Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 470 Looking at the store

For lunch, Li Manjun asked Li Jianjun to drive to the food street near the Academy of Fine Arts, find a place to park the car, and found a rice roll shop here. Each person had a bowl of rice rolls. After eating and drinking, he walked up to the second floor and went to the department store. Take a walk around.

There were quite a lot of customers in the store, and it was obvious that most of them were repeat customers. The boss and his wife greeted them skillfully and in an orderly manner, and they made eleven orders in half an hour.

When the free time at noon passed and the flow of people decreased slightly, I was able to take a bite of the lunch box that had long since cooled on the counter.

At first, the boss and his wife did not notice Li Manjun and her brother.

But after walking around for an hour and people still haven’t left, if you don’t notice it, you’re blind.

The proprietress threw the empty lunch box into the big trash can at the door. When she came back, she walked behind the two siblings and asked them tentatively:

"What are you looking for? Haven't you found it yet?"

Li Jianjun glanced at his sister first and saw that she had no intention of speaking, so he said:

"Boss boss, your business here is very good. Can you make a lot of money in a month?"

The landlady looked at him suspiciously, but she was a talkative person. She smiled and said: "It's okay, just earn living expenses. We have been working here for more than ten years. Don't look at the ease when selling goods. Standing down one day, your waist will be stretched." I can’t stand it.”

"If no one had taken over, we would have gone home and rested long ago."

Li Jianjun was overjoyed and said: "How come there is no one to accept such a good store? It must be the boss lady who is reluctant to take action."

The landlady snorted, "If someone picks up the call, I'll transfer it immediately. Do you believe it?"

Li Jianjun glanced at Li Manjun again, and Li Manjun pretended to be curious and asked: "Sister, your store is doing so well, are you really willing to change it?"

"I'm willing to give it up. There's nothing to be reluctant to give up. To be honest, I don't have to take a break for three hundred and sixty days a year. You laymen don't understand the kind of exhaustion."

"I understand." Li Manjun said with a look that I understand deeply, "I used to open a store, and it was open all year round from morning to night. The person who opened the store couldn't leave for half an hour. If you close it, Door, a guest happens to be coming, if you don’t buy what you want this time, they won’t come to your house next time.”

The landlady's eyes lit up and she felt the same way. She was so excited that she couldn't help but pat Li Manjun on the shoulder, "Yes, yes, only those who have done what we do know the joy and hardship here."

"Outsiders don't understand. They think we just stand in the store, greet people and collect money. We don't get caught in the wind or rain. It's easy and we get money."

"But you are loading and unloading goods behind the scenes. You can't even take a two-day break during the New Year. If relatives and friends ask you for help, you can't leave."

Seeing his wife standing in front of the shelf and chatting with someone, and the conversation became more and more popular, the boss couldn't help shouting.

The landlady was talking enthusiastically when she was suddenly interrupted. She turned around and glared in displeasure, "You don't know how to greet the guests! I finally have time to talk to the big girl."

Seeing that the couple was about to quarrel over themselves, Li Manjun apologized quickly: "Sister, I'm sorry to disturb your work. It's rare for me to meet a close friend. After saying a few words, I forgot that you are still doing business."

The landlady waved her hand and said with a smile, "It's not a problem, it's not a problem, I've said more than you."

"By the way, sister, you just said you wanted to transfer the store. Are you serious?" Li Manjun asked with a smile.

The landlady immediately glanced over with a half-smile, "Really, do you want to take over?"

She could tell that the siblings were here to see the show.

Li Jianjun nodded and smiled sheepishly, "I just retired from the army and wanted to start a small business to make a living. My sister wanted to set up a shop for me and let me try it out."

"Oh, how about you take care of my sister?" the proprietress praised, and she understood that she was a skilled guide.

But she liked Li Manjun quite well. Now that the words were out, the landlady invited the two of them to the cashier to talk about their ideas.

Li Jianjun just saw that his sister had dispelled her caution and vigilance with just a few words. He secretly admired her and started to learn immediately. His sister is amazing.

He was a tall and handsome young man who was also a soldier. He had a layer of filters on his body. The boss lady looked at him twice and nodded repeatedly. This young man looked so energetic!

"Do you have a girlfriend?" the landlady asked Li Jianjun with a smile as she poured a glass of water for each of the siblings.

Li Jianjun shook his head and smiled greenly, "Not yet."

The landlady immediately followed and said: "Would you like me to introduce you to them? The girls in our area are all beautiful. Their families are all in business. They have several stores and the conditions are very good."

Li Jianjun thought in embarrassment, I don't want to be a door-to-door son-in-law!

She had a naive smile on her face and didn't answer her words. She frequently looked at her sister asking for help.

Li Manjun originally wanted him to exercise more, but seeing how pitiful he looked, he still couldn't bear it.

Putting down the water glass, he smiled and asked the proprietress and the boss, "Brother, eldest sister, how do you plan to turn this store around?"

The boss asked her in turn: "What do you want to do next?"

"Let's do some small business. I see there are a lot of students nearby. The place is spacious enough. I feel like it would be a good business to be a video game arcade or Internet cafe." Li Manjun replied ambiguously, testing the boss and his wife. tone of voice.

See if they are disgusted with these new things.

After all, whether it is an arcade mall or an Internet cafe, parents with children are not very fond of it.

Fortunately, the boss and the landlady didn't say it was bad to do this, but they were a little concerned, "Would it be too noisy? We are surrounded by old friends, and everyone has been doing business quietly."

Li Jianjun understood this, so he hurriedly explained: "No, we know that playing games is noisy, so we will do a good job in soundproofing during the decoration. We are also afraid that the neighbors and nearby residents will sue us for disturbing the residents, so the soundproofing will be done!"

"And we are a regular Internet cafe. We use the Internet in a civilized manner. There will be security guards watching. Fighting is strictly prohibited."

The boss and his wife looked at each other, still a little worried, but they didn't say much and just said:

"We want to transfer the goods together. We don't plan to take any of these goods. To be honest, I'm really tired of this business."

Li Manjun asked: "Then how much do these goods cost?"

They are a department store that sells everything from electrical appliances to small things like needlework and thread. All the goods are worth fifty or sixty thousand at a 20% discount on the cost price.

Li Jianjun took a deep breath in his heart, but after all, he had been to a developed city like Dongshi, so he looked calm on the face, but he just asked if it could be any less.

The boss shook his head. This was indispensable. They had already discounted the cost price.

Li Manjun asked again: "How are the transfer fees and rent calculated?"

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