Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1011: Rumors of Nine Emperors and Four Emperors!

In the castle banquet hall, everything is ready.

Unlike the usual kinship aristocratic gatherings, this time the castle party is more like a bar for young people. There is no classical and elegant music, and some have only relaxed rock.

The kinsmen were not as polite and polite as they used to carry the wine glass, but they seemed to be back in their youth, cheering loudly and dancing to their heart's content. The whole hall was very lively.

Zhang Ziling and his party did not stay in the conspicuous place of the hall, instead they chose to have a relaxed gathering in the corner of the hall.

The young people of the blood race around also learned from the elders what happened just outside the castle, and they all know what kind of power the human beings brought back by the empress have what kind of power, so no blood race has dared to find Zhang Ziling, or Talk about Louise's trouble.

Lucius was wearing a neat suit, standing quietly behind Ella, carefully studying the appearance of Zhang Ziling in front of him.

Although Zhang Ziling did not show any extraordinary strength from beginning to end, even if he defeated Caesar, Louise did it. No one knows what kind of power Zhang Ziling has.

However, Lucius' instinct told him that Zhang Ziling's strength would never be weaker than Louise!

Although Lucius thought that Zhang Ziling was better than Louise, he still couldn't stop his strong intuition.

At this time, Zhang Ziling glanced at Lucius faintly. Lucius was in a cold sweat when he was frightened. He quickly moved his gaze away from Zhang Ziling, shouting in his heart that he was rude, and he dared not look directly at Zhang Ziling again.

"Boy Ziling, what have you done in China during these days? There has been no news!" Abby offered a glass of wine to Zhang Ziling and said with concern.

"Yes, yes! Ziling, have you heard of the Nine Emperors? You must have heard of them! Have you met them?" Amy also joined the topic, looking at Zhang Ziling and asked excitedly.

"Nine Emperors?" Louise looked at Amy with excitement, her eyes gleaming with doubts, "Is it amazing?"

When she was out of the laboratory, Louise still remembered that Zhang Ziling asked her to use the name of one of the nine emperors, and the female emperor was active in the cultivation world.

Now Louise hasn't realized what the nine emperors really mean, and what status they have in the world today.

"Little Louise, you are so strong, don't you even know the Nine Emperors? That's right, little Louise, you have never been in contact with the outside world before, and it's normal if you don't know." Abby patted her head and remembered The experience of Louise.

"I'll come and talk to Louise for science." Sean quickly caught Abby's words and said to Louise: "The Nine Emperors are the strongest superpower in China."

"It is said that there are nine people in the entire organization, and each of them has the power to disrupt the world."

"Currently active in the world, there are four known to the world: Emperor Yan, Emperor Xuan, Emperor Ji and Emperor Jian."

"Emperor Yan has only shot once, but once he burned the Qi family, one of China's superpowers, to the ground. One of the four major families in Kyoto was directly annihilated on the day of their rejoicing, and has since retired from the practice world."

"Emperor Xuan made a shot in the East China Sea of ​​China, and he smashed several big forces with one kick. Later, he seemed to go to Russia in North China. Several superpowers in Russia were taken care of by Emperor Xuan."

"The Emperor Ji has only recently appeared. It is said that he has a close relationship with the royal family of a certain dynasty in China. He will pass the power of the ancient royal families of the world in a very short time after he was born. The descendants of the royal family were frustrated and plundered their dragon fortune, causing several descendants of the great dynasties to directly retreat, including descendants of the Russian tsars, descendants of the British royal family, descendants of the Egyptian pharaohs, and even descendants of the Han family of China and the descendants of the king of Chu."

What Xiao En said was so eloquent, fascinated everyone around him, and they all listened attentively.

Having said this, Sean paused and cleared his throat.

But Amy was unhappy at this pause, and he quickly stood on the sofa and shook Shawn’s collar, "What else? What else? What about the sword emperor?"

Even Charlotte, who was sitting by and listening quietly, was a little unhappy, poking at Sean's waist and beckoning Sean to continue talking.

"Cough cough! Don't panic... rest a while!" Xiao En smiled dryly and pulled Amy away, who was pulling his collar away, before continuing: "This sword emperor may be the most informative among the members of the nine emperors. A perfect person."

"Say fast! Speak fast!" Amy kept urging her eyes bright.

Although Amy had known the rumors about the Nine Emperors, this did not prevent Amy from wanting to hear it again.

Seeing Amy's eager appearance, Sean shook his head and smiled. This was originally for Louise Popular Science, but it turned into a story...

However, Xiao En was not surprised. After all, the Nine Emperors in the world are already the target of all the cultivators who care about gossip, and the prestige of the Nine Emperors is unprecedentedly high, far surpassing any force in the history of the world, and worthy of all. People care.

Seeing Amy's urging, Xiao En did not hesitate, and continued: "The Sword Emperor first appeared in the China Ascension Conference, you know about the Ascension Conference..."

"Know! Don't talk nonsense!" Amy interrupted directly when he saw Sean's verbose signs.

Seeing Amy like this, Xiao En no longer talked nonsense, and directly stated: "The sword emperor destroyed Penglai's head in one move at the Ascension Tournament, forcing the battle between Shushan and Guizong to stop, destroying dozens of demon kings and destroying them. Qionghua Penglai, cut down the Shennongjiao, razed the Chen family's Miao family, acted arrogantly to the extreme, and wiped out the whole family if they didn't agree."

"You know, the forces I just mentioned are all super forces! They are similar to our blood clan, even stronger than us!"

"Wow!" Hearing Sean's description, small stars appeared in Amy's eyes.

"You have to remember, you can provoke anyone among the nine emperors, but you can't provoke the sword emperor! The evil **** said that killing your family will kill your family, and even a dog will not let go!"

Hearing these words of Xiao En, Zhang Ziling twitched the corner of his mouth, with a black line hanging on his forehead.

Has the reputation been brutal enough?

Zhang Ziling smiled bitterly and shook his head.

When he finished speaking, Sean also deliberately frightened Amy, causing Amy to accidentally fall off the sofa, so angry that Amy chased Sean and bit him, so that Abby and Van Helsing had to come out and pull. Live the runaway Amy.

Just when everyone was clamoring together, Louise's words made everyone's smiles solidify all at once, and all the squabbles froze in place, and the atmosphere was weird to the extreme.

"Then... the master made me the empress of one of the nine emperors, meaning I am very powerful?"

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