"Master Nine Emperors."

"the host."

After Zhang Ziling and Ella approached, Chen San and Louise greeted Zhang Ziling in unison.

"Master?" Ella saw a young girl named Zhang Ziling Master, and immediately cast a strange look at Zhang Ziling.

Zhang Ziling just chuckled at Ella's eyes and explained: "Loise's life experience is very complicated, I will explain it to you when I have time."

Seeing Zhang Ziling said this, Ella didn’t ask much. Instead, she looked at Louise and Chen San and introduced herself: “Hello, my name is Ella, Ziling’s little lover.”

"How are you, senior..." Chen San greeted Ella with a little horror. He could only feel the endless vitality and terrifying power from Ella.

Chen San had a hunch that the seemingly weak Ella in front of him could kill him in a moment.

With the help of Zhang Ziling, Aila became the only queen of the blood clan, and now Aila's strength is even stronger than that of the former prince Dracula of the blood clan, and can be said to be the first person in the blood clan.

With Ella's current strength, she has stood at the top of the world pyramid, and one step further is the realm of God, which will naturally put great pressure on Chen San.

Chen San also subconsciously ignored Ella's self-proclaimed little lover of the Nine Emperors.

Chen Sanke has never seen a strong man at the top of the world who claims to be a little lover.

That must be a joke.

Regarding Ella’s words, Zhang Ziling also shook her head and smiled, and squeezed Ella’s smooth cheeks slightly, "Okay Ella, don’t be serious."

"Yes, yes! King." Ella also obeyed Zhang Ziling's words, and stopped joking, standing quietly behind Zhang Ziling.

Louise looked at the intimate appearance of Zhang Ziling and Ella, and a trace of doubt flashed through her clear eyes, not understanding why they were so close.

Louise is not very familiar with all human emotions. From the tyrant road to the present, Louise has experienced only fear, pain, and despair. All the positive emotions Louise has not produced.

Since Louise was conscious, she has been staying in the cold laboratory, devastated by various experiments.

Now that Louise sees the relationship between Zhang Ziling and Ella, she can't help but be curious.

Following Ella, Louise also ran behind Zhang Ziling and stood up side by side with Ella.

When Aila saw Louise coming next to her, her whole person was slightly taken aback, but when Aila saw that Louise’s clear eyes were a little tired and confused, her eyes could not help but become gentle and active. He took up Louise's arm and whispered: "Your name is Louise, right?"

"Yeah." Louise nodded, she didn't understand what Ella's move meant, but Louise didn't feel Ella's malice, so she didn't push Ella away and was held by Ella like this.

This is the first time Louise has been held by someone else's arm. She always finds this feeling very strange, very different from being in a cold laboratory.

Seeing that Ella and Louise are in such harmony, the corners of Zhang Ziling’s mouth rose slightly, and then he looked at Chen San and asked: "The Royal Soul Orb issue is over. It is estimated that this school will be occupied by the Holy See again soon. Do you have any plans?"

Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, Chen San was stunned for a moment, then reacted, and said to Zhang Ziling quickly: "Nine, Nine Emperors, the younger generation has nothing to do, let the Nine Emperors send it!"

Chen San was not stupid enough to say that he still had something to shirk. If he even gave up the opportunity to do something for the Nine Emperors, I am afraid that Chen San would never let him go in his life, and he would be able to give up the great opportunity he had.

"It's fine, I have something to do for you." Zhang Ziling chuckles when he sees Chen San's attitude.

"Master Nine Emperors, despite the orders, the younger generation will do their best!" Chen San quickly knelt towards Zhang Ziling and said excitedly.

Hearing Zhang Ziling's words like this, Chen San was all excited.

Now that Chen San has determined that he is really doing something for the Nine Emperors, and the days of flying yellow and rising are promising, how can this be brought to him by the mere Royal Soul Orb?

When I think of this, why isn't Chen San excited?

"Well, how many trusted friends do you have in the Bounty Hunter Guild?" Zhang Ziling also asked Chen San directly without procrastination.

"Master Hui Nine Emperors, although the juniors have a wide range of friends, there are only three or five trusted friends in the Bounty Hunter Guild." Chen San said directly to Zhang Ziling without any hesitation.

"Three or five..." Zhang Ziling groaned for a while, and then asked Chen San: "What level are they?"

"Two B-levels, three A-levels."

"Three A-levels... enough." Zhang Ziling nodded slightly, "Go back and call all your friends over. After I have seen it, you will have things to do together."

"Yes!" Chen San really did not expect that even his friends would be able to do things for the Nine Emperors, and his tone became a little trembling.

Thinking of the expressions of his brothers after they heard him utter the Nine Emperors, Chen San couldn't help but groan.

"That's it. Use this spiritual power to defend yourself, and you can also use this spiritual power to contact me." A white spiritual power jumped at Zhang Ziling's fingertips, and then rushed into Chen San's body, "Give you three Get everything done in days, and then come see me."

When Zhang Ziling's spiritual power entered Chen San's dantian, Chen San felt an incalculable power flooding his body.

Chen San looked at his palms inconceivably, and fisted slightly, the boundless power made Chen San's body tremble slightly.

Chen San even had a feeling that if he invoked the spiritual power Zhang Ziling gave him, even if He Feixiao appeared in front of him again, Chen San would have the confidence to blow him up!

Nine Emperors...

too horrible!

After feeling the power of Zhang Ziling roughly, Chen San once again kowtowed three heads to Zhang Ziling excitedly, then he no longer hesitated and left.

Chen San’s friends are still in the Middle East. They have to get everything done within three days. Time is still very short. Chen San doesn’t want to make mistakes in finding someone, and he has a bad feeling in Zhang Ziling’s heart. impression.

Seeing Chen San's departure, Zhang Ziling's eyes gradually became deeper.

After seeing the true face of the Holy See, Zhang Ziling also had a plan slowly taking shape in his heart.

There are too many believers in the Holy See, and most of them are ordinary people. If they were to be destroyed, the whole world would become empty.

But... to disintegrate the power of the Holy See in the cultivation world, to level down those high-level Holy See, and to turn the Holy See into a great church with only ordinary people... Zhang Ziling can still do it.

Of course, some preparations must be made before that.


"What's the matter, Ziling?" Ella answered softly.

"Call your people over, let's go back first." Zhang Ziling raised his eyes to the cold full moon in the sky, his eyes were deep, "The blood compatriots will be rescued."

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