Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 126 Care about everything

The two walked for more than ten minutes and arrived at a small steel factory. All the machines inside were stopped, and there were no workers on duty. There was only a young guard at the gate.

Yes, the doorman is a young and strong young man, no longer an old man.

Li Manjun suddenly felt that Zhu Yaowei was a breath of fresh air in the factory.

The two came to the production workshop. Zhu Yaowei took out the key and opened the door. When he pushed it open, the floor was filled with waste residue packed in fertilizer bags.

Does this come with its own packaging?

Li Manjun raised his eyebrows secretly, and with Zhu Yaowei's permission, he walked in and took a look around.

The bagged waste residue is displayed on the outside, but there is still a lot of unbagged waste in the steel bucket.

"How many tons are there in total?" Li Manjun asked.

Zhu Yaowei said: "There are currently two hundred tons here."

"I won't take responsibility, right?" Li Manjun was very moved, but he was also afraid of getting into trouble.

Zhu Yaowei smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will take full responsibility if something happens and I won't involve you. If, I mean, if it gets to that point, if someone asks you, just say you don't know."

The leaders at the top are stuck in their old ways and don't know how to be flexible. Now the factory can't pay wages, and the employees can hardly afford rice at home, but they still refuse to agree.

If not for this, he wouldn't have taken the risk.

But now that he had decided to do this, he had already thought of the worst outcome.

Li Manjun pondered for a moment, but couldn't help but remind him: "If the matter is exposed, you may go to jail."

He looked at her in surprise, then smiled sarcastically, "If I didn't do this, there would be lives in the house where there are employees."

"The elder sister who just brought you to me, her husband has uremia. If he doesn't take the money to the hospital, he will die."

"There are also the old workers who just played cards. Their children still owe the school for last semester's tuition. The children came home crying and said that if they don't pay the tuition, they will have to drop out of school and go home."

"There are many, many people whose lives are harder than you imagine."

Zhu Yaowei took off his eyes, wiped the lenses with the corner of his clothes, put them on again, looked at Li Manjun steadily and said, "They need money. What the factory can do is pay them the wages they deserve."

Li Manjun was stunned for a moment and asked curiously: "Have you read the recent news? The authorities are going to release authority to local factories and let them find ways to save themselves."

Zhu Yaowei frowned when he heard this, "What day's news?"

"A few days ago?" Li Manjun wasn't sure either. She had read a lot of news and newspapers recently and couldn't remember clearly.

Zhu Yaowei looked at her for a while, then suddenly sneered, "Maybe if you read the news in two days, this opinion will be rejected."

Li Manjun also smiled, "Maybe in two days, the market will ask questions about the plan, and there will be new answers."

"If you wait a little longer, there will be a day when the clouds and mist are cleared and you can see the blue sky. Maybe it will be tomorrow, maybe next year."

Zhu Yaowei suddenly asked: "Then do you think next year is a plan or a market?"

Li Manjun thought for a while and replied: "Whether it is the plan or the market, practice will tell us the answer."

From the perspective of God in the future, she knows that the market economy will win in the future, but now the two views are quarreling, and she does not want to be regarded as a supporter of either side.

"I am the little boss who collects scraps. I only collect my scraps." Li Manjun took out his calculator and said seriously: "Let's talk about the price first."

Zhu Yaowei stared at her for five seconds, then relaxed his frown and said to her: "You are a self-employed small business owner, but you still care about national affairs."

Li Manjun laughed and said perfunctorily, "As the book says, family affairs, state affairs, and world affairs should be concerned about everything."

If it weren't for knowing the future trend, would she dare to risk doing this business with him?

After the two left the factory, Zhu Yaowei wanted to invite her to his home for dinner and talk to her about the topic just now.

Li Manjun didn't dare to continue chatting with him and refused decisively, "My husband is still at home waiting for me to have dinner with him, maybe next time, if there is a chance."

There should be no chance. Li Manjun secretly added in his heart.

Zhu Yaowei could see that she really didn't want to talk about this, so he stopped pushing and felt a little regretful.

It was not easy to meet someone with similar ideas, but it turned out that the other person was just a self-employed small business owner who wanted to make money.

"Two hundred and one ton. Knowing that you, a little boss, can't finish it all in one go, I can give you half of it first. You can give me one hundred for every ton first, and we can settle the settlement together after everything is done."

He urgently needed some money to pay his employees' wages first and appease people's hearts so that the factory could reopen. It was impossible to give it to her completely.

Even if the person was introduced by Qian Dongsheng and was reliable, that would be impossible.

Li Manjun was not dissatisfied and stretched out his hand towards Zhu Yaowei. The other party glanced at her teasingly before reaching out and shaking hands with her.

“A pleasure to work with.”

Zhu Yaowei smiled: "Pay the full amount as soon as possible."

Li Manjun's mouth twitched slightly, "Okay, please don't worry."

It was already past six o'clock in the afternoon when I returned home separately from Zhu Yaowei.

Zhao Yong hasn't come back yet, so Li Manjun puts the vegetables he bought on the way on the kitchen stove, washes the rice and cooks until he comes back.

Just as they finished cooking, familiar footsteps came from the stairs. Li Manjun turned to look over. Zhao Yong's eyes lit up when he saw her. The couple seemed to have good news to say. They said the word "I" in unison and started laughing. .

Zhao Yong walked up to her quickly and said excitedly: "One good news and one bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?"

Li Manjun put the dish in his hand and took his document bag, "Let's tell you the good news first."

"I got a big long-distance order!"

Li Manjun was happy for him and asked: "What about the bad news?"

Zhao Yong looked at her helplessly and said, "We are going to separate. This trip will take at least a month."

"What did you just want to say?" He didn't want to bring up this sad topic, so he asked her if there was any good news over there.

However, Li Manjun didn't seem to feel how sad it was to be separated for a month. He briefly talked about the agreement he had just reached with Zhu Yaowei to purchase scrap steel slag, and continued to ask Zhao Yong what the long-distance order was.

"There is a big boss up there who is exchanging 500 truckloads of daily necessities for planes with a foreign company. Isn't there a cannery here? He asked us to help deliver 50 truckloads of goods. My fleet is not enough, and the two brothers Sun Haitao also Let’s go together.”

Speaking of this big boss, Zhao Yong had a mysterious expression on his face. This was really a waste of money.

When there were no conditions, I heard several workers on the train talking about someone abroad who wanted to sell airplanes. I immediately took action and found a domestic airline to negotiate the price.

Immediately, he invited a foreign plane-selling company to come to China. Knowing that the other country was in urgent need of daily necessities, and that he happened to have a large backlog of living necessities locally, he offered to exchange 500 wagons of daily necessities for four planes plus the cost of one plane. components.

After being fooled for a while, the other party actually agreed, and there was no restriction on the types of items, giving the big boss a lot of room to play.

But the purchase required a large amount of funds, so he discussed a loan with the bank and promised to give the bank a mortgage as soon as the plane arrived in China, and successfully obtained a loan of 60 million.

The last step is to purchase the overstocked goods, ship them and change planes.

When the cannery owner talked about this set of operations, Zhao Yong and others were dumbfounded and thought it was extremely fantasy.

But it was true, and now they were heading to the border with fifty carloads of cans to deliver, on their third plane.

Li Manjun listened and wondered why this matter was so familiar.

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