After receiving instructions from Ha-jin Kang, the Guardians prepared to deal with the dimensional monster very secretly and quietly.

It was frankly impossible to keep a complete secret until the dimensional monster appeared.

There were too many guild members belonging to the Guardians to keep the secret perfectly.

Although they were the guild members who chose character as their top priority, no matter how many of them were, there were bound to be gaps.

They don't do it because they want to divulge the secret, but because of a mistake, the secret may leak out.

Even so, I tried my best to keep the secret out as late as possible.

If this news arrives late in the Defenders, the later you enter, the easier it will be to stop the dimensional monster.

It was not Ha-jin Kang, but Kyung-min Yoon who was in charge of all this.

Yoon Kyung-min assumed that the number of dimensional monsters was 100 million and proceeded with the preparations.

However, the more I tried, the more I realized that it was impossible to block 100 million powerful monsters with only the Guardians' power.

He didn't give up though.

No, it was more enjoyable. I couldn't even imagine how much joy and fulfillment would come if I made such an impossible thing possible.

While the Guardians were preparing like that, Hajin Kang focused on leveling up.

Hajin Kang believed that the most important thing was to develop his skills.

That way he can block the variables as much as possible.

In fact, recently, the desire for strength has grown even more.

After the fight with Ash's clone, the thought that this should never be the case dominated Ha-jin Kang's body and mind.

He's done a lot of work to stop the Defenders in the meantime, but if he doesn't get the strength to beat Ash and Marbas as a result, everything will be futile later on.

So, it was important to develop strength first.

It's okay if you can't fight it alone. It was enough to fight with his comrades and win.

But even that was unclear at this point.

At least, that's what Kang Ha-jin thought.

So Ha-jin Kang decided to raise the level first.

His goal was to cross the second wall.

If you crossed the second wall before the dimensional monster appeared, you could see the answer.

During the meeting, Kyung-min Yoon brought out the number 100 million, so I was really embarrassed.

Because it was very different from Hajin Kang's expectations.

But as he continued to ponder the situation while hunting, he thought that maybe not.

Hajin Kang was calculated based on his memory before his return.

However, the situation now is clearly different from before his return.

It was the fact that he used the dimension monster in the Defenders, and so was the fact that the existence called Ash intervened in the Defenders.

Then the worst could happen, and he kept thinking that he had judged too softly.

So, I became even more obsessed with leveling up.

While raising the level, Hajin Kang did not neglect to grasp the situation.

When moving or when there was a brief gap between battles, I immediately took out my tablet and checked the situation.

I wonder if the dimensional monster did not appear, and how the Guardians are preparing.

It's been a week since the meeting, and nothing special has happened yet.

I could only confirm that the Awakenings belonging to the Guardians were raising their levels at a frightening rate.

In addition, new equipment developed by the research institutes under the guardianship was produced and paid to the guild members sequentially.

The preparation itself went really smoothly.

But today, a slightly different report was mixed.

It was a report from Inhyuk Myung.

At first, Kang Ha-jin's expression, which he had checked with a light heart, hardened in an instant.

That was information about the Defenders.

It was a report that the Defenders showed unusual movements and was being tracked, and there was an inference based on the information obtained so far.

'Ash is moving separately?'

And behind Ash's movement, there was a statement that the Defenders were checking Hajin Kang's location.

Looking at those two facts alone, it means that Ash is looking for Kang Ha-jin.

It was almost time for the dimensional monster to appear.

Hajin Kang's mind flashed as if he had been covered in cold water.

If Ash really moves, it's not enough to raise a few levels in this way.

Even when fighting the clone of Ash, he fought life and death, but if he fought the main body, he could never win.

Looking back at the circumstances, when the dimensional monster appeared, it seemed that Ash was intent on dealing with Hajin Kang.

Hajin Kang put the tablet into the subspace and stared at the monster running from afar.

‘You can’t just be beaten.’

Kang Ha-jin clenched his fist.

His strength and technique were ash scissors. Besides, he still doesn't know which skill he's hiding more.

But it was the same here.

Ash also doesn't know what kind of power Hajin Kang has.

Also, you will not know that Ha-jin Kang will prepare for the attack.

No, it doesn't matter if you know.

If you've decided to kill yourself anyway, Ash will come here.

‘I choose the battlefield.’

If Ha-jin Kang can only choose the battlefield, doesn't he have a secret to fighting a powerful opponent?

‘Before that, level up first. If you can't get over the wall, no matter how much you use Raphasid's book, it's still worth it.'

Ha-jin Kang became even more passionate and started hunting.

Before the dimensional monster appears, he will unconditionally cross the second wall.

Strong Ha-jin's determined mana was forged sharper than ever.

* * *

Hwang Soo-young was hunting hard as usual.

Of course he wasn't alone. He was with the new guild members of Dungeon Breaker.

Originally, Hwang Soo-young always hunted with key guild members.

But he changed his mind after hearing about the dimensional monster.

He dispersed the strong guild members.

They were the ones who knew the secret of the dimension monster. Those who can keep the secret were carefully selected and the guild members were distributed to them.

So that you can respond immediately if something happens later.

The strongest person in Dungeon Breaker was by far Hwang Soo-young.

So Hwang Soo-young took charge of the new guild members.

To give you some bus rides, some combat training, and some protection.

Now, Hwang Soo-young was hunting in a new type dungeon that appeared recently.

The new guild members also got along quite well now, and their level went up, so it was quite usable.

When I just came out of the New Type dungeon like that, Hwang Soo-young's expression hardened.


Except for Hwang Soo-young, the only non-new guild member asked carefully.

“Isn’t that a bit strange?”


“The air is heavier than usual.”

It wasn't that the real air had become heavier, but that the flow of magic had become heavier.

But even if I said that, it was understandable enough.

The guild member's eyes, who had quietly focused on Hwang Soo-young's words, widened slightly.

"uh? It really seems like that. Ah, maybe this!”

He was also a person who knew about dimensional monsters.

Hwang Soo-young nodded his head heavily.

“It looks like it’s finally starting. Please prepare.”

"Yes. Okay."

The guild member hastily led the new guild members. Everyone didn't know English, but they had no choice but to do what they were told.

The new guild members of Dungeon Breaker took out their weapons again and prepared for battle.

And the magic became heavier. No, it didn't just end with being heavy. The magic began to vibrate softly.

“Everyone, be alert!”

Hwang Soo-young exclaimed with her magical energy. Then, she blinked her eyes to see where the dimensional monster might appear.

"uh! That's a monster over there!"

A monster appeared where the guild member pointed his finger.

It looked like a shark, but it was emitting lightning mixed with flames from its body.

I thought the space would split and come out because it was torn apart, but it just popped up like a dot in the air.

Monsters began to appear in heaps.

“There are many!”

Because they were all newbies, it was evident that they were greatly embarrassed and agitated.

Hwang Soo-young exclaimed greatly.


It was a spirit full of great magic.

Magical power swept through the surroundings.

Then everyone stopped shaking and looked at Hwang Soo-young.

“I’ll explain my weaknesses, so listen carefully. From now on, we will kill them all. Got it!”


The new guild members answered loudly with a strong voice.

“Can you see those nostrils?”

"Yes! I see it!”

“That is a weakness.”


“Poke a knife in your nostrils and spin the magic power to spit it out. If you do it right, you can kill it in one shot.

At those words, everyone swallowed their saliva.

I doubted whether that would be possible. Against such a terrifying monster.

“If that doesn’t work, we just have to fight step by step so that we can do it. The second weakness is bluntness.”

At the word blunt, the new guild members looked at each weapon once.

Less than half had blunt weapons.

“Stab your back with a blunt. It will be fleeting, but the opportunity will come.”

If you hit it with a blunt weapon, the dimensional monster floating in the air will drop slightly downwards, and it will instantly stiffen.

It's a fleeting moment, but a gap is created.

In that way, Hwang Soo-young continued to talk about weak points that could be slightly but effective.

In the meantime, the dimensional monsters, whose number has increased tremendously, began to swim in the air and approach them.

“Never die.”(Read more @

After saying those words, Hwang Soo-young ran towards the dimensional monsters.

He was a person who knew better than anyone that it was easier for other guild members to fight when he drew attention.

The first battle with the dimensional monster was Hwang Soo-young's charge.

* * *

Dimensional monsters have appeared all over the world.

It was a huge number.

However, 100 million did not come out as expected by Kyung-Min Yoon.

In fact, the number was much less than that.

Still, I couldn't be reassured. Even though he knew his weaknesses, he was such a powerful monster that he could be defeated in an instant if he was careless.

However, due to the fact that they had prepared well in the meantime, the Guardians dealt with the dimensional monsters very effectively.

Of course, he did not forget to contact the governments of each country as soon as the dimensional monster appeared.

Once they appear, the more people who know their weaknesses, the easier it will be to deal with them.

Of course, I owe them some debt at the same time.

How quickly the Guardians responded, even though there were so many dimensional monsters, there were only a few places that suffered a lot of damage.

However, the dimensional monster's attack was only the beginning.

It started well, but it's still a long way from the end. You never know what will happen in the meantime, so don't be vigilant.

In any case, the Guardians were in the process of blocking the dimensional monsters perfectly.

Naturally, the Defenders had an emergency.

Jason was looking at the situation board with a stiff expression on his face. Then he immediately burst into laughter.

“Huh, I am. It’s ridiculous.”

It wasn't outrageous. Slowly, the identity of the guild called the Guardians was starting to become suspicious.

To that extent, what is happening now is beyond the realm of Jason's understanding.

“Does this make sense?”

nonsense. The Guardian has revealed the exact weakness of the dimensional monster.

It wasn't just that.

He even shared the weakness of the dimensional monster that Jason was unaware of.

It was a weakness that made it difficult to directly kill a dimension monster, but it was a weakness that made it much easier for relatively weak Awakeners to deal with the dimension monster.

Rather, it was a much more useful weakness than Jason was aware of.

Jason stared at the situation board with a firm expression.

A huge red dot was stamped on the huge screen. It was the location of Ha-jin Kang, which was identified by the Defenders.

And now Ash was moving there.

“If we don’t get rid of even strong Ha-jin, this incident… is it too much of a loss?”

The materials the Defenders used to use the dimensional monster were too great.

A huge amount of mana stones were poured into this work.

Perhaps for the time being, everything you do using Manastone will be stopped.

So I had to get something.

Jason's expression, staring at the situation board, became more and more rigid.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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