When Li Manjun was going back to Rongcheng, both Li Lijun and Zhu Yaowei came.

One of them just got out of the taxi, and the other happened to park the car at the door of the bungalow. Li Lijun was still thinking about who parked the car randomly at her sister's house, and wanted to come forward and talk.

Unexpectedly, before I even opened my mouth, I saw a familiar face.

"Giving it to my sister?"

"Come to see your sister off?"

The two of them spoke in unison.

Zhu Yaowei smiled, got out of the car, and asked Li Lijun to go in and urge him.

Li Manjun oh-ohed twice and turned to go in, but before she could get in, Li Manjun pushed the suitcase out.

Aunt Guo held Nian Nian's hand and walked behind. Nian Nian looked at her big house with great reluctance. She touched the door handle with her little hand, and then she and Aunt Guo walked down the steps and walked out.

Li Manjun looked at the two people at the door. She didn't expect that Li Lijun would also come to see her off. She was a little surprised. She smiled and asked Li Lijun to come over and put the luggage and Nian Nian into the car, and then locked the door.

Zhu Yaowei saw the luggage and took the initiative to take it from Li Lijun, "I'll do it."

Wearing a well-tailored suit, he is no longer a boss but a driver.

Li Lijun took her niece and asked her aunt to get in the car with her.

The two adults and one child consciously sat in the back seat, leaving Li Manjun in the passenger seat.

Because only she sitting in front could withstand Zhu Yaowei's powerful aura. Anyway, if Li Lijun sat in that position, she would feel uncomfortable.

It was strange to say that following her sister and brother-in-law, she met many of their friends, all of whom were big bosses, but she found them very kind and kind.

Only Zhu Yaowei made her feel a strong sense of oppression.

Li Lijun thought to herself, could it be because she worked under him during the summer?

How can an employee feel at ease when facing his boss? Well, that must be why.

"Have you seen the house?" Zhu Yaowei asked proactively when no one said anything in the car.

Li Manjun was busy checking her bag for the last time to see if she had all her documents and if she had left any behind. She hummed without raising her head after hearing this.

Zhu Yaowei smiled and said, "How is it? Are you satisfied?"

Li Manjun made sure that nothing was left behind, zipped up the bag, sat upright, looked ahead and said with a smile, "It's pretty good."

She went to see the house alone at noon yesterday. The house was in a newly built community of Hengda Real Estate.

Not to mention the environment of the community, it is very good. The property management team is also professional, and the security and sanitation are very good.

Knowing that she was the owner who came to see the house, the property management staff sent someone to show her the way.

The large flat floor occupies an entire floor, with a built-up area of ​​580 square meters. The actual usable area plus the large balcony with river view is 600 square meters.

The house was so big that even the words echoed, but Li Manjun fell in love with the large floor-to-ceiling balcony at first sight.

Standing on the balcony, which is 21 stories high, you can overlook the entire river and the scenery on the other side of the river. The view is very broad, and you feel like you are living in the clouds.

It's a pity that it was just rough and undecorated, otherwise she could have stayed on the large balcony all afternoon.

Li Manjun would be satisfied, which was completely expected by Zhu Yaowei. He had never seen an owner who was dissatisfied with the flat floor.

"Are you planning to decorate?" he asked with a smile.

Li Manjun shook his head, "Let it go, we can't live here now."

Zhu Yaowei thought of her house in Rongcheng and suggested that she change it.

"Don't worry, wait until my big hotel is built."

Her hotel is not just a hotel building, there will be several holiday villas built in the surrounding open space. When the time comes, she will choose the most comfortable one for her family of three.

There is also Luman’s own office building, which she plans to build on the site currently rented by the paper mill.

Long Hao is already negotiating with the paper mill. They will move out in the second half of the year and the construction team will start work immediately.

If nothing else happens, their Luman office building will be completed next spring and summer.

Zhu Yaowei smiled, it's great, everyone succeeded.

"When will you return to Rongcheng?" In front of the airport, Li Manjun looked at Zhu Yaowei and really wanted to have more meals with him.

Zhu Yaowei smiled slightly and said, "Mid-Autumn Festival."

"Okay, let's have dinner together then." Li Manjun motioned to her daughter to say goodbye to her uncle, and they were going home.

Nian Nian smiled sweetly at Zhu Yaowei and waved his little fleshy hand, "Goodbye, uncle!"

Zhu Yaowei nodded in response, leaned forward slightly, and motioned to Li Lijun, who was standing by the car door and was still reluctant to get in, to get in the car and leave.

"Sister, please call me more often." Li Lijun was very reluctant and embarrassed to kiss her sister, so she hugged Niannian and kissed her twice.

Li Manjun signaled that she was almost done, and asked Zhu Yaowei to help send the person to the school gate. He took his daughter's hand, called Aunt Guo who was carrying the luggage, and strode towards the airport.

"Let's go." Zhu Yaowei frowned slightly and urged again.

Li Lijun then opened the car door and sat in the back seat.

Zhu Yaowei curled his lips and smiled lightly, "You really treat me as a driver."

In the evening, Li Manjun and the other three returned to their familiar home.

Zhao Yong was very busy today and could not pick up the mother and daughter. It was already dinner time and he was not back yet.

Nian Nian excitedly called her father and rushed into the house. As a result, the room was dark and no one was at home. The little girl pouted in despair and fell down on the soft sofa. She felt sad for three seconds before climbing back up. Get up and ask your mother to neatly place the new dolls brought from Haishi on the side of your bed.

The already crowded bedside now completely surrounds the bed. Lying among the dolls, I sigh: "Mom, I am so happy~"

Li Manjun took the clothes out of the suitcase for her and put them in the closet, and then dumped them into the pile of dolls, "Every year, my mother is so happy!"

A golden nest or a silver nest is not as good as one's own doghouse. This sentence is indeed very wise.

As soon as Aunt Guo got home, she rolled up her sleeves, put on her apron, and started working in the kitchen.

Zhao Yong was alone at home for half a month and hardly ate at home. There was no food in the refrigerator, only a row of eggs.

Aunt Guo took out three and made three bowls of egg noodles for dinner.

After dinner, Zhao Yong finally went home. The three members of the family had a lively intimacy with each other for a long time. They had only been separated for half a month, but they seemed to have not seen each other for eight hundred years.

Nian Nian climbed into her parents' room again, found a place in the middle of the bed, and Meimei slept with her parents for one night.

Unfortunately for Zhao Yong, all their loving plans were disrupted by the child. The couple could only smile bitterly across the child who was sleeping sprawled out.

In the following period, Li Manjun clearly felt that Zhao Yong's company was developing rapidly. In the past, it was rare to see Junda's advertisements in Rongcheng, but now it is easy to hear the words "Junda Express" from the people of Rongcheng.

Overnight, many Junda express stations popped up in Rongcheng. It was as if they had been agreed upon, and they popped up all of a sudden, leaving people unprepared.

Subsequently, the time the couple met each other suddenly decreased. Zhao Yong always came home very late. Even the couple's appointment of one person to pick up the baby a week was difficult for Zhao Yong to carry out.

Of course, the good thing is that Zhao Yong took bags and bags of cash home, and the closet was filled with cash.

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