"Miss He, what is the sacrifice you are talking about?" Zhang Lin asked.

"What should I say..." He Beiran hesitated.

Zhang Lin felt more and more that things were absolutely extraordinary.

"Let's go, I don't like twitching." Zhang Lin urged.

"Well, then I said, don't be angry." He Beiran took a deep breath.

Zhang Lin nodded and motioned for her to continue.

He Beiran then said: "The sacrifice is not something that can be explained clearly in one sentence. First of all, I have to learn from Ma Sanguo and Chuxiongguan that there is a big man who wants to buy his shares.

After learning about this, the pervert of Ma Sanguo began to persuade Sister Tang to seduce you.

On the one hand, he wants to have a threesome, on the other hand, he wants Sister Tang to hook up with you, so that he can get some benefits for him. "

"I seem to understand that the sacrifice you mentioned is sacrificed, but even if I seem to get better with Tang Meishu, it will not solve the problem I just mentioned." Zhang Lin asked.

"The solution is actually simple. If you let others know that you are getting better, you can justly help Sister Tang.

At that time, you can tell the outside world that Tang Meishu is your woman and you want to buy all the shares of Ma Sanguo and give it to her.

In this case, not only can the abnormal psychology of the three countries be satisfied, but also there will be no flaws, so that they can take these for granted.

At that time, we only need to sign a power of attorney with Sister Tang to entrust her to purchase shares, and then let her and Ma Sanguo carry out the equity transfer, and at the end, she will transfer the shares to us!

In this case, you don’t need to use your original identity when dealing with the Three Kingdoms of Malaysia, and your original identity will not be exposed.

I don't know, are you willing to sacrifice, sacrifice? "He Beiran looked at Zhang Lin.

I have to say that He Beiran's thoughts are so many that he can even come up with such a method.

Zhang Lin definitely didn't want to be ambiguous with Tang Meishu.

Although she is very charming, especially the kind of charm, when men see it, they all want to taste her.

But Zhang Lin knows that this kind of woman is not only more knowledgeable, but Yu Wang is also better than the average person. Maybe, if the two pretend to be ambiguous, she will come for real.

"You're not afraid of Sister Tang, are you?"

Seeing Zhang Lin not speaking, He Beiran suddenly said such a sentence.

I have to say that it was a good time for her to excite her.

Zhang Lin didn't want to, but when he heard her words, he thought that Tang Meishu was just a woman anyway, he was afraid of being a hairy!

Big deal, when the time comes, let Xiaopang go!

So Zhang Lin coughed lightly and said, "Miss He, as a man, what can I fear for her? Pretend, it's okay, but I have a girlfriend. This matter must be approved by her. , Otherwise, I would rather think of other ways."

Listening to this, He Beiran was taken aback.

"What's wrong with you?" Zhang Lin asked.

"No, nothing! So you have a girlfriend." He Beiran asked with a smile on his face.

"Didn't you investigate me in detail? Why don't you even know that I have a girlfriend?" Zhang Lin was very strange.

"I'm investigating you, just to understand your background and what you have done. I'm not investigating your private life, so I don't know it's normal." He Beiran quickly explained, as if she didn't want it very much, Zhang Lin Misunderstanding on this.

"Then it seems that when you investigate, you like precise investigations, you avoid it now, I'm going to ask my girlfriend's opinion." Zhang Lin is not interested in whether she knew or didn't know before.

Now Lin Yudie is his girlfriend. He pretends to be ambiguous with others for profit, so he has to report to her and get her consent.

If he cuts first and plays later, and the matter finally reaches Lin Yudie's ears, how should he explain it to her?

He had already said that in this life, he would never let Lin Yudie suffer any more damage.

He Beiran was also very knowledgeable about current affairs and ran directly into the toilet.

Only at the moment when he closed the door, He Beiran deliberately left a gap, as if he wanted to hear what Zhang Lin and Lin Yudie said.

After answering the call, Zhang Lin naturally told the truth, Lin Yudie was extremely considerate. She heard Jiuwenlong and Han Shujiao say how important it is for Zhang Lin to establish direct sales channels.

What's more, Lin Yudie believes in the love between them, and believes that Zhang Lin will never do anything deviant.

He happily agreed.

He Beiran, who was eavesdropping in the toilet, agreed so quickly when he heard Lin Yudie.

Her face turned bad, as if she didn't want to hear, Lin Yudie was so empathetic.

"Okay, come out." Zhang Lin said after hanging up the phone.

After a while, He Beiran walked out of the toilet. At this moment, she had a lot more smiles on her face than before.

It's just that the smile looks very unnatural, and Zhang Lin doesn't know why she wants to be like this.

He gave her a pause gesture and said, "Miss He, I still appreciate your cold attitude. Let's resume."

This sentence really made He Beiran laugh. She shook her head and said, "You are really strange. You are not happy to smile at you, and you still like others to be cold to you?"

"It's not that I like high cold, but you are more suitable for high cold. When you smile at me, I am really unnatural." Zhang Lin replied.

"Okay." He Beiran didn't know if she didn't want to laugh anymore or wanted to meet Zhang Lin's request, so she returned to her previous cold look: "Your girlfriend agreed just now?"

"Well, she has always been considerate." Zhang Lin nodded and said, "Did you talk to Tang Meishu about the plan you mentioned?"

"The prerequisite for this plan must be that you are Xilin Shen himself. I just determined that you are Xilin Shen, so I haven't had time to tell Sister Tang. However, I believe Sister Tang will not refuse." He Beiran replied. .

Zhang Lin was speechless. When Tang Meishu saw him for the first time, he wanted to eat him.

How could Tang Meishu refuse this kind of opportunity to be ambiguous with him?

"It's fine if you don't refuse. Then you can discuss this matter with her. It's getting late, and we should all rest." Zhang Lin waved his hand and issued an eviction order.

"Okay, after I have discussed with her, I will contact you again." He Beiran nodded, but after this, her cold look couldn't be stretched again.

"what happened again?"

"Will you give me your phone number? I blocked it and deleted it before..." He Beiran replied awkwardly.


Zhang Lin didn't feel uncomfortable and gave her the number directly.

After He Beiran left, Zhang Lin called Lin Yudie. As for what He Beiran saw there before, he had already forgotten.

After He Beiran returned to the immediate residence, he did not immediately contact Tang Meishu, telling her that Zhang Lin was Shen Xilin and the plan.

What she is full of imagination now is Zhang Lin's majestic things.

For Zhang Lin, she used to have no interest at all, but after these two ambiguous scenes, she found that her mentality had changed. She didn’t want to think about it, but those things seemed to be engraved in her mind, no matter what No matter what, it is lingering.

The idea of ​​strong resistance at the beginning is not so strong anymore!

In fact, she had already investigated Zhang Lin and Lin Yudie's affairs clearly.

For this pair of lovers, she didn't feel at all before, and didn't care about it.

But now I think of Zhang Lin, what she looked like when she said she was going to report to his girlfriend. She didn't know why, and she felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.

"What's going on!! I shouldn't be interested in men!!"

He Beiran shook her head desperately. In order to prevent herself from feeling this way, she dialed a phone call.

"Honey, call me so late, do you miss me?"

Hearing the clear and pleasant voice on the phone, she still had a strong attraction to her, and her restless heart was able to calm down.

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