Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 365 Chip Company

"I'm going to see Zhu Yaowei off, you continue to sleep."

It was early in the morning, and Zhao Yong didn't know why his wife was so mad. He sat up straight before the alarm clock went off.

He got home very late last night and was going to sleep in this morning. Suddenly he heard the words Zhu Yaowei and woke up.

"Is he leaving?" Zhao Yong asked as he stood up and dressed.

Li Manjun nodded and finished dressing and washing up in two minutes. She stopped putting on makeup. She scratched her hair, got some mousse to style the ends of her hair, applied lip balm and left.

Zhao Yong was stunned. He had never seen his wife go out so quickly!

I hurriedly put on my shoes and went out. Aunt Guo asked loudly from behind: "Don't you have breakfast?"

The couple had already closed the door and entered the elevator.

Aunt Guo sighed helplessly. She was away from home every year and suddenly felt that she had no value in existence. She could only roll up her sleeves and take care of the housework that Liu Juying should have done.

Li Manjun drove to the home of Zhu Yaowei's sister and brother-in-law. While waiting at the traffic light, she asked Zhao Yong, who was napping on the passenger seat, helplessly: "Why are you following me?"

Zhao Yong didn't even open his eyes and asked lazily: "What's wrong with Zhu Yaowei?"

He vaguely remembered that when he got home last night, Aunt Guo poked her head out of the room and whispered to him that Mr. Li had an inexplicable temper today.

Li Manjun didn't want to say anything and chose to remain silent.

Zhao Yong couldn't see it, he immediately opened his eyes and said angrily: "Look, I'll tell him there's something wrong!"

After that, I wanted to roll up my sleeves and say: Tell me, how to deal with him.

When his hand touched his bare arm, he was stunned.

Li Manjun didn't wait for the next step and glanced at him suspiciously. He was wearing a white tight-fitting vest on his muscular body.

Li Manjun helplessly held his forehead, and Zhao Yong even laughed because of himself, "I really didn't wake up, I didn't change my shirt, I just thought about chasing you."

"Hey? Why did you turn the corner?"

Li Manjun turned the steering wheel, turned to another road, and went straight to the mall, "Buy you some clothes."

"No, I have plenty of clothes. Just go home and change." Wait, that's not right. "Aren't you going to see Zhu Yaowei off?"

Li Manjun hummed, and strangely enough, he calmed down inexplicably.

What could she do if she went to find Zhu Yaowei?

They didn't take any actual action, and they didn't even admit that they coveted Lijun. Everything was just speculation by her and Zhao Yong without any evidence.

Li Manjun parked the car in the parking lot and asked Zhao Yong to stay in the car. He went into the mall and bought him two clothes and asked him to put them on. He sent him directly to Junda, turned around, and went to Xiang Lian Company.

Zhao Yong is numb. Is this the needle in a woman's heart? It changes when you say it will happen, and you are caught off guard!

There was no news from Li Manjun for a while. Xiang Lian thought that Li Manjun had no chance of raising money. He suppressed his expectations in his heart and watched silently as the company's new project director happily talked about agency.

He is enjoying his leisure time now. The shareholders were afraid that he would still want to engage in research, so they directly transferred him to the most idle department. His daily task was to inspect the computer room.

Usually nothing happens in the computer room, but if something does happen, it can be so busy that everyone is bald.

Fortunately, there was nothing to do during this period. Xiang Lian felt that he was free enough to recite sutras.

Suddenly he heard his colleague calling him, saying that someone was looking for him. Xiang Lian didn't expect it to be Li Manjun, so he slowly locked the computer room door and walked out leisurely.

The best beauty agent for programmers is leisure.

After not seeing him for many days, Li Manjun felt that Xiang Lian was several years younger. His hair that used to be white at the temples was now completely black.

"Why is it you?" Xiang Lian looked at Li Manjun in surprise. The two quickly exchanged glances and immediately understood what the other meant.

Li Manjun was waiting outside, while Xiang Lian ran back to ask for leave.

No, it would be more appropriate to say running wildly.

Soon, he ran back panting with a smile on his face, beckoning her to follow, and the two of them went to a small restaurant near the company, opened a private room, ordered some random dishes, and went straight to the topic.

Li Manjun took out the money, handed it to Xiang Lian, and asked thoughtfully if he would take it.

Xiang Lian nodded wildly, "Yes, how could it not be possible!"

He looked at the five million remittance order in his hand and was extremely happy, but his face looked very calm.

Li Manjun reminded him not to just be happy, "Contracts and other things must be dealt with as soon as possible."

There is another thing she is curious about, "Do you still want to stay in your current company? If you still work in the current company, will it affect our cooperation?"

Xiang Lian carefully put the remittance slip away, exhaled a breath, and completely released the expectation he had hidden for so long. He relaxed his shoulders and said seriously:

"I will resign immediately. We have different views and will not work together."

Afraid that Li Manjun would not trust him, he hurriedly said: "I will contact the professors at the Chinese Academy of Sciences when I get back soon. Now that there are sufficient funds, they will definitely support our research."

The waiter brought the dishes and the two of them chatted while eating. Li Manjun felt relieved as he watched Xiang Lian talk endlessly about his ideas.

Li Manjun raised his tea cup and said, "Come on, happy cooperation!"

Xiang Lian waved his hand, rarely feeling interested in drinking, and asked the waiter to serve half a jug of good wine, then filled a cup for himself, then returned Li Manjun's tea, drank it in one gulp, and his eyes turned red with excitement.

Xiang Lian is very dynamic. After the hotel left, Li Manjun received a call from him within a week and asked her to go to the new company to have a look and sign the contract.

"So fast?" Li Manjun looked at the semi-underground warehouse-like office in front of him, his eyes widening in surprise.

In the office, desks and chairs have been set up, and several employees stood in front of their workstations to welcome her with smiles.

Xiang Lian brought a mature team directly from the original company.

He is very popular among his colleagues, something Li Manjun had never known before.

When I saw it today, it was a huge surprise.

Next came the issues of machines, materials and research sites. Seeing the mature team in front of her, Li Manjun believed that Xiang Lian could solve them, and she basically had nothing to worry about.

After signing the contract, Li Manjun personally sent the copy that belonged to Shirley Zhong, and then asked Zhao Yong to send him Zhu Yaowei's copy.

Junda Express has developed rapidly this year. In Rongcheng, Junda has become the first choice for companies to mail items and documents.

Especially TV shopping advertising companies, with large order bonuses, directly asked Junda Express to set up a special line for them. As long as the order is placed locally in Rongcheng or Haishi, it will be delivered to your door within three days.

If it is fresh food such as seafood, it is guaranteed to be delivered within 48 hours.

Orders from other regions can basically be controlled within five days.

However, where the highway has not been built, nothing can be done.

At the end of August, the chip company was officially registered.

Li Manjun was finally able to stop for a while and concentrate on handling her daughter's admission to kindergarten.

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