Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 183 Decisive Rejection

Li Lanfang finally breathed a sigh of relief. Her mother and sister-in-law had just said that Zheng Xiaoyou was not good. She was actually very panicked, fearing that her family would not agree.

But now after hearing Li Manjun's words, she believes that when they get along for a long time in the future, they will see how good their boyfriend is.

"Manjun, actually he saved my life."

Li Lanfang's sudden words startled the two sisters Li Manjun in the kitchen.

"What happened?" Why did it involve saving lives? Li Manjun looked at Li Lanfang with concern, "Did anything happen to you outside alone?"

Seeing how nervous her sister was, Li Lanfang hurriedly waved her hand and said, "It's okay. It happened in the summer. My finger was accidentally thrown into the machine tool. Thanks to my little friend, I was sent to the hospital in time and my finger was saved."

When she said this, Li Manjun and her sisters noticed Li Lanfang's glove-covered hands. At first, they thought it was because the weather was cold that she wore gloves to keep warm, but they didn't expect that her hand was so seriously injured.

"Let me see quickly!" Li Manjun said urgently.

Li Lanfang said it was fine, took off his gloves, and handed over his injured right hand. There were obvious scars on the index finger and middle finger. It can be imagined that these two fingers were broken in the middle.

Li Lijun took a breath of cold air, and Li Lanfang quickly stopped her and told her not to yell, "I haven't told my parents yet, so don't tell me either. It's getting better soon anyway, and you won't be able to tell anymore."

Li Lijun felt distressed and asked: "Why didn't you tell your family about such a big thing like Sister Lanfang? Then who took care of you when you were hospitalized for surgery?"

Li Lanfang put on the finger cots again and glanced at the main room with a complicated mood, "It's Zheng Xiaoyou who is taking care of me. Because it was a work-related injury, he helped me negotiate the compensation with the factory owner."

"Then you won't go to the factory this year?" Li Manjun asked tentatively.

Li Lanfang nodded, "My friend and I plan to start a small business of our own, and when we make money, we will get married."

Speaking of this, Li Lanfang became excited. She learned from her parents that Li Manjun's business was booming and they had now bought a big house in Rongcheng. She humbly asked for advice on business.

Although her hand was injured this time, the factory gave her a compensation, and she planned to use this money as capital.

Li Manjun didn't know anything about business, she was just relying on her past life memories to cheat.

But at this time, the market is not yet saturated. No matter what industry you are in, as long as you work hard and are willing to endure hardship, you can make a living.

"What does he do?" Li Manjun raised his chin towards the main room.

Li Lanfang replied: "My little friend is a maintenance worker in the factory."

"Then why don't you try buying two machines to set up a small workshop and make your own clothes to sell?" Li Manjun asked uncertainly.

Li Lanfang said that after thinking about it, the investment in the small workshop was a bit high, and she and her boyfriend might not have enough capital.

But it is true that there is nothing better than doing what you are good at. In the past two years in the factory, she knows the clothing production process. In addition, her boyfriend can repair the machine, so the repairman's money is saved.

Li Manjun asked her to think about it later, "The tea is almost cold, so hurry up and deliver it, otherwise your boyfriend will think that we deliberately let him drink the herbal tea, which will intimidate him."

Li Lanfang gave Li Manjun an angry look and took out the tea.

"Sister." Zheng Xiaoyou quickly stood up and nodded to Li Manjun.

Li Manjun smiled slightly and sat down next to Zhao Yong. Zhao Yong quietly nodded to her, meaning that he thought this future brother-in-law was okay.

However, the uncle's family seems to be dissatisfied, and the reason is also very practical. Zheng Xiaoyou's family conditions are average, and he currently has no job.

Although he said he planned to start a small business, to the ears of Li Dalong and others, this kind of thing was similar to being a homeless person.

Coupled with her unremarkable appearance, Li Dalong and his wife felt that their daughter was like a flower stuck in cow dung.

On the way back to town on the second day of junior high school, Li Dawei shook his head and sighed: "Lan Fang and my little friend want to get married, but it's difficult."

"Yesterday you young people went out to play together. I didn't know the faces your uncle and auntie made you look like."

"Didn't my grandparents say anything?" Li Manjun asked curiously.

Li Dawei said: "What can they care about? They are already old. Your uncle and your aunt have the final say."

Wang Xiaojuan suddenly frowned and said, "I think your dad is not in good health this year. He has been coughing during the New Year. I will have to take him to the hospital for a checkup later."

"It's okay, mom said it's an old problem." Li Dawei said it was okay, but he thought about it in his heart. When he got home, he called Li Daniu and told him to wait for the weather to get warmer and take his elder brother to the city hospital for a physical examination.

Li Daniu found it troublesome, "I want to take you with me. There is so much work in the fields since spring, how can I have time?"

The two elders were sitting nearby, silent and not speaking.

Li Dawei sighed and hung up the phone.

This year, Wang Xiaojuan did not go back to her parents' home to celebrate the New Year. Her parents were brought to her place by her eldest sister to celebrate the New Year. The old man was not at home. The brothers and sisters did not pay so much attention to each other, so they did not bother the big ones to move around each other.

Besides, Wang Xiaochan and his wife are still in Nan Province and have not come back at all. There is no one at home and no one is gossiping. Wang Xiaojuan is too lazy to go.

On the evening of the second day of the second year of junior high school, I called my brother’s house to say hello, and that was it.

Li Manjun stayed in Heather Town until noon on the sixth day of the lunar month before returning to Heather Town.

Wang Xiaojuan couldn't bear to leave her precious grandson, and kept saying, "You leave Nian Nian at home, and we will take care of him for you. Anyway, you and your wife will be busy working in the city, and no one will care about my dear baby."

"I gave all the money to Sister Zhou, so I can't refund it." Li Manjun said with a smile.

Wang Xiaojuan was immediately speechless. She took her granddaughter to sleep for one night before leaving. Watching her daughter, son-in-law, and granddaughter leave, her eyes were red with reluctance.

Li Dawei didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so he coaxed her: "It's not far. If we think about it, we can go to the city to see Guobao at any time."

Wang Xiaojuan got excited and asked Li Manjun if the big house was renovated. He would leave a room for her and come back to the city to take care of her children.

Li Manjun was startled and said hurriedly: "Don't, I don't need it. You can come for a short stay, but forget it for a long stay. I'm afraid that without you, dad and the others will make the house a mess."

Wang Xiaojuan bulged her eyes in anger, "You think I love living with you? I just feel sorry for my dear baby."

Li Manjun waved her daughter’s little hand, “Bye bye to grandpa and grandma~”

Nian Nian looked like he was forced to go into business and waved his little hand in a goodbye gesture.

Zhao Yong started the car and the family of three returned to the city.

When I got downstairs, I opened the trunk and realized that my parents had stuffed a lot of things in it.

There are bacon smoked by Wang Xiaojuan in the old house, pickled pickles, and a wooden car toy made by Li Dawei for his granddaughter.

Parents' love is always so implicit and warm.

Zhao Yong looked at his wife's reddish eyes and asked with concern: "Do you regret talking to your parents like that just now?"

He actually doesn't mind living with his elders, as long as she is happy.

Li Manjun wiped the corners of his eyes and woke up instantly, "I don't regret it!"

Some words couldn't be said tactfully, and she believed that with Wang Xiaojuan's iron heart, those two sentences couldn't break her defense.

Zhao Yong: "."

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