The venue for the press conference and show was almost completed. The day before the official press conference, Li Manjun asked Mrs. Qiu to bring all the models over to get used to it.

Shirley Chung was responsible for the rehearsal, but this was the first time she had seen the finished effect of the runway.

The S-shaped grass T-stage is not very adaptable to the models who have been walking straight on the stage, and the integration between wearing high heels and grass requires some effort.

But overall, everything went smoothly.

With the layout of the scene, music and lighting, the models quickly found the leisurely feeling of walking in the forest.

Qi Hao and other students stood in the auditorium to watch the entire rehearsal, and were so amazed by the effect that they were speechless.

The combination of smoke and lights creates an unreal feeling of being in a dream, and the huge flowers deepen this illusion of being separated from reality.

Forty-five minutes into the show, any problems found on the spot were solved immediately. We rehearsed three times in total and finally achieved perfection.

Shirley Zhong was very satisfied. Even Mrs. Qiu, who came to join in the fun, did not expect the on-site effect to be so good.

"These flowers are so beautiful." Mrs. Qiu sighed, stroking the huge flowers in front of her, feeling like she couldn't put them down.

Shirley Zhong nodded, she was very satisfied with the effect.

"As long as you are satisfied, I will leave the rest to you." Li Manjun patted the two of them on the shoulders, turned around and raised his chin at the students, and Qi Hao and others followed out suspiciously.

"I didn't expect the effect to be so good. Thanks to you this time, tell me what you want to eat tonight, and I'll treat you all to a feast." Li Manjun said to Qi Hao and others with a smile.

The students looked at each other in surprise. Some said they wanted to eat KFC, some said they wanted to eat hot pot, and some said they wanted to sing karaoke.

"Karaoke?" Li Manjun asked with a smile, "Are you sure?"

The boys nodded wildly, very sure.

The girls looked suspicious. This didn't seem to be a serious place, right?

In July and August last year, Rongcheng opened the province's first karaoke nightclub, which seemed to be called Golden Throat.

Zhao Yong, Mr. Qiu, Mr. Lin and others went there not long after it opened. They said they wanted to talk about business and meet customers. Li Manjun also wanted to have a visit at the time, but was unable to go because she was pregnant at the time.

When Zhao Yong came back later, she asked him: "Is the nightclub fun?"

Zhao Yong avoided her gaze, obviously feeling guilty, and said in a nonchalant tone, "It's just like that, singing and dancing, it's not much fun, and it's very noisy. Fortunately, you didn't go."

But the next day, Wen Yufeng called Li Manjun and asked her to check the man's clothes pockets and trouser pockets, and there must be something unexpected.

Li Manjun's curiosity immediately sprang up. He picked up the pants that Zhao Yong had changed into and still stood on the bedside table and touched them. He found nothing and there was nothing inside.

"Do you have?"

Li Manjun said: "No."

Wen Yufeng immediately clicked her tongue twice, "Your little Zhao looks very rough. I didn't expect him to be thick and thin. He was designated to throw those things outside."

Li Manjun became even more curious after hearing this, what on earth is it?

When the two met later, Wen Yufeng pulled her to a corner of the mall, looked around furtively, and when she saw that no one was paying attention nearby, she took out two small cards from her wallet and handed them to Li Manjun.

On the small pink card, there is a portrait of a beautiful woman in a sexy pose. There is a series of phone numbers on it and it also says free in-home massage.

"No way?" Li Manjun felt a sudden thought, then shook his head and said: "Director Liang is definitely not such a person."

"What can't you do? I think you can!" Wen Yufeng was very angry. She found this small card from Director Liang's trouser pocket. She didn't know when she received it.

Of course, even if she forgives him, she wouldn't dare to do anything too extreme, but it's hard to say whether he's taking advantage of him or not.

She knows very well the virtues of her own man.

Of course, Li Manjun couldn't add fuel to the fire and hurriedly said that he would go back and ask Zhao Yong. These good brothers must know whether the other party made any mistakes.

Wen Yufeng warned Li Manjun: "Don't ask directly. You are insinuating. Don't let him see it."

"Okay, don't worry." Li Manjun returned the small card to Wen Yufeng and told her not to think too much. Maybe Director Liang himself didn't know there was a card in his trouser pocket and someone secretly stuffed it in.

It's just what he said. When Li Manjun asked when he got home, Zhao Yong clicked his tongue twice and was glared at by Li Manjun. Then he called Wen Yufeng and explained that it was nothing.

Wen Yufeng was doubtful but didn't mention it again.

Thinking of what happened last year, Li Manjun also became interested in this Golden Voice Cabaret.

Seeing that Qi Hao and the other college students were curious but too embarrassed to go, he called his assistants, and each of them drove a car and led them straight to the Golden Throat Gate.

But they seemed to have arrived early, it was only around five o'clock in the afternoon. It had just opened and it looked a bit deserted.

The students who were talking excitedly on the way fell silent as soon as they arrived at the gate.

"Don't be cowardly, we are here to consume, and the customer is God!" Li Manjun walked into the hall amusedly.

However, their attitude made the waiter a little confused. The female boss was leading a group of young students?

Li Manjun asked politely: "How do you charge here?"

No matter how confused they were, God was the one who came to consume. The waiter took them to the lobby on the second floor. In the dim light, they could only see a rough outline.

The waiter led them to sit on the stage at the edge of the dance floor and explained: "If we order a song here, it will be twenty yuan a piece. You can sing it yourself, or you can let our singer sing with you."

"If you have a favorite singer, tell me the name and I will call him over to accompany you. We also have male singers here."

"But the male singer needs to add another fifty yuan as a tip."

The three female students took a breath of surprise, male singer?

Li Manjun raised her eyebrows and asked, "Can they come over and let me choose again?" There was no singer she was familiar with.

The waiter smiled and said: "Of course, please take a seat first. This is our drink list and song list. You can choose your drink first."

After saying that, the waiter temporarily withdrew.

Li Manjun handed the list to Qi Hao and the assistant, "Why are you still standing? Sit down and see what songs everyone wants to sing."

Qi Hao glanced at the price on the drink list, swallowed secretly, and started to panic.

The other students were the same, they all wanted to see it, but when they actually came, they felt a little regretful.

"Is it too expensive?" the girls asked sheepishly.

"Don't worry, I can still afford it, so don't worry and have fun." Li Manjun smiled and put down her bag, asking the girls to sit in the middle and the boys to sit next to them. She and her assistant sat on one side to protect the students.

Because he was ordering, Qi Hao sat next to Li Manjun and could smell the sweet perfume on her body.

In the dim environment, everyone's shoulders were rubbing shoulders at close range. In Qi Hao's opinion, the atmosphere was a bit ambiguous.

Fortunately, the dim lights covered everyone's embarrassment.

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