Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 105 Love her to the core

Li Manjun was finally able to go home from the hospital.

The doctor said that the bruises on the back have disappeared, and that he should pay more attention to his wrists and not lift heavy objects for three months to avoid a second dislocation, and that he will be fine.

The main reason is that his young body has strong recovery ability. Li Manjun feels that there is almost no pain in his wrists, and it is no problem to pick up a bowl or a basin.

However, I tried to lift the warm water bottle and noticed a little sourness. I immediately put down the water bottle and decided to listen to the doctor honestly.

"Didn't I say you can't lift heavy objects!" Zhao Yong walked into the living room with the medicine he brought back from the hospital. He happened to see Li Manjun put down the kettle and gave an angry drink.

Li Manjun smiled guiltily at him and lowered his hands, like a student who had done something wrong, feeling helpless and embarrassed.

Zhao Yong sighed helplessly, put down the medicine bag, found the lightest plastic water cup and poured her a glass of water. He solemnly warned: "In the next three months, remember not to move your left hand."

Li Manjun was not thirsty at all, but he still took the glass of water and took a big sip, nodding repeatedly to show that he remembered.

Seeing Zhao Yong's tense face relax again, he turned his back and sighed secretly.

She didn't know before that he looked so "frozen" when he turned cold.

Li Lijun had already gone back to school. In the evening, the young couple had a simple dinner together. Li Manjun finally found the opportunity to ask Zhao Yong how he solved the problem of those gangsters.

"Why do you ask this? It's all over."

Zhao Yong brought a pot of boiling water in, poured it into the bathtub filled with half a basin of cold water, and mixed it with Li Manjun's bath water.

The expression on his face was as usual, and his brain was spinning wildly, thinking about how to deal with Li Manjun's next questioning.

After being hospitalized for a week, the hospital's facilities were limited, and her hair was already greasy and frizzy. However, Zhao Yong felt that his wife smelled so good that he squeezed into the hospital bed with her at night and did not dislike her at all.

Li Manjun still can't see that he is guilty?

"I can't even ask?" She sat on the edge of the bed, looking up at him inquiringly.

Zhao Yong had already thought of his words and said vaguely: "It was Xiaoguan Liu Chao and the others who took a few brothers and beat him up."

"Those people are bullies and shy of the strong, and they will become honest after a beating." He looked contemptuous.

Li Manjun frowned suspiciously, "But I think they seem to be hanging out on the road. These people like to form gangs. What if someone comes back to take revenge on you?"

The three waste recycling depot owners have been dealt with, but those gangsters are not easy to deal with at first glance.

Originally, she didn't want to provoke those gangsters. After all, the mastermind was the opponent of other waste recycling depots. As long as she can handle these opponents well, no matter how angry she is about being beaten this time, she will not go find these gangsters to fight back.

Because she simply can't afford to offend such a person.

Seeing that his wife was really worried about him and the company, Zhao Yong scratched the back of his neck and had no choice but to reveal some more information.

"I used to know a few people who were hanging out on the street. They had their own internal solutions. Don't think about it. It's really okay."

Seeing that Li Manjun wanted to ask him who he knew, Zhao Yong was really scared. He put the towel next to the bed, closed the door and left, "Hurry up, or the water will get cold. I will boil the water for washing your hair."

Li Manjun looked at the closed door, stunned, and then sighed helplessly.

No matter how close a couple is, they still need their own space. If he doesn't want her to know, then she won't ask.

After taking a shower and washing your hair comfortably at home, turn off the lights and go to bed.

At night, Li Manjun vaguely heard someone talking next to her, accompanied by excited gasps, which woke her up.

Looking sideways, it turned out that it was Zhao Yong who was having a nightmare.

"Manjun, Manjun, don't fight." Zhao Yong slapped his hands in the air randomly.

Li Manjun hurriedly grabbed his hand and shook it gently, "I'm here, Zhao Yong, please wake up."

"Manjun!" He suddenly growled, sat up straight, and opened his eyes suddenly.

"Are you okay?" Li Manjun asked with concern.

When he saw her appearing in front of him, he suddenly hugged her into his arms, holding her so tightly that his whole body was trembling.

Li Manjun hurriedly patted his back gently and comforted him gently: "It's okay, it's okay. Did you have a nightmare?"

Zhao Yong buried his head on her neck and shoulder, rubbing it gently, feeling the temperature and pulse from her body, and said aggrievedly: "I dreamed that you were beaten, and I wanted to rush to save you, but I couldn't run away. , you’re going to scare me to death.”

Li Manjun felt soft, lifted his head on his shoulders, and told him that it was a dream and not real. Only then did Zhao Yong's excited emotions slowly calm down.

Li Manjun reached out to turn on the light and wanted to pour him a glass of hot water. When he turned around, the man's eyes were red, and there were two drops of water on his eyelashes. He blinked and rolled down.

She panicked, "Why are you crying..."

Zhao Yong pulled her into his arms, not wanting her to get out of bed and leave him to pour water. He pressed her head with his big hand and fixed it on his chest, preventing her from seeing how fragile he was now.

He was really too scared, afraid that what happened in his dream would happen, that he would fail to protect her and get her hurt, that he would not be so lucky next time, that he would lose this woman, and that the house would become as cold and empty as before.

Li Manjun listened to the sound of breathing in his ears and the clear beating of his heart. His heart felt like being pricked by needles, sore and painful. He put his hands around his waist and waited for him to recover.

After a minute, Zhao Yong let go of her, pinned her down, and said he needed a kiss from his wife to heal her.

Li Manjun leaned against him, leaned up and pecked his lips a few times, instantly igniting the fire in the man's body.

"Say you love me." She coaxed him.

Zhao Yong looked at her deeply in embarrassment, lowered his head and kissed her deeply and eagerly.

Li Manjun responded enthusiastically. It didn't matter if she didn't say it, because she knew that this man loved her to the core.

The night before the Double Ninth Festival, Li Dawei called and asked Li Manjun and Zhao Yong to go home to celebrate the Double Ninth Festival.

Li Manjun thought that the injuries on his body were no longer visible, and he had not been back since the last Mid-Autumn Festival, so he asked Zhao Yong if he was free.

Zhao Yong nodded, and Li Manjun agreed.

On the day of the festival, the two arranged things in their respective companies in the morning. Zhao Yong drove out of his blue-covered pickup truck, and the couple returned to Heather Town with Li Lijun and the purchased candies, tobacco, and wine.

"Dad, Mom, we're back!" Li Lijun happily ran into the house carrying her things, shouting as she ran.

Wang Xiaojuan and Li Dawei came out of the kitchen and laughed so hard when they saw their eldest daughter and son-in-law.

"Sit down for a while, I'll get it done soon." Wang Xiaojuan said cheerfully.

Seeing that there was no more work to do in the kitchen, Li Dawei took off his apron and walked into the main room. He asked Zhao Yong, "Aren't you going back tonight? Let's have a drink."

Li Manjun answered quickly, "You can't drink. I have something to do tomorrow. I have to go back tonight. Lijun also has class tomorrow."

Li Dawei suddenly felt sorry, and Zhao Yong comforted his father-in-law, "It's okay. Dad, I'll drink tea with you."

Where can I enjoy tea and wine?

But there was nothing he could do, he couldn't drink while driving, so Li Dawei could only nod in frustration.

Li Jianjun jumped out, "Dad, I'll drink with you!"

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