Hajin Kang looked around the Luxembourg Park.

This is where the dungeon in question arises. It will probably be impossible to close the dungeon in time.

If so, you have to plan in consideration of the dungeon exploding.

Fortunately, the faster the dungeon explodes, the lower the level of monsters that appear.

It's probably because you're trying too hard to drill a hole, so there's no choice but to do it.

If not, there is no reason for Marvass to attack the Earth so slowly and slowly.

Hajin Kang first looked for the place where the dungeon appeared.

Pursuing his memory before his return, he rummaged through the information when the dungeon was created at the time.

'I think it's roughly like this...'

The dungeons appearing here are smaller than the new type dungeons that have appeared recently.

Therefore, the internal scale is not large, and the monster inside is not very strong.

It's just annoying.

They were small in size and quick to move, but there were a huge number of them.

If you don't deal with them all, the core won't appear, but like a small monster, it sneaked around cleverly without attacking.

In a word, they were rats.

Then, when it determines that the enemy is weak, it runs in a swarm and bites it.

It's almost impossible to get rid of them in just three hours.

So it's much easier to deal with the monsters pouring out while waiting for the dungeon to explode.

The problem is the magic storm that occurs when the dungeon explodes, but it can only be solved once, and as long as there are a lot of Awakened people here, it won't be a problem to stop it.

Hajin Kang planned to show the world his power and the power of the Guardians.

The goal was to get a spot ahead of the Defenders.

The first button is the dungeon in Luxembourg Park, France.

Perhaps Enzo is working hard by now.

Kang Ha-jin first passed on information about the level that can be obtained at the moment the dungeon is created to Enzo.

And now it was my turn to pass on the second piece of information.

The information that a dungeon might open right here in Luxembourg Park.

Hwang Soo-young went to the French Awakening Association to hand over the information now.

It is known as Hwang Soo-young who discovered the Pukgukseong Dungeon in advance and ate the fruit.

So, if she said that a dungeon would appear here, I don't know why, but if she said that she felt so, the French Awakened Association would be forced to move.

They would argue that the North Star Dungeon was discovered that way.

The reason Kang Ha-jin came out here alone and looked for a place where the dungeon would appear in advance was in the hope that he might be able to find out the signs of a dungeon.

Recently, a lot of progress has been made in sensory training connected to the system.

In particular, the moment I entered the dungeon, and the moment when a huge power hit me after closing the dungeon was a great opportunity.

Hajin Kang tilted his head while standing around the spot where the dungeon would appear.

I know something, but I don't know.

She felt her heart tickling, and she couldn't figure out exactly what it was.

'I think I should do a little more...'

How focused was she?

Kang Ha-jin caught a clear flow of power with a feeling as if the dam had suddenly been blocked.

‘This is a dungeon!’

She seemed to have all the small sensations she had felt here and there all at once.

This was the dungeon, and it was part of the system.

‘I only know it is a dungeon, and I still don’t know when this will open.’

Hajin Kang smiled bitterly.

After this dungeon is opened, you may be able to figure out when the next time it will open.

Anyway, experience will be accumulated as data.

But for now, there was no answer other than to keep waiting here and watching.

Hajin Kang sighed and sat down on the spot.

She looked around and saw many people walking through the park. And, like Ha-jin Kang, I saw quite a few people sitting on the floor and enjoying themselves.

Hajin Kang naturally blended with them and became a part of the paintings that make up the park.

* * *

“So, are you saying that a dungeon will appear around here?”

"Yeah. In my opinion, yes.”

Enzo and other Awakened Awokens and staff from the French Awakening Association looked around closely.

Then, they scanned the surrounding area using a magic sensor they developed in-house.

But I couldn't find anything special about it.

It was natural. Because dungeons are not opened based on magic, but after opening, you connect with magic.

The mechanism until the dungeon is opened depends only on the power of the system.

Eventually, Enzo shook his head.

“It would be impossible to get meaningful data.”

There was suspicion in everyone's eyes. Do dungeons really open here?

“Anyway, I did my job. So I hope you keep your promise.”

“I will definitely keep my promise.”

At Enzo's confirmation, all the other people nearby also nodded their heads.

It had already been approved by the president of the association as well as by the board of directors.

“But you know that if the dungeon doesn’t open, it becomes a meaningless promise, right?”

Hwang Soo-young nodded her head.

"of course. And when the real dungeon opens, I know that it is a request that is harder to accept than I thought.”

As she said that, she glanced at Ha-jin Kang, who was sitting on one side of her.

Enzo's gaze naturally returned to that direction.

Ha-jin Kang was like a person who came to Luxembourg Park to play.

She said, “If the dungeon is open, I will gather as many Awokens here as I can as many as I can. They will all faithfully follow the instructions of Ha-jin Kang, who is sitting there.”

Hwang Soo-young shook her head.

“You promised to gather at least 300 Awoken,” she said. Right?"

"Yeah. Yes. There are a lot of Awoken in Paris. As long as the dungeon opens, gathering around 300 people here is not a big deal.”

Enzo thought that he could collect 500, or even 700, instead of 300 if he made up his mind.

He glanced back and looked at Ha-jin Kang.

Near Ha-jin Kang, the Guardians' guild members also joined when they came out.

They, too, have been running out of breath for a while, but it felt good to be able to have such a relaxing break after a long time.

For a moment, Enzo seriously thought about whether it was okay to leave the command to that person.

But the worries did not last long. This is because Ha-jin Kang suddenly stood up from his seat and strode closer to him.

Enzo was taken aback by Ha-jin Kang's natural sense of intimidation and backed away.

“Why, why?”

He was really startled because he just seemed to read what he was thinking and rush to it.

However, Kang Ha-jin's words that followed made Enzo even more surprised.

“It looks like a dungeon will open.”


Enzo looked at Hajin Kang with a stupid expression. He had no idea what to say to him.

Without waiting for Enzo's answer, Hajin Kang walked to the opening of the dungeon.

New type dungeons usually appear about 2 meters in diameter.

But it was much smaller than that, only about a meter in diameter.

You have to go inside to be able to go inside and raise the level as soon as the dungeon opens.

And the French Awoken must be included in it. so there will be something to be said.

Hajin Kang turned his head to look at Enzo. There was a very suitable French Awakener.

Hajin Kang motioned for Enzo.

Enzo followed Hajin Kang's instructions very well. I don't know if it was because of the overwhelming feeling of wearing it for the first time, or if it was something else, but somehow I didn't feel like rejecting it.

"what happened?"

“The dungeon will open soon, and you have to be here to level up.”

Enzo looked at Kang Ha-jin with questionable eyes.

“Do you really mean there is a dungeon open here?”

“If you don’t like it, call someone else. It's narrow so you can't get in too much."

Enzo quickly moved closer to Kang Ha-jin.

“I didn’t say I didn’t like it.”

Hwang Soo-young, who was watching the two, slowly approached. Because she too, her thirst for her strength was comparable to that of strong Ha-jin.

The Guardians' guild members who saw it jumped up and stuck behind them.

The French Association staff and the awakened stared blankly at the scene. Because it was a situation that their heads could not comprehend.

I mean, what the hell is he doing?

There were a total of 23 people holding each other tightly and sticking together.

A lot of people have already gathered to see it. Each of them held a smartphone in their hand and took a picture or recorded a video.

And at that moment, a dungeon appeared in its place.

The people who had gathered together were sucked into the dungeon at the same time. No, rather than being sucked in, it would be more accurate to say that it disappeared as if it was not there from the beginning.

Everyone looked at the dungeon that suddenly appeared with bewildered expressions.

And then he came to his senses and started calling everywhere.

* * *

Enzo stood blankly and looked around him.

All of a sudden, all the people who had gathered there were scattered and looked around.

They seemed very accustomed to this sort of thing.

But Enzo couldn't.

‘You really have leveled up!’

Besides, he had just risen to his level. Still, the level went up at once.

It was amazing.

Enzo's eyes moved in search of Kang Ha-jin and Hwang Soo-young.

‘How can you deliver such amazing information almost unconditionally!’(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

I felt very grateful.

And at the same time, it was very sad.

‘We French Awoken should have eaten this fruit together!’

In France, only Enzo came in alone.

If Ha-jin Kang hadn't beckoned, maybe Enzo, like everyone else, would have been just watching the newly created dungeon from outside.

"Thank you."

Enzo sincerely thanked Ha-jin Kang.

“I was just doing the right thing. Please keep your promise.”

"of course. On my honor, I will surely fulfill my promise. It will take a lot of Awoken to close this dungeon anyway.”

Hajin Kang shook his head.

“This dungeon will not close.”

"Yes? What are you talking about?”

“I would say that closing is almost impossible rather than not closing.”

Right now it is. But later, when Hajin Kang becomes stronger and acquires more new skills, the story will be a little different.

“I don't have much time, but it will be enough to take a look around. Let’s see.”

Enzo looked around with Hajin Kang.

A monster that looked like a mouse cub swarmed. Small thorns were densely attached to its tail, and a bright red light emanated from both eyes.

But he didn't attack, he just ran away in all directions.

Enzo's expression hardened at once.

“It will be difficult to catch them.”

“And there will be very little to gain.”

It was a monster that had hardly any magic stones. So, he was the kind of monster that only wastes time and energy.

“Let’s go out at once. It would be better to get things done first and talk again.”

At Hajin Kang's words, Enzo nodded his head with a serious expression.

He recalled his request to gather at least 300 Awoken.

It would certainly take a lot of Awoken to deal with such a monster.

‘But you won’t close the dungeon?’

Enzo couldn't quite comprehend it. Why the hell don't you close the dungeon?

And when Ha-jin Kang says he will do that, will the Awakened People or the French Association just accept it?

Enzo sighed and shook his head.

It felt like I was walking towards a thorny road.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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