Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 162 How many food stalls are there?

Sherry1992's first summer conference officially begins.

There was no fancy opening, and the designer didn’t make any incomprehensible opening remarks. He just used sudden changes in lighting to remind the audience that the show was about to begin.

The main light above the head was extinguished, a light green beam of light lit up from the flowers, and the audience who were still discussing became silent unconsciously.

As a large circular aperture is projected on the background curtain, illuminating a giant blooming flower, the first model slowly enters the room wearing a white and green gradient outfit.

Gradual piano music then sounded, and the melodious piano music brought people into the tranquility of the early morning forest.

The model walked among the flowers, her snow-white skirt dancing gracefully, like a fairy among the flowers.

The softness was beyond people's expectations and completely different from the neat and simple style they had seen before. The audience burst into a brief burst of surprise, and then quickly immersed themselves in this extremely romantic catwalk.

The reporters who were invited hurriedly raised their shooting tools to take pictures. At first, they just wanted to get red envelopes for work, but now they are very happy that they can see such a beautiful scene.

Such a novel catwalk style deserves more coverage than an ordinary model show, and maybe even a special report.

Zhao Yong, who was sitting with Lu Shengming, couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw the first model coming out, "This dress is kind of interesting!"

However, Lu Shengming beside him did not agree with him. Zhao Yong turned his head to look suspiciously and saw Lu Shengming stunned with a surprised look on his face. It was obviously a work designed by his wife, but it was as if he had seen it for the first time.

Are the couple so unfamiliar?

Recalling that Manjun said that the couple was at odds, Zhao Yong lowered his eyes and smiled, gently bumped Lu Shengming with his elbow, and asked uncertainly:

"Are all these clothes designed by Mrs. Lu herself?"

Lu Shengming was knocked by him, and then he came to his senses and nodded, with a complicated expression.

Zhao Yong gave a thumbs up, "Mrs. Lu is so awesome!"

But his wife is even better. Look at this place, it was all managed by his family, Manjun.

Li Manjun and her daughter made the final appearance.

The background music became very soft at the end, like a lover whispering in the ear, and the people in the audience became even quieter, fearing that their voices would drown out the background sound.

Li Manjun, who was wearing a light blue dress, appeared on the stage holding Nian Nian, who was wearing a baby outfit of the same color. Sister Zhou covered her face with excitement and shouted in a low voice: "It's Nian Nian, Nian Nian is here."

Zhao Yong glanced away and almost didn't dare to recognize his wife on the catwalk.

The only time he saw her wearing full makeup was when they went to the photo studio to take wedding photos.

At that time, the make-up artists in the photo studio were very strict. They wanted to be beautiful, but they just looked mature.

Although the makeup on Li Manjun's face today is also heavy, it is in a gentle style. Her whole person is bright and bright, and her lipstick is light-colored. When she looks down at her daughter in her arms and smiles, the soft light just falls on her, and her whole person exudes motherhood. The brilliance is holy and cannot be desecrated.

Nian Nian wears a bow headband on her head. The pink bow is very cute.

She didn't know what happened, but because of her mother's warm embrace, she wasn't afraid at all. Her big eyes rolled around and when she saw her father, she cried out in surprise.

Zhao Yong hurriedly found his camera and took pictures. This happy moment must be photographed as a souvenir.

When she walked to Zhao Yong, Li Manjun smiled specifically at him, and raised her little hand to say hello to her father every year. When Zhao Yong took out his camera, she thought her father was going to hug her, so she took the initiative to extend her little hand.

With a "click", this moment was frozen by the camera and preserved forever.

As soon as the lights changed, all the models came on stage for a tour, and the designers took the stage. Tonight's show ended perfectly.

There is a table under the big tree outside the classroom, with cold meals prepared on it. It is decorated with lights and creates a very atmospheric atmosphere.

Everyone moved outside the classroom, and Lu Shengming was immediately surrounded by Mr. Qiu and Mr. Lin, whose words were filled with emotion about the show.

"You're so famous. Looking at the way your wife is on stage today, your family status is going to be hard to keep, right?" Mr. Lin was shocked and sympathized.

Lu Shengming looked at him speechlessly and walked to find Zhong Shirley, but he stopped when he saw that she was being interviewed by the media.

Mr. Qiu held the wine glass, clicked his tongue, and glanced at Mrs. Qiu who was expressing her gratitude to the models. It still feels unreal to this day.

"Big brother." Mr. Lin patted Mr. Qiu on the shoulder, "My wife said that these models were found with Mrs. Qiu's help. The model just walked. It's really hard to tell that they are learning dance performances."

Mr. Qiu felt a little proud, but he still said: "Hey, it's okay, just take a few steps."

The two of them looked at Shirley Zhong who was being interviewed and Lu Shengming who was parked not far away. They looked at each other and shook their heads. Another one caught by his wife.

Li Manjun changed her clothes and walked over with Zhao Yong holding her daughter. The two of them admired her again.

"We are so good every year. We can hold such a big scene just one month old. Our future prospects are immeasurable!" Mr. Qiu winked at Nian Nian, trying to make her laugh, but the little guy was sleepy and yawned big.

Mr. Lin laughed out loud and asked Mr. Qiu to forget it and don't let his old face scare the children.

Mr. Qiu rolled his eyes at Mr. Lin, and the two of them nodded to Zhao Yong, glanced at Li Manjun and his daughter, and raised their glasses to celebrate.

Li Manjun didn't plan to have a full-moon party. She and Zhao Yong agreed to wait until the first birthday, so she didn't notify her friends.

Mr. Lin and Mr. Qiu took this opportunity to give red envelopes in private.

On the way home in the car, Zhao Yong took out the red envelope from his trouser pocket and handed it to Li Manjun.

Sister Zhou sat in the back row holding the sleeping Nian Nian. Li Manjun took the mobile phone and whispered to Shirley Zhong on the other end of the phone:

"Nian Nian has fallen asleep. We are going home. I will not attend the celebration today. We will get together next time we have the opportunity."

"Well, I see that your leader has been waiting for you silently for a long time today. Let's talk about it when you get home. If you have any conflicts or problems, just talk them out. Don't hold them in your heart and say nothing."

On the phone, Shirley Zhong hummed, and then Li Manjun hung up the phone.

"You still want to celebrate? Where to celebrate?" Zhao Yong asked warily.

The last time Li Manjun went to the Golden Throat to sing, it had left a psychological shadow on him, and he was afraid that his wife would go there again without saying a word and behind his back.

While counting the amount of red envelopes, Li Manjun said in a funny voice: "You think we are very rich? Golden Voice spends so much. The whole company is celebrating today. There are twenty people. Of course it is more cost-effective to choose the food stalls."

Zhao Yong yelled, the alarm bells in his heart were even louder. There are few people with golden voices, but there are many food stalls, which is even more scary.

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