Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1001: I am... the Devil Emperor

Standing in the void, Zhang Ziling looked at the people below as small as ants indifferently, his eyes indifferent to the extreme.

"There are a total of seven hundred and eighty-six knights in this school. It seems that the power of the Holy See is not weak. Only the tip of the iceberg shows such a huge power."

"I'm afraid that even ordinary superpowers can't match the Holy See. It turns out...The power of Europe is already so strong." Zhang Ziling glanced at the knights in the school and muttered.

At this moment, Zhang Ziling had no need to quietly explore how the Holy See targeted Ella. The moment Zhang Ziling saw the Yuhunzhu, he understood everything.

The Holy See just wanted to use the Royal Soul Orbs to control Aila's Soul, and then seized the Chuyuan Ring and Power Staff in Aila's hands.

They thought that Ella was like them, forcibly controlling the gods outside the sky.

The Holy See also possesses a magic weapon of Zhang Ziling. Naturally, he knows exactly what terrifying power those weapons have. If the Pope has a little IQ, he cannot choose to take it.

Therefore, arrested all the weak and small of the blood race and threatened Aila, and then used the reason that Aila won the first prize in this school to save the blood race compatriots to trap Aila, and then let the Royal Soul Orb change subtly. Ella’s sanity makes Ella a member of the Holy See.

With the power of the Royal Soul Orb developed by the Holy See, it is still possible to influence the scope of a school.

However, this plan of the Holy See hadn't really gotten into the right track, and it was broken by Zhang Ziling, who came to Europe to take his own magic weapon, and even the will of the soul that derives the Yuhunzhu was subdued by Zhang Ziling.

If the Holy See knew that they had handed over the will of the Great Dao, I am afraid they would all be pounded with anger and bleeding from the seven orifices.

For the Holy See, the power of Dao Law is far more precious than Zhang Ziling's magical soldiers.

After all, no matter how strong the magical soldiers are, they will not be able to fully exert the power of those magical soldiers, and they will not even be able to mobilize them at all, but the will of Dao Dao is different.

If the Holy See makes good use of the Royal Soul Orbs, it will definitely be able to create a large number of strong people who understand the laws of the soul, and it will be easy for the Holy See to use those strong to conquer the world.

Unfortunately, the Holy See did not discover the true power of the Royal Soul Orb, but only invented the tricky trick of using the Royal Soul Orb to control people.

But those are of no use. Now the soul source has been in Zhang Ziling's body to continuously provide Zhang Ziling with soul power to repair the soul. The Holy See wants to get back the soul source from Zhang Ziling, which is simply a fantasy.

"Who are you?" After Zhang Ziling saw the current strength of Shengteng Middle School, Ross appeared in front of Zhang Ziling, wearing armor and holding a huge sword.

The bright red cloak behind Knight Commander Ross fluttered with the wind. Standing in the void, facing Zhang Ziling away, instantly became the focus of attention of the knights in the school.

"I've heard this question more than five times." Zhang Ziling shook his head slightly, then looked at Rose and asked: "Who I am, don't care about them, are you their head?"

"Exactly." Rose did not avoid any taboos and admitted generously, "I am the commander of the third regiment of the Knights Templar, the knight of light, the chief knight of the 18th parish, the rose knight, Rose! "

"There are quite a few titles." Zhang Ziling couldn't help laughing when he heard the series of titles reported by Rose.

"Since I have explained my identity, as the most basic courtesy... tell me, Orientals, who are you?" The sword in Rose's hand lingers with white light, and a holy breath surrounds him. , The breath is extremely mysterious.

This Rose's strength was stronger than He Feixiao, and he was at the same level as the Archbishop of the Holy See.

The knights below the school looked at Rose's back in admiration, with excited expressions in their eyes.

These knights are the goal of the students of the Saint Vine Middle School, but their knight's goal... is to catch up with the genius knight standing in the sky.

Knight Commander Ross is second only to the Knight Commander Templar, the presence of the Knight Commander of the Judgment and the Knights of the Twelve Round Table. It is as famous as the archbishops and is the core force of the Holy See.

Only a genius knight like Rose, who has countless glories in one, can become the leader of a group of knights and win the Lord's praise. Even the principal of Saint Vine Middle School has to be polite to Rose.

"Are you sure you want to know my identity?" Zhang Ziling looked at Rose playfully, and said with a chuckle.

"When you come and go, don't you Orientals pay the most attention to etiquette?" Ross looked at Zhang Ziling and said lightly, "Under my sword, don't kill the unknown!"

The wind blew Rose's cloak and hunted.

A powerful aura radiated from Rose's body, causing all the knights in the school to stand upright, looking up at Rose's straight figure, and praying gently.

On the periphery of the school, countless students looked at Rose's back enthusiastically and shouted excitedly.

"Knight Commander Ross, get rid of the guy who doesn't know the heights!"

"Knight Commander Ross, the Easterner looks so thin, you must slap him to death!"

"Let the yellow-skinned monkey in the east look at the greatness of our Knight Commander Ross!"

A crowd of students shouted, and the teachers on the side didn't stop, looking at Rose in the sky with a smile.

Their school is a factory that provides high-quality knights for the Holy See, so that students can see the style of knights, it also helps to stimulate their fighting spirit, so that more students become knights and serve the Holy See.

In the previous school sports meeting, a large number of students were easily defeated by Ella, which has greatly affected the confidence of the students of Sheng Teng Middle School.

If Knight Commander Ross were to kill the rampant invaders, the students would surely arouse high spirits again.

Hearing the calls of the students and knights below, Rose couldn't help but evoke a confident smile, "Oriental, please advise."

"In that case..."

Zhang Ziling's black robe moved with the wind, and there was a dark magic aura between his white and slender fingers. A mysterious and powerful aura radiated from Zhang Ziling's body, instantly covering the entire school.

"Master Nine Emperors..."

Chen San in the corner of the school stared at Zhang Ziling's tall and straight figure, and subconsciously knelt down to Zhang Ziling and worshipped Zhang Ziling.

The Devil Emperor is here.

"The master's aura... is so powerful!" Louise opened her mouth slightly, and looked at Zhang Ziling, who was surrounded by devilish energy, in surprise. The power of the avenue in her body began to surging spontaneously under Zhang Ziling's aura.


"Devil Emperor."

Zhang Ziling's voice fell, and a magic barrier around the campus rose to the sky, completely isolating the entire college from the outside world.

The sky turned dark red instantly, and black chains all over the sky suddenly appeared, dancing with the wind.

Zhang Ziling's robes danced wildly with the wind, and his hair was like a mad snake, and the dark magic energy spread out, making the wind roar.

The school, which was originally noisy, at this moment...

Complete silence.

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