Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 201 Real Estate Bubble

In early August, when Li Lijun received the admission notice from Haishi University, the price of domestic aluminum ingots had been rising and was already three times the original purchase price of Li Manjun.

I bought it for 6,000 yuan per ton, and now I sell it for 18,000 yuan per ton, which is three times the profit.

Compared to the newcomers Li Wei and Long Hao, Wang Dasheng who watched Li Manjun complete this operation was dumbfounded.

For two whole days, his entire consciousness was withdrawn, and he was doing his daily work like a machine. He couldn't hear anyone calling him, and he had to walk up to him and slap him hard in the face before he would react.

"Brother Asheng, what's wrong with you?" Li Wei asked worriedly, looking at Wang Dasheng's distracted look.

When someone spoke in front of him, Wang Dasheng's distant eyes gradually narrowed and he shook his head, "It's nothing."

Long Hao looked at Li Wei suspiciously, "Are you really shocked by so much money? Not really."

No matter how much money you have, it belongs to the boss. To be honest, employees are just surprised, and then nothing happens.

Besides, Manager Li had treated everyone to a feast and given them a generous bonus. Anyway, he and Li Wei were quite satisfied.

This bonus was more than his annual salary. I heard that Manager Li gave them all the bonus that was originally intended for the previous salesperson and accountant.

In the office, Li Manjun couldn't help laughing when he thought about the company's net income of 15.6 million.

This time I really made a fortune!

She hadn't had time to tell Zhao Yong yet, but she knew that his expression must be very shocked.

Li Manjun's happy mood lasted for three days, and Zhao Yong was also happy for three days after knowing the amount in his wife's hands.

Mr. Qiu didn't know why. After the meeting with the supplier, he immediately caught Zhao Yong who was about to leave and asked curiously:

"What's going on? Is there a happy event at home? Has your sister-in-law received the admission notice?"

Zhao Yong nodded, "Yes, a university in Haishi, majoring in communications."

But that was not what he was happy about.

There is a beauty called making a fortune silently. If Mr. Qiu and the others knew that the small company run by Manjun had now made more than 15 million yuan in profit, they would be shocked.

It's a pity that his wife won't let him talk. It's very hard for him to hold it in alone.

Mr. Qiu said "oh" and said congratulations, "When will the university banquet be held, we brothers will go together to support it."

"My father-in-law keeps a low profile and doesn't handle wine." Zhao Yong said: "I accepted it for my sister-in-law because of the kindness of my brothers. Next time, wait until I come back from Haishi and treat everyone to a good meal."

Mr. Qiu smiled, these were all trivial matters. What troubled him was the housing prices in Southern Province.

At the beginning of the year, the housing price in Southern Province was still 7,000 per square meter. In May, after the adjustment of the policy, it plummeted. Now no one wants to give it away!

All construction sites in Nan Province were suspended, which affected the whole world. He received many return orders, and the building materials originally prepared for Nan Province Construction Company could not be sold at all.

But compared to those real estate speculators who go all the way to southern provinces, his situation is still relatively good.

After all, development and construction are going on all over the country, and finding ways to sell them everywhere can always slow things down and prevent you from being unable to get up all of a sudden.

However, the factory will not stop work for you, and you still have to pay for the predetermined order. Money is really tight.

"Xiao Yong, if you have a lot of money here, I can borrow one million from you." Mr. Qiu put his arm around Zhao Yong's shoulders and said tentatively: "I will pay you back next year with interest."

Why did Zhao Yong run so fast when the meeting just ended?

Aren't you afraid that Mr. Qiu will ask for a loan?

I never expected that I still couldn't escape.

Zhao Yong sighed and took the hand off his shoulder with a wry smile, "Brother, it's not that I don't want to borrow it, it's that my brother really has no money. Some time ago, Manjun asked me why I didn't bring a dime home this year. .”

Mr. Qiu's eyes darkened, but he did not give up. He patted Zhao Yong's chest and whispered:

"How come I don't know what's going on with you? I know you can't come up with money, but I heard from your wife that the aluminum ingots she hoarded have made a lot of money this time. It's only one million. For my siblings, it's a shame. It’s just water~”

When it comes to this matter, it will not look good if Zhao Yong continues to shirk his face.

He didn't know how Mr. Qiu knew about this, but then he thought about it. Not many people knew about the situation of aluminum ingots this year. Mr. Qiu had his own connections, so it was normal for him to know.

But from his tone, it seemed that he didn’t know how much money Luman Company had made in total this time.

Zhao Yong nodded helplessly, "You also know that I am the eldest brother in the family. Since I got married, my wife has the final say in the family. Let me go and ask first."

Just let go. Mr. Qiu clasped his hands together and said sincerely: "Thank you, brother!"

Zhao Yong had a smile on his face and turned around, wearing a mask of pain.

In Zhao Yong's view, only men can make money for their women to spend as they please, and there is no one who goes to his wife to borrow money for his brothers.

He felt uncomfortable when he thought about asking Li Manjun to borrow money.

Standing at the door of his home, Zhao Yong gave himself five minutes of mental preparation. Finally, he could not stabilize himself. He opened the door and was about to speak when he saw his wife. When he looked up, he saw that a guest had arrived at home.

"Xiaoyong, you're back!"

Wang Xiaochan came out of the kitchen carrying dishes and said hello in surprise.

"Auntie is here." Zhao Yong quickly put on a warm smile.

Li Manjun pointed to her uncle Zhang Fuhai, who was lying on the sofa in the living room, obviously depressed and staring at TV programs, and reminded her husband in a low voice: "Don't mention sensitive words like house and Nanzhou."

The real estate bubble in Southern Province caused the couple to go bankrupt overnight.

Fortunately, everyone is fine.

Wang Xiaochan seemed to be in good condition. She was chatting and laughing as soon as she got off the train, and even brought gifts to their family of three.

"Here, my aunt and uncle gave it to you." Li Manjun handed Zhao Yong the conch necklace hanging with a red rope on the table.

Zhao Yong's mouth twitched slightly, he was no longer a child.

Wang Xiaochan asked a little embarrassedly: "Don't you like it?"

"No, no, I like it."

Zhao Yong quickly lowered his head and asked his wife to help him put on the conch necklace.

Wang Xiaochan smiled, "As long as you like it."

Zhao Yong got up from his daughter, who was running to his feet to hug, and raised his chin towards Zhang Fuhai, meaning he went over to see his uncle.

Wang Xiaochan glanced at Li Manjun first, and Li Manjun nodded, indicating that he had reminded him of everything that needed to be reminded.

Wang Xiaochan sighed softly, smiled firmly at Zhao Yong, and motioned for him to untie his deeply shocked uncle.

Only this time, it was useless for Zhao Yong to go.

In the kitchen, Wang Xiaochan, who was paying attention to the situation in the living room, looked helplessly at Li Manjun and regretted:

"You called me earlier to remind me of the situation in Southern Province. I felt that the price increase was too outrageous and something was not right. I had already withdrawn, but I lost my mind for some reason at the time. I heard people saying that it was going to go up. It was impossible. If the price drops, invest again.”

"It's over, it's over." Li Manjun interrupted her aunt's dejection and said sincerely: "It's good that you guys are back safely."

If the money is gone, you can still make money, but if the people are gone, then there is really nothing.

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