Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 401 One-day trip

When I saw my mother writing a letter every year, I came over curiously, climbed on the chair, put my little hands on the table, looked at my mother with my chin in my hands, and asked in a low voice:

"Mom, what are you doing?"

"Write a letter to uncle."

"What is a letter?"

Li Manjun stopped writing, pulled her daughter's chair closer to her, pointed to the stamp on the envelope, and told her that she could use this to contact the person she wanted to contact.

“Writing a letter is to write down what you want to say to the other person, then put it in an envelope, affix a stamp, write the address and recipient information, and let the postman help deliver the letter we have written to the other person.

Nian Nian said oh, flipped through the stamp envelope, pointed to the picture on the stamp and said, "Mom, look here there are mountains."

Li Manjun took a cooperative look, nodded in agreement, and continued writing the unfinished letter.

After writing it, I looked at Nian Nian's very interested look and asked with a smile: "Do you have anything you want to say to your uncle every year? Mom will help you write it together and send it to your uncle."

"Yes!" Niannian responded quickly, as if he had been waiting for a long time. He couldn't wait to climb onto his mother's lap, nestled in her arms, looked at the ceiling, thought for a while, and said:

"Mom, tell uncle that Nian Nian will go to kindergarten."

Li Manjun helped write it and asked, "Is there any more?"

Nian Nian thought for a while and shook his head, "No."

Li Manjun asked funnyly: "Didn't you tell your uncle that you missed him?"

"Don't tell me, I don't want to." Niannian replied honestly.

When Li Jianjun joined the army, he was only two and a half years old. He didn't remember much about his uncle, and he can't remember much now. He just heard his parents and grandparents talking about him all the time, and felt that he should talk to him more.

As for the rest, it’s really gone.

Li Manjun was a little funny. If she had a mobile phone, she would really want to record her daughter's answers and send them to Li Jianjun.

Thinking about that scene, Li Manjun was happy, so she added the conversation between mother and daughter to the letter, folded it and put it in an envelope, sealed it with glue, and wrote the recipient's information.

"Can you go and send a letter with your mother tomorrow?" Li Manjun asked her daughter in her arms.

Nian Nian shook her calves and said, "Okay, won't mom work tomorrow?"

"If I don't work, I'll play with Nian Nian all day tomorrow."

Joseph would call her when it was done, but he hadn't called her yet, so she took a break from the busy work to relax.

"That's great!" Niannian was so happy that she hugged her mother's neck and kissed her, "Mom, I love you~"

Li Manjun pinched her daughter's chubby face and responded gently, "Mom loves Nian Nian too, she loves Nian Nian the most."

"What about dad?" the little girl suddenly asked, looking at her mother expectantly with her big eyes. Is she her mother's favorite person?

Li Manjun had a lump in his throat, then smiled and said, "I love Nian Nian the most."

Hearing this, the little girl was very satisfied. She knew that her mother loved her and her father, both of them.

The next day, mother and daughter woke up very early and rolled on the big bed for a long time before getting up to get dressed and wash up.

Aunt Guo listened to the noise upstairs and started making breakfast.

Today I had Xiao Long Bao and Spicy Pancakes. Xiao Long Bao is Nian Nian’s favorite and Li Manjun’s favorite pancakes.

At the dinner table, Nian Nian looked at Aunt Guo curiously and asked her, "What is Auntie's favorite breakfast?"

Aunt Guo was startled. She didn't expect the little guy to ask herself this. There were only two kinds of breakfast on the table, and there was no third kind.

She smiled lightly and said, "Auntie likes to eat everything. She doesn't have a favorite."

Nian Nian's cheerful expression turned to doubt, "Is that so?" It turns out that there are people who like to eat everything. Nian Nian doesn't like to eat vegetables, but likes to eat meat.

Xiaolongbao is the most fragrant and delicious!

Li Manjun finished the pancakes in her hand and picked up the empty plate to the kitchen. She saw Aunt Guo packing the bag she would take with her when she went out soon. There were water bottles from every year, her own thermos cup, and some snack biscuits made by herself.

"Aunt Guo, if you like to eat something, you can always cook it and let us try it together." Li Manjun smiled and said in a joking tone.

Aunt Guo looked up in surprise, "The taste in my hometown is different. I'm afraid you won't be able to get used to it."

"That's not necessarily true~" Li Manjun joked: "Maybe we also like it very much."

Aunt Guo smiled, "Okay, then I'll make it occasionally and let's give it a try."

Li Manjun nodded and told her not to take too many things with her when going out. When eating out at night, she could just bring the water glass and tableware she used every year.

Aunt Guo agreed and took out some of the biscuits she had just put in. She only carried an insulated bag with a lunch box and went out easily.

Li Manjun was holding the baby, and Aunt Guo was beside her. The three of them walked and chatted. They first went to a nearby post office to mail the letter away, and then took a taxi to the new district.

Two years have passed and great changes have taken place. What was once a mudflat is now filled with high-rise buildings under construction. Some have just been topped out, while others are still laying foundations. The prosperity of later generations has already begun to appear.

Aunt Guo had never been to Haishi, so she naturally didn't know how much everyone disliked this land before. She was attracted by the tall building standing in the center at first glance.

Nian Nian still had some memories, so he screamed, and excitedly said to his aunt: "I have seen this in Nian Nian. It is a very big ball. Mom, can people go inside?"

Li Manjun nodded, greeted the two of them, and took a boat to cross the river.

I have never been on a boat in Nian Nian. I have been incarnated with hundreds of thousands of reasons throughout the journey, and I have to be curious about everything.

Fortunately, there were not many people on the boat. Everyone was hiding in the cabin because of the strong wind, otherwise they would definitely disturb others.

The Pearl Tower is open to the public, and you can go up to it if you buy a ticket.

Li Manjun rarely rides in such a high elevator, especially in this era, there is no such opportunity.

This is also the first time she has taken such a high sightseeing elevator since arriving in this era.

The higher the viewing angle, the more beautiful the scenery seems.

Nian Nian was very excited at the beginning, but after the elevator rose, it became quiet. His two little hands were holding onto his mother's coat tightly, almost sticking to her legs as a pendant.

When the three of them arrived at the tower, someone took pictures. Li Manjun saw that the price was not too expensive, so he took two pictures each, one of a single person and one of a group photo.

Aunt Guo is very happy that she can take it back to show off to her relatives and friends. When I asked when I could pick it up, the staff said I could pick it up in three days, or they could help mail it.

Li Manjun would stay in Haishi for several days, so the three of them decided to pick it up themselves. If Li Manjun didn't have time, Aunt Guo would pick it up.

It's quite convenient to take a taxi.

After seeing the beautiful scenery, I looked for a restaurant nearby to eat in the evening. It was a big hotel by the river. The food was a buffet with a wide variety of dishes. I cried every year, clutching my round belly and feeling sad, "I can't eat anymore, I can't eat anymore." , woo woo woo”

But there are still many, many delicious things that I haven’t eaten.

Nian Nian was so sad that I begged my mother to come again next time.

Li Manjun discussed: "It's okay to come, but you have to promise mom not to eat so much next time. Your stomach will feel uncomfortable when you go home at night."

Nian Nian busy said yes, as long as she can still come, she can come!

Next time I come, I must try the cake with panda, fried spring rolls, and milk pudding.

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