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Chapter 142 Creating a Brand

The contract between Li Manjun and Shirley Zhong was signed in October.

During the process, Mrs. Qiu sent 10,000 yuan, accounting for 3% of the shares.

After Wen Yufeng learned that Shirley Zhong had raised the money, the two thousand yuan was not sent again. In other words, the only final participants in this studio were Li Manjun and Mrs. Qiu.

After receiving the first payment, Shirley Zhong started to make preparations. Store location selection, raw material purchase, employee recruitment and other matters were all handled by Shirley Zhong, while Li Manjun only acted as a hands-off shopkeeper.

She always felt that laymen should not interfere with insiders, otherwise it would make something that was going smoothly turn bad.

Only when Shirley Zhong took the initiative to ask for advice, Li Manjun would make unimportant choices.

For example, the two of them, together with Mrs. Qiu, discussed the name of the brand for several days. The Xinhua dictionary was almost broken, but they finally decided on an English name - Sherry.

It has the same pronunciation with Shirley's name, and also has the same pronunciation with "Dear" in French. Shirley Zhong graduated from France, and this brand name has a different meaning to her.

Sherry Zhong said: "I hope every Sherry customer can feel the gentleness and beauty of this brand."

This is a brand mainly for women. Both Li Manjun and Mrs. Qiu found it very romantic, so they unanimously approved using it as the brand name and store name.

After knowing the brand name chosen by Li Manjun and others, Wen Yufeng directly called her SHY.

An idea flashed in Li Manjun's mind, "Let's use the three capital letters SHY as the brand symbol. What do you think?"

Mrs. Qiu couldn't imagine it and looked confused. Shirley Zhong was an activist. She immediately took out a pen and paper and drew a rectangular brand logo combining the three letters on the draft.

He handed it to Li Manjun and Mrs. Qiu to see. Mrs. Qiu only thought it was good. Li Manjun took it and looked at it again and again, and laughed, "This is our unique sign."

Shirley Zhong said with a smile: "I am already working on our first batch of designs. When next spring, we will follow the example of other foreign brands and hold a press conference to make SHY famous."

When it comes to the future, Shirley Zhong is full of energy. Mrs. Qiu has never seen her in such a sober state, and her heart is slightly touched.

"I have nothing to do at home anyway. If you don't mind, how about I help you?" Mrs. Qiu suddenly asked shyly.

I don't know why she felt embarrassed, but Shirley Zhong stretched out her hand cheerfully, "Ms. Qiu, thank you for coming to the studio. I really need help!"

Mrs. Qiu looked at Li Manjun in surprise. Li Manjun nodded to her, touched her belly, which was bigger than last month, and said jokingly:

"As a pregnant woman, I won't cause any trouble to you. After I unload the goods, I can call you if you need anything."

Both of them were considerate of her current physical condition and told her not to worry so much and just wait and see the results.

"I just don't know if it's a boy or a girl. How about I design a parent-child outfit for the baby and you?" Shirley Zhong said with a smile.

The concept of parent-child clothing is relatively popular abroad, but there has never been such a gimmick in China. She wants to try the parent-child market.

Li Manjun nodded in surprise, "How could I refuse the one made by Designer Zhong himself, but the hospital didn't say whether it was a boy or a girl, so I don't know now."

Mrs. Qiu reached out and touched Li Manjun's round belly, and said with a smile: "I heard they said that those with round bellies are usually boys."

Li Manjun stroked his belly and said suspiciously: "I always dreamed of a cute little girl a few nights ago. Could it be that she was hinting to me that she is actually a little cotton-padded jacket?"

Shirley Zhong does not engage in superstition, "Both men and women are the same. Children all look similar when they are young. I will set a good example first, and then I will make some minor changes according to gender."

Mrs. Qiu was a little convinced and said seriously: "Dreams are very effective. Maybe it's really a girl."

The three of them looked at each other and laughed.

The studio was chosen to be located in the most prosperous commercial center of Rongcheng. This is Shirley Zhong's personal shop, which her parents prepared for her as a dowry.

Without rent, the pressure of opening a store is much less than that of other stores, giving Shirley Zhong enough confidence and time to slowly prepare.

Although it was said that the studio would not be unveiled until next spring, Shirley Zhong had already started taking orders as soon as the store decoration was completed.

Mrs. Qiu called all the female members of her former theater troupe over. This kind of personalized and considerate service was very impressive.

The store decoration was designed by Shirley Chung. Her aesthetics are really advanced, but not too advanced. Everything feels just right.

The store does not have an open door, only a tall vintage door is left to invite customers in, and the rest is made into a glass display window. The newly made garment samples stand in the display window, which is very eye-catching.

Women passing by the studio door can't help but stop and watch. The large glass surfaces reflect people's figures. The pretty girls will follow the reflected shadows and blend their bodies into the models.

In this way, you can see what you will look like wearing this beautiful ready-to-wear garment.

The studio is pure white, which can be matched with all shades of color. Because Li Manjun once mentioned a series of clothing displays with different seasons, Shirley Zhong immediately understood her point and specially designed a pure white background for the decoration to facilitate changing seasonal styles at any time. .

Looking from the outside of the store, the winter decoration style is like an ice-blue crystal palace, with pieces of beautiful ready-made clothes standing among the ice and snow, making people forget to leave.

Christmas in Rongcheng has not yet become popular, it only appears in KFC or foreign trade companies in department stores.

Shirley Zhong and Li Manjun discussed planning to make a Christmas theme this Christmas and win the first batch of orders to warm up for next year's spring exhibition.

Shirley Zhong is obviously not as good at marketing as Li Manjun, not to mention that Li Manjun has experienced various marketing methods from merchants in his previous life and has abundant reserves. After putting forward a few points based on the situation of the studio, Shirley Zhong suddenly became enlightened and was excited to go.

After entering December, Li Manjun felt that his legs were obviously swollen.

She doesn't even dare to weigh herself now, because that data is definitely not what she particularly wants to see.

During the most recent prenatal check-up, the doctor said that her fetal position was not correct, which shocked Li Manjun and his wife.

Fortunately, the doctor quickly said: "There are still six or seven weeks until the due date. During this period, you should try to sleep on your left side. You may turn it back on your own."

"By the way, have you decided whether to have a natural delivery or a caesarean section?" Without waiting for the pregnant woman to answer, he immediately suggested: "Your situation is not bad, I recommend a natural delivery."

"Let me think about it again." Li Manjun didn't want to admit that she was actually a little scared.

Turning to look at Zhao Yong behind him, he gently squeezed her shoulder. The warmth in his palm seeped into his heart through the clothes, making Li Manjun feel more at ease.

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