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Chapter 185 The Pretty Wife

When Li Manjun got off work in the afternoon, Zhao Yong took his daughter to the store by car.

As soon as he saw his mother every year, he immediately shouted: "Ma!"

Li Manjun, who was packing her things to get off work, looked up in surprise and saw her father and daughter standing outside the window waving to her. Yao Zhaowen and Wang Dasheng in the courtyard smiled at each other and did not remind her.

"Why are you here?" Li Manjun picked up her bag and walked out in surprise. Before she could reach out, her daughter had already rushed towards her.

"Why don't you wear gloves?" Li Manjun said distressedly as he touched his daughter's slightly cold hands.

Zhao Yong smiled and took out the small gloves from his coat pocket, "I brought them with me, but I didn't put them on for her."

Li Manjun handed over her daughter's little hand and asked Zhao Yong to put the little gloves on her.

Nian Nian was very cooperative. He tilted his head on his mother's shoulder, kissed her with a pout, and laughed to himself.

"Let's go out to eat tonight. We haven't eaten at that buffet hot pot for a long time." Zhao Yong suggested.

Li Manjun felt warm and nodded, but halfway through, he asked worriedly: "What will we eat every year?"

She has been weaned for a long time.

Zhao Yong seemed to have guessed that she would be worried about this. He pointed at the cloth bag at the cashier, "I have brought milk powder, milk bottles, spoons and bowls for eating, and hot water."

Only then did Li Manjun notice that there was a bag on the checkout counter. He felt relieved and raised his eyes to look at Zhao Yong. He was looking at her with focused eyes that were particularly tender.

Li Manjun's heart palpitated for a moment, then she smiled, her shoulder-length short hair fluttering in the breeze, her dark blue coat making her fair complexion, and her clear eyes full of youthful vitality.

At this moment, in Zhao Yong's eyes, she was not a young mother, but a charming wife.

The couple looked at each other and smiled, Zhao Yong's eyes were as hot as fire, as if he wanted to burn her out.

"Ahem!" Li Manjun came to his senses first and coughed twice to remind him to pay attention.

Zhao Yong looked sideways at the two huge light bulbs in the yard and said with a showy smile: "We're leaving first."

"Okay, okay." Wang Dasheng and Yao Zhaowen nodded repeatedly, hoping that the married couple would leave quickly and not abuse unmarried people.

Zhao Yong asked his wife for the car keys, first put his wife's bag and his daughter's bag in the car, walked back, took his daughter and held him in his left hand, put his right arm around Li Manjun's shoulder, and protected the mother and daughter into the car.

There was no child safety seat, so Li Manjun had to hold her daughter in the back seat and could not sit in the passenger seat. Zhao Yong sighed inwardly and made up his mind to buy a child safety seat from abroad no matter how much money he spent.

Zhao Yong is not used to his wife not sitting next to him and not knowing where to put his free hands while driving.

The simple self-service hot pot restaurant arrived soon, and this difficult journey was over in a short while.

After parking the car, Li Manjun held his daughter in his arms, while Zhao Yong held his wife's arms in one hand and held the two of them in the other. He held his wife's arm to save her effort, and walked into the store with his wife and daughter.

They came early, there were not many people in the store after the New Year, and they still sat in the same place by the window.

"If you like clear soup, you can drink some soup every year." Li Manjun said.

Zhao Yong nodded, quickly went to order, then filled the dishes and brought them back.

Li Manjun took out the milk powder and thermos cup from the cloth bag, and prepared her meal for her daughter who was pounding the table excitedly.

As long as he is outside, Nian Nian is easy to take care of. He doesn't cry or make trouble. He sits on the soft armchair by himself and looks around curiously with his eyes wide open.

Seeing that my father had brought back many things I had never seen before, I stretched out my little hand out of curiosity and poked it tentatively with one finger. I found no danger, so I stretched out my paw and grabbed one.

When Zhao Yong saw his daughter grabbing a cabbage leaf, he didn't stop her. He just took out the bib from the bag and asked Li Manjun to tie it for her.

But when the hot pot comes, you have to pick up the little one to prevent her from reaching out to test the hot pot.

Zhao Yong gave his daughter a demonstration. He stretched out his hand and pretended to touch the edge of the hot pot, making an exaggerated "ouch" sound, which made Nian Nian frown.

She seemed to know that this thing was dangerous. When Zhao Yong reached out for the second time, the little girl waved nervously, indicating that her father did not want it.

Zhao Yong retracted his hand obediently and warned his daughter: "It's hot, don't touch it, you know?"

Nian Nian nodded seriously, his brows tangled together like two caterpillars.

Li Manjun then put her on the seat next to her, handed her the bottle, and started eating with Zhao Yong.

Every year I hold the bottle, take a sip and look at my parents, swaying my little feet, feeling silly and happy.

Zhao Yong boiled the slices of meat and put them into Li Manjun's bowl. Soon the dishes in front of her were piled with cooked food. Li Manjun couldn't eat them quickly, so he quickly said enough. He just put several plates of meat into the pot together, one bite after another without stopping. .

"Eat slowly, burn your mouth." Li Manjun handed him a glass of cold water and told him angrily.

I get burned every time I eat hot pot. It's been so many times that I still can't remember it.

Zhao Yong liked to see the way she told him to achieve his goal, so he slowed down his eating speed and imitated her, eating slowly.

Nian Nian patted the edge of the table and pointed at the water glass. The baby also wanted to drink water.

Li Manjun nodded the little girl's head and said, "Drink milk, then drink water after drinking." Otherwise, she would definitely not drink the rest of the milk.

Nian Nian puts down the bottle in his hand, lifts his buttocks, and points to the water glass.

"Let her drink. She must think we are drinking something good and won't give it to her." Zhao Yong said with a smile, passing his water glass over.

Sure enough, the little guy got excited and reached out to pick up the cup to drink. Li Manjun hurriedly supported her.

She drank two big sips every year, and her eagerness was exactly the same as when her father ate meat.

After taking two sips, I realized it was water, so I put it down, picked up the bottle and continued drinking milk.

Li Manjun teased her and moved the water glass forward. Nian Nian immediately shrank his neck and shook his head.

"You're a ghost, how can I miss you if my parents have good food?" Li Manjun said angrily.

Nian Nian couldn't understand the adults' words anymore, so he concentrated on drinking milk, tilted his head and grinned toothlessly at his mother, and the milk flowed down his chin.

Li Manjun couldn't do anything to her, so he grabbed his bib and wiped it, put her behind the seat, and continued eating.

Being interrupted by their daughter, the fighting ability of the couple seemed to have dropped. They had not finished all the food in the pot and their stomachs could no longer hold it.

"We will go to the new home later and I will show you two good things." Li Manjun smiled mysteriously.

After paying the bill, Zhao Yong turned around and raised his eyebrows suspiciously, "What good thing?"

Seeing him like this, Li Manjun knew that he hadn't been to his new home for a long time, otherwise he should have discovered the things she had put there before.

"You'll know when we get there." She winked at him, opened the door, hugged her daughter and got into the car.

Zhao Yong's curiosity was piqued and he immediately drove straight to his new home.

It was rare that she wanted to give him something, so it was strange that she didn't expect it.

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