Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1021: Everything is under control

"Ziling, this is the situation now..." Ella looked at Kyle bowing in the center of the banquet hall, a trace of worry flashed in her beautiful eyes.

It seemed that Caesar had completely no threat, but it seemed that a more difficult Kyle had come out.

The first generation bloodline Ella also knows a bit, Ella also knows how strong it is.

As long as Kyle wants to, he can borrow Lilith's power in a very short period of time to gain strength comparable to a demigod.

Although this is just a legend, Ella feels that even if the facts are not so exaggerated, they are not much different.

After all, Ella had just felt the aura that Kyle had inadvertently radiated, which was extremely close to Caesar. I'm afraid it won't be long before Kyle's strength will completely surpass Caesar, and even surpass her now!

Moreover, from the perspective of Kyle's current performance, Ella also discovered that Kyle is not a simple character. His previous gentle performance was completely deceiving.

It seems that after Kyle knew that he had the original blood, the truest self in his heart was released.

Ella has enough reasons to believe that forming Kyle... is definitely scarier than Caesar!

Knowing that Kyle is the first generation bloodline, it can also be seen from the ancient blood aristocrats who did not hesitate to choose to cut off the relationship with the blood family. The current ambition of the ancient blood aristocrats is definitely not only the current small blood family.

"Look at this, we are driving the tiger and the wolf." Sean also frowned. "I just don't know if Kyle can control this tiger?"

"Relax, leave everything to me." Zhang Ziling smiled at everyone's concerns, and didn't care about it.

The development of the matter has entered the trajectory that Zhang Ziling has planned. Next, we only need to control the rhythm and let Kyle Kaiser follow the script completely.

"Ziling, you..." Ella looked at Zhang Ziling in surprise, but didn't realize when Zhang Ziling set the game.

But now that Zhang Ziling said so, Ella simply stopped paying attention to this matter, and nestled in Zhang Ziling's arms, "Well, it's all up to you."

"Why am I so sour?" Seeing Ella and Zhang Ziling's intimacy, Fan Haixin spit out sour water, winking his eyes.

"Haha! Ella definitely misses Brother Ziling more than we do. What's wrong with doing this?" Xiao En smiled and ran against Van Helsing, "Why is it like you? It's been so long, and Abby doesn't look at you. Click it!"

"Xiao En, are you looking to cut?" Fan Haixin rushed towards Xiao En, and everyone suddenly became a group, without the appearance of a superior blood clan.

Lucius, who was behind Zhang Ziling, smiled bitterly at the people who were fighting together, and shook his head, but he couldn't see any surprise in Lucius's eyes.

For Lucius, this kind of performance by Sean and the others has long been commonplace.

Today's high-ranking kinsmen usually fight like children, and I am afraid that no high-ranking force can see this phenomenon.

Thinking about it, Lucius cast his gaze on Zhang Ziling again, his eyes getting deeper and deeper.

Lucius couldn't see through it anyway...

What kind of person is the Nine Emperors who can become friends with Prince Sean and the others!

"Kyle..." Caesar in the center of the banquet hall stared at Kyle, his hands trembling slightly, and he couldn't tell whether it was because of excitement or anger.

"Brother, I will be taken care of from now on." Kyle stood up straight, "I have done what you told me, so let's be the last thing I do for my brother."

"But I didn't expect that, brother, you would actually give me the position of leader... At first I thought it was a slow strategy..." Kyle looked at Caesar and shook his head, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, but his eyes became cold. , "Brother, when you tested the purity of my bloodline, you should have discovered that I was the first generation bloodline, right?"

"No wonder I have felt that this dark golden ring is more suitable for me over the past few hundred years... Caesar, it's hard for me to hide it!" Kyle's tone suddenly became cold.

"Kel, you!" Caesar had no idea that Kyle's attitude would become so fast!

Even though Caesar was very strict with Kyle before, even Caesar now regrets that he handed the Dark Golden Ring to Kyle.

But Caesar thought from the bottom of his heart that anyone in the world would betray him, but Kyle would not!

Now Kyle's attitude left Caesar's brain blank, completely unresponsive.

"My good brother, don't pretend you." Kyle said softly to Caesar, "This is the last time I will allow you to call my name directly."

"From now on, you can only call me Prince Kyle. The rules of the ancient blood nobles cannot be broken."

After that, Kyle turned and left, leaving Caesar alone.

Although the kinsmen present didn't know what Kyle said to Caesar, they all could see some clues from Caesar's current performance.

Of course, the younger generation of the blood race felt gloating about this, and even felt that it was a great thing for the ancient blood nobles to leave them. After all, since the ancient blood nobles joined the blood clan, they have felt that their elders are obviously partial to the ancient blood nobles, and they are even about to regard the ancient blood nobles as their family!

This makes the younger generation feel extremely unbalanced.

However, the elders of the blood clan were lost in their souls, and suddenly lost interest in the party. After apologizing to Ella one by one, they left the banquet hall one after another.

"It's all over. Today's banquet is here. I will take care of the affairs of the ancient blood nobles." Seeing that all the blood races of the older generation are almost gone, Ella also stood up to preside over the overall situation at this time and give it to the blood races. The younger generation was relieved.

Perhaps it was because of the ancient blood nobles, which made Aila extremely popular among their younger generation, and saved Aila a lot of time in collecting people's hearts.

If there is a loss, there is a gain, and the ancient-blooded nobles do not all bring negative effects.

With Ella speaking, the young blood races stopped staying any longer, and after saluting Ella, they also left the banquet hall.

It suddenly became a little quiet here.

"Ziling, everyone is gone, we will go back first, be careful yourself." Seeing that the banquet hall was empty, Ella told Zhang Ziling.

"Yeah." Zhang Ziling nodded, "I will be back soon and wait for me in the room."

Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, everyone smiled knowingly, but Ella blushed with a pretty face, and quickly said, "When is it all, I still think about that kind of thing!"

"Go, let's go! See you tomorrow!" Xiao En and others also knew that Zhang Ziling had something to do, so they didn't delay here, and they said goodbye to Zhang Ziling and took Ella away.

You know, now that Caesar is still standing in the middle of the banquet hall.

The game under Zhang Ziling may have just been unveiled.

"Lucius, go and arrange a room for Louise so that she can have a good rest." After everyone left, Zhang Ziling told Lucius again to let Lucius take Louise away.

"Master, don't you need my help?" Louise looked at Zhang Ziling suspiciously and asked.

Regarding Louise's doubts, Zhang Ziling slightly shook the goblet in his hand and looked at Caesar in the middle of the hall, with an inexplicable expression in his eyes.

"No, the things I have to deal with next may be beyond the realm of mortals. With your current ability, you can't help."

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