Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 267 Falling into the manure pit

Li Manjun put the turtle seal in the safe at home and put it in an empty box containing facial cream for simple protection.

At night, Zhao Yong was away on a business trip. She put her daughter to sleep alone, sent her daughter back to her small room, and slept alone on the big bed. She couldn't help but glance at the closet.

There was an indescribable expectation in my heart. I was expecting something to happen, but I also hoped that it would be best not to happen.

I have to say that Wan Rongming's words really gave Li Manjun a strong psychological hint about himself.

This feeling of fear and wanting to get to the end has been bothering Li Manjun for several days.

Until Mo Yang called.

"Manager, help!"

Li Manjun shouted for help as soon as he came up. Li Manjun's heart skipped a beat. Could something happen right now?

On the phone, Mo Yang howled like a mourner: "I can't catch the bus back. I don't want to sleep in the wilderness. Manager, please help me!"

The village director standing next to him listened to what Mo Yang said and shook his head. Young people can't bear any hardship. Why don't they just stay in a fellow villager's house for one night? Why don't you shout for help.

Mo Yang saw the disgusted expression on the village director's face, and his heart twitched. There were no lights at home, and there were fleas sleeping on the straw. He didn't want it!

Li Manjun thought it was a big deal. Hearing this, he breathed a sigh of relief and asked Mo Yang where they were.

"I'm in Longkou Village. Didn't you ask me to come over to communicate with the village cadres about the donation? It has been arranged. But when everyone left, I was going to the toilet. They didn't even count the number of people and drove off, leaving me behind. Got it!"

The more Mo Yang talked about it, the more he wanted to cry. When he first noticed that the car had driven away, he didn't feel anything. The worst thing he could do was wait for the next one.

In the end, he was still naive. Except for the special buses for leading cadres, the shuttle bus came once a day and passed by long ago.

He came to the village director, who was very enthusiastic and said that he would help him contact a fellow villager and spend the night at his home.

As a result, the two of them arrived at the fellow's house and saw that the moldy straw bed was separated from the pig pen by a wall. The smell was really amazing.

You can hear the sound of pigs jumping against the wall, as if it's right next to your ears, it scares you to death.

Mo Yang collapsed at that time. Fortunately, the village committee had a landline and hurriedly called Li Manjun to call for help.

Li Manjun took a look at the time. It was already six o'clock. It was already dark when we arrived at Longkou Village, and the journey back was all night.

"Mo Yang, why don't you sleep one night at my fellow villager's house and take the shuttle bus back tomorrow? Then I'll ask the finance department to calculate the travel expenses for you." Li Manjun tentatively asked.

"No! If you want to pick me up, I must go home and sleep today!" Mo Yang was resolute and felt so wronged that he wanted to cry.

The village director sighed helplessly, thinking about the conditions in the villagers' homes, and looking at Mo Yang's fair and clean appearance, he came to Mo Yang and asked him if he wanted to sleep at his house for a night.

Although there is no spare bed in his house, it is okay to put up two boards in the main room. There is no pig pen next to it, so it doesn't stink.

Mo Yang knew that the village director had good intentions, but he couldn't accept it and insisted that Li Manjun send someone to pick him up.

Li Manjun rubbed his eyebrows with a headache, "Okay, you have dinner at the village director's house first, I'll be there later."

Both Long Hao and Steve were on a business trip. Wang Dasheng had only had his driver's license for half a month, but he didn't dare to let him walk on the mountain road.

As for Liu Yan and Li Wei, it would be better for her to go alone.

Li Manjun first called Sister Zhou and told her that she would go home later today. She got up, picked up her bag, went out and bought a piece of bread for dinner at the intersection, and set off to pick up Mo Yang in the countryside.

If he had known she would not take her brother with her, Mo Yang's phone calls along the way were like a reminder, calling her every ten minutes, asking her where she was, for fear that she would deceive him.

There was a section of the mountain road that was difficult to drive, and she had to concentrate on it. Mo Yang kept urging, and Li Manjun finally couldn't help but yelled at him:

"If you call me again, I will turn around and go back to Rongcheng right now and let you sleep in the pig pen!"

Mo Yang: ".I'm dead."

It was dark, so Li Manjun turned on the car lights and looked at the dark mountain road, feeling a little scared.

Fortunately, the journey was smooth and we arrived at Longkou Village safely.

Mo Yang had already had dinner with the village director and was squatting at the entrance of Longkou Village Primary School, staring at the road.

I saw the car lights on from a distance and stood up excitedly.

When I saw Li Manjun, I felt as if I had seen a savior. My eyes were red and I almost cried while hugging her.

Li Manjun clicked his tongue and shook his head, he was still a little kid.

"Let's go."

"Wait a minute, I need to go to the toilet. I'll be back soon." Mo Yang finished speaking hurriedly, ran back and said to the village director who was waiting with him, and then turned to go to the toilet.

Li Manjun waited for a while, thinking nothing would happen again that day, but then he heard Mo Yang's screams coming from the school toilet.


"Manager, help me, I fell into the toilet, mom! It's all shit, I'm dirty-"

Li Manjun's temples were pounding, and he rushed over with the village director who had not yet had time to leave. Wow, that scene made me want to vomit just looking at it.

"Mo Yang, you are really good at it. Such a big man can still fall in when he goes to the toilet." Li Manjun covered his mouth and nose in disgust, and together with the village director, he stretched out his hand to pull Mo Yang, who had put one foot in the hole in the wooden board. come out.

"vomit~" Before Li Manjun could vomit, Mo Yang started retching himself.

While he was vomiting, he said: "Who knew the hole in the toilet would be so big? It's dark here and there are no lights. Do you think I want to fall in?"

The village director was laughing so hard that he turned on the faucet and helped Mo Yang wash away the stains on his legs.

Li Manjun stood far away, she really didn't want Mo Yang to take her car.

Finally, the village director and I went to a nearby cowshed to grab a lot of straw and spread it on the passenger seat, barely providing some isolation.

It's that smell. I wonder if their noses are too sensitive. They have washed it with water several times, but it is still faintly visible.

Li Manjun took out the silk scarf and tied it around her face. Seeing how disgusted she was, Mo Yang said resentfully: "Why don't you be so exaggerated!"

Li Manjun nodded heavily: "Yes."

After such a delay, it became completely dark. There were no street lights in the countryside and it was hard to see.

When Mo Yang raised his head, he could see the twinkling stars all over the sky, which was shockingly beautiful.

Li Manjun had always been affected by the mysterious metaphysics mentioned by Wan Rongming before, but today after being tortured by Mo Yang, he no longer felt it.

Of course, it is also possible that the feces removed evil spirits, so she now walks at night without fear.

A small animal ran in front of the car on the road, and a black shadow suddenly appeared. She didn't scare her, so she drove the car steadily to Rongcheng.

After throwing Mo Yang at the door of his house, Li Manjun went to the car wash shop to wash the car before going home.

It was already ten o'clock in the evening. Li Manjun walked into the house, and the house was quiet.

Sister Zhou heard the noise and came out of her daughter's room. She said that Nian Nian had fallen asleep, hugging a pillow with mother's clothes on it.

Li Manjun nodded and stepped lightly.

"You haven't had dinner yet, can I cook you a bowl of noodles?" Sister Zhou asked with concern.

Li Manjun smiled and nodded.

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