Huge dungeons flooded all over Japan.

It was like watching a dungeon raid.

Hundreds of giant dungeons were opened, and dozens of small new type dungeons were opened around each giant dungeon.

And around that new type dungeon, dozens of regular dungeons were opened each.

So, the number of open dungeons was hundreds of thousands.

Even if Japan had not collapsed, it would have surely failed this time.

If this number of dungeons are opened at once, there is no answer no matter who comes.

It was the same with Hajin Kang.

Ha-jin Kang frowned as he checked the status of dungeons opened in Japan.

'This has never happened in Japan before...'

And the number of gigantic dungeons opened around the world was not as large as expected.

It was a point that was clearly different from before the return.

It seemed that the dungeons that should have been opened elsewhere were coming to Japan, as Ha-jin Kang expected.

Still, it would have been nice if the dungeons had already gathered in a ruined country.

If these dungeons had spread evenly throughout the world, chaos would have come once more.

Perhaps some countries may have collapsed on this occasion.

But now, the Guardians and Defenders are stepping up to block it well, so no country has been that serious.

There may be a few countries that are a little more difficult.

Anyway, there was nothing bad about Hajin Kang.

When the gates of hell open in Japan, you can go inside and level up.

“For now, we should start cleaning up around the city.”

The situation was so serious that countless small and general dungeons were opened, including large dungeons, inside the Guardian's base city.

Now all the Awoken were running hard to close the open dungeon inside the city.

Looking at the situation, it seemed that all dungeons inside the city could be closed before they explode.

However, it seemed impossible to close all the dungeons that were open outside the city.

Unless, of course, there is no strong Hajin.

Hajin Kang put down the white tiger he was holding in his arms.


As Ha-jin Kang went outside, Baek-ho walked around and followed him.

The two went out of town.

The inside of the city should be organized by the Awakened who are currently staying in the city.

Currently, the Guardian's base city is running flawlessly by inserting talent in the right place.

Relatively weak Awakeneds take on normal dungeons, and stronger Awakeners take on Newtype dungeons.

And 100 Guardians were properly dispersed and closing the huge dungeon.

After closing the giant dungeon as quickly as possible, they decided to close other dungeons that other Awoken had not yet closed.

That alone wasn't enough, but few were concerned.

Because they believed in Kang Ha-jin.

Ha-jin Kang closed the dungeons while circling around the city as if in keeping with their beliefs.

I always went in with Baekho, so the speed of closing the dungeon was beyond my imagination.

Once the normal dungeon is over in 1 minute.

When Baekho used his power once, the little monsters in the dungeon were completely killed, and Hajin Kang took out the last remaining boss and broke the core while Baekho ate it, and it was over.

Most of the experience points were eaten by Ha-jin Kang, and the white tigers ate monster corpses to gain experience points, so it was a win-win.

Even if it was a new type dungeon, there was nothing special about it.

It can't be finished in less than a minute like a normal dungeon, but it didn't take long to close the dungeon.

Let Baekho take care of it, and Hajin Kang can organize everything else.

The giant dungeon was a little different, but it didn't take a few hours to close one.

It took time because of the huge scale, but there was no difficult dungeon.

In fact, dungeons like that didn't really help that much in leveling up.

It was a situation of pushing for quantity instead of quality.

But that's just the beginning, but it will be different later on.

When the dungeon begins to explode, the interior of Japan will be infested with monsters, and many monsters that evolve through predation will appear.

Everything was happening because of the specificity of Japan.

It was also something that had never happened before the return.

Anyway, Ha-jin Kang and Baek-ho were working hard in the vicinity of the Guardian's base city.

Meanwhile, the time for the dungeons to explode was approaching.

* * *

“Isn’t this serious?”

Ash looked at Jason with a strange smile. Jason pressed his fingers against his temples as if in pain.

“It’s serious.”

“But I will keep you safe here.”

Jason shook his head.

“There is no point in staying here. We also have to protect the Spanish base we commissioned.”

“You know it’s impossible, right?”

“You have to make it possible.”

“Are you talking about the dungeons that have just opened outside?”

“I checked everything. If you and I make up our minds, we can stop it with the least amount of damage.”

Ash smiled at Jason's words.

“It’s happening because all the guys here are farther apart, so why do I have to work so hard?”

“Otherwise, Japan will be taken over by the Guardians.”

At the word guardian, Ash's expression was slightly distorted.

“Isn't it better to take the Guardian's base later? Do you think that would be easier?”

“If you can’t keep it here, you’re going to eat there?”

Ash sighed and shook his head.

“So what are we going to do?”

“The body.”

Ash's expression contorted even more at the word of an alter ego.

“Are you talking like that even though you know that I lost one of my clones a while ago?”

“Or is there a way? Send an alter ego and call Jennifer to clean up the Spanish side.”

If one clone and Jennifer work together, they will be able to stop the monsters that are rushing to the Spanish side.

However, on the premise that there will be no interference.

“It is clear that Ha-jin Kang was the one who destroyed your clone. He won't be able to go out this time either. They will be in a hurry to protect their base.”

“Well… that’s right.”

“So, let’s do it this time. We need some more proof. There aren't many people who trust us perfectly yet."

In the meantime, the gap that had been created by concentrating on the crack was very painful.

Jason grinded his teeth inwardly.

If it wasn't for that, there would be no need to be so fussy now. To be honest, it would be much better to just leave the bases of other countries in Japan and go to the Guardian's base city and interfere with them.

Jason's expression, as he had been thinking up to that point, became slightly strange.

He looked at Ash quietly.

Ash, who felt a reluctant gaze, wrote an impression.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Alone, can you make another one?”

"What? Are you kidding me?"

“No, it’s important to prove our strength, but I think it’s important to walk that foot once in a while.”

“You mean that foot over there?”

Ash suddenly had a harsh expression on his face.

After the clone disappeared, Ash's hostility toward the Guardians was considerable.

He seemed almost certain that it was Ha-jin who was strong enough to annihilate his own self.

There is no evidence yet.

However, in order for Jason to be able to kill Ash's clone, Ha-jin Kang or a blood white tiger had to come forward.

And that's on the premise that the two are much stronger than they figured out.

‘Have you ever crossed the second wall?’

Jason's expression hardened.

Seeing Jason like that, Ash smiled softly.

“It’s not enough just to hang your feet. I'll have to feed him a lot."

“You can’t focus too much on it and neglect it.”

At Jason's request, Ash roughly nodded.

"okay okay. worrying about everything Have you forgotten who I am?”


can you forget How can I forget that I am Ash who only does what he wants to do? How many incidents have happened because of him?

“Well, first... I need to replenish my strength, so if you have a magic stone, take it out.”

Jason poured magic stones from the subspace as if he knew it would be like this.

He was a huge amount, about half of the mana stones he had collected so far.

But with this kind of investment, you'll be able to achieve something.

When Ash saw the pile of manastones, he grinned.

And he grabbed the mana stones one by one and sucked the mana from one side to the other.

At the same time, he made an alter ego.

“For now… send this guy to the Spanish side.”


Ash grabbed his left hand and ripped it off. The expression on his face was unbearable.

It wasn't completely painless, but it wasn't as painful as having a real wrist pulled out.

In order for this pain to come back properly, the clone made with the wrist must be destroyed.

Just like how it hurt when the little finger clone disappeared.

Ash's hand grew up and became a naked Ash.

Jason handed over the clothes he had prepared in advance as if he had been waiting. It was all black clothes.

“And… let’s send this guy to the Guardians.”


Ash pulled out his entire arm, where his wrist had disappeared.

Jason's eyes widened at the sight of his arms pulled out as if they had even cut his shoulders.

“You’re sending it to the Guardians? Aren't you going to send me that?"

Jason made a bewildered look, pointing to Ash, in black, and Ash, who was just growing, naked.

“I’m the guy who beat the little finger, is it as big as my wrist? One arm should go away. is not it?"(Read more @

‘You madman.’

Jason had a headache. But there was nothing he could do.

Who can stop Ash?

“Whoa. do whatever you want. Instead, you have to make sure you do your job.”

Ash chuckled.

“There have been times when I have failed in my assignments.”

The little finger that disappeared last time came to mind. Ash grinded his teeth.

“Never kill nicely. Wait for him, as he will pack it well and bring it over here.”

Seeing the cruel smile on Ash's face, Jason sighed again.

Every time I put on that expression, I remembered the accident that Ash had hit.

It was probably not going to be easy this time around.

* * *

It started in the heart of Japan.

One huge dungeon exploded and swept everything around.

The nearby dungeons were caught up in a magical storm, and they all exploded as if it was a signal.

A huge number of monsters poured in, each scattered to establish their own territory.

There were all kinds of star monsters.

Of course, some of them were capable of predation.

Starting with that, dungeons exploded all over Japan.

Countries that have bases in Japan are at risk.

They had to choose whether to send more volunteers or to abandon them.

While hesitating to make a decision, the bases were attacked by monsters and shattered.

The only strongholds that survived were those in England and Spain.

It failed to defend even the base of the United States.

The strongholds in England and Spain also survived, but the damage was too great to say that they survived perfectly.

Ash, Jason, and Jennifer did a great job, but there were too many monsters to solve with just one or two strong people.

The only place that completely blocked the initial attack of the monster was the Guardian's base.

At least Hajin Kang and Baekho were able to survive because they cleaned up the surrounding dungeons, otherwise the Guardian's base city would have been destroyed.

Still, the Guardians persevered anyway.

Britain and Spain also withstood.

But the monster's offensive had just begun. It's only been blocked once.

A huge number of monsters that appeared all over Japan began to migrate from various places.

Slowly, the attack of the second monster was approaching.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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