Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1007: Status of the blood

On the Italian border, a sparsely populated city.

The caravan of blood races galloped on the highway, approaching a castle towering in the dark in the distance.

The castle is the base camp of the blood clan in Italy, and it can also be said to be the temporary palace of Ella. At present, almost all the strong men of the blood clan live in the castle.

Because the Holy See frantically suppressed the kinship, the living environment of the kinship in Romania has been compressed to the extreme. Too many Holy See knights and members of the Judicial Group have been wandering on the streets of Romania, resulting in many kinsmen being arrested by the Holy See or fleeing from Romani Got out.

Romania is no longer a sanctuary for blood.

When the blood clan was fragmented, Ella brought the Chuyuan Ring and the Staff of Power to negotiate with the Pope. After showing great power, Ella re-established a castle on the Italian border as a temporary base.

The reason why Ella chose to be in Italy is that it is close to the Vatican and serves as a base camp under the eyes of the Holy See. It can also dispel the doubts of the Holy See, so that the process of rebuilding the palace will not be so difficult. Moreover, there are the Precepts and Precepts. The power staff is guarded by the two **** soldiers, and the safety of the blood family does not need to be considered.

Second, because the Holy See has captured too many blood and werewolf members, it is inevitable that the Holy See will have a lot of negligence in the management of prisoners. Almost every day, a small number of blood people escape from the prison of the Holy See. Fort, it is also convenient to receive those blood races that escaped.

The blood powers in the castle found the convoy to pick up Ella early, and many people were waiting for Ella's return ten miles outside the castle.

Sean, Amy, Abby, Charlotte, the major marquis of the blood race and the new duke, and the current leader of the werewolf, Van Helsing, all stood there waiting for Ella to return.

Ella went to the Sacred Teng Middle School to rescue the blood compatriots. At that time, almost everyone opposed Ella’s proposal. If Ella insisted, I am afraid that Ella would still be in the castle and confront the Holy See.

When Ella went to Saint Teng Middle School, almost no one thought that Ella would succeed, and many even had made a complete declaration of war with the Holy See or preparations for fleeing.

Now that Ella is back, although everyone still doesn't know what the result will be, of course everyone is excited about the return of the Queen of the Blood Race and must be greeted on the grandest scale.

"Queen, elders, they are already waiting for you." Lucius saw the crowd waiting in the distance and reported to Ella.

"Well," Ella nodded, "Did they move during this period of time when I was away?"

"They?" Zhang Ziling raised his brow slightly when he heard Ella's words, "Is there any unstable factor in the blood clan?"

Zhang Ziling had cleaned up both the secret party and the devil at the beginning, and after securing Ella's position, he left with confidence. Zhang Ziling even greeted Cain and asked Cain to take good care of Ella.

If there are still some problems in this way, I am afraid that Zhang Ziling will return to the blood clan this time, and many people, including the blood **** Cain, will be unlucky.

Zhang Ziling never gave others a second chance.

"It's not a big problem, it's just that our unity time is still too short. Although some ancient-blooded nobles are attached to us, but occasionally they still make a lot of noise, it is not a big move. Even Sean can easily suppress them. Ella waved her hand and said to Zhang Ziling nonchalantly.

"Ancient blood aristocracy? Isn't it a faction of the Mo Party and the Mi Party?" Zhang Ziling asked. Zhang Ziling integrated the Mi Party and the Mo Party, and only knew that the blood clan had 13 clans, but he had never heard of any ancient blood aristocracy.

"Well, they lived in seclusion in the Middle Ages, and only recently came back to join us." Ella nodded, "With the principle that everyone is a kin, so we also accepted them."

"I understand." Zhang Ziling nodded, then stopped talking, looking forward through the car window, his eyes became deep.

Lucius looked at Zhang Ziling's expression in the rearview mirror again, and the doubt in his eyes became more and more intense.

He did not dare to interrupt when Ella was talking to Zhang Ziling. After both Zhang Ziling and Ella were silent, Lucius reported to Ella: "Back to Queen Ella, Prince Caesar was in the period when the Queen went to Shengteng Middle School. , It seems to have made some small actions in private, but under the two princes of Abby Amy, nothing happened during this time."

"What did he do?" Ella asked, frowning slightly.

"I don't know..." Lucius shook his head. "I only know that he often invites members of the ancient blood nobles to private gatherings, and has been secretly contacting the elders of the new blood clans. But because Prince Caesar is personally leading, neither do I Know what they did."

The new kinship is the party formed after Zhang Ziling integrated the Mo Party and the Mi Party, and these kinship are loyal to Ella. After all, whether it is the secret party or the high-level Mo party, they have seen Zhang Ziling's power and dare not be too presumptuous.

Even Prince Dracula was easily crushed by Zhang Ziling, why would they dare to jump?

"It seems that some worms have appeared in the blood clan. Would you like me to clean it up?" Zhang Ziling said at this time, looking at Ella and asked.

"Not for the time being, after all, they haven't done anything excessive. There are already few people in the blood race, but they can't stand the toss." Aila smiled and rejected Zhang Ziling's proposal. "It's Abby Amy Du I miss you very much, Ziling, after you go there, talk to them more, just leave these things to me."

"Okay, come to me if you can't handle it." Zhang Ziling didn't force Aila, after all, Aila is already a queen, and she still needs to have all the responsibilities and methods she should have.

Hearing the dialogue between Zhang Ziling and Ella, Lucius felt a terrible wave in his heart, and he became more and more shocked by what identity Zhang Ziling possessed. It seems that he has a close relationship with the helms of the blood race!

Moreover, Prince Caesar possesses the strength of a top duke, which is only one line weaker than the original Prince Dracula.

Since Prince Dracula announced that the great clans had been attacked and killed by the archbishops of the Holy See, the great clans have surrendered to Ella under the leadership of their leaders.

The blood clan with the strength of the duke is already the top powerhouse of the blood clan. When Prince Caesar came back, he also caused a lot of waves among the blood clan, and Queen Ella personally came forward to canonize him as the prince.

But now Lucius hears a human being lightly calling the ancient-blooded nobles assholes, and seems to be able to erase them at any time, and Empress Ella doesn’t seem to think that humans can’t...


Lucius swallowed hard, his brain became blank, and the hands holding the steering wheel began to tremble slightly.

This person...

Who is it?

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