's all, killing you, one hand is enough! "


The two pretended to be constant, and Xu Xuan's heart became heavier and heavier.

However, the two do have some talent, and the use of swordsmanship and stick techniques is quite proficient, whether it is a single challenge or a melee, the idea of facing the enemy is obvious.

The two killed the giant red octopus at almost the same time, returned to the entrance of the secret realm, and then looked at the time on the record board.

The clearance time is not bad every second, it is the same.

Neither of them could accept this result, looked at each other indifferently, and spoke at the same time: "Dare to compete again?"

"It is useless for you to be even, and it is not shameful to lose under my hands."

"Noisy! Who gave you the courage to say this? Seeing

that the two of them still had to enter the secret realm, Xu Xuan walked over with a smile.

Sooner or later, these two men will be severely beaten, and the first beating will make him come.

Whether you can become a master and apprentice is another matter, the two pretend criminals must be beaten first, and then talk about it.

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