Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1032: Strong kiss?

The power of Satan's saints permeated the banquet hall, and Lilith and Cain could not breathe with the terrifying aura. They wanted to escape from this place, even their thinking became dull.

Satan stood quietly in the middle of the hall like this, before he spoke, his domineering aura was revealed.

Satan glanced at Lilith, who was lying on the ground, and when he was about to speak, he turned his gaze on Zhang Ziling again, narrowing his eyes.

Satan felt a different breath from Zhang Ziling, and even... Satan felt that Zhang Ziling still threatened him.

Satan was very surprised by the thought in his heart.

You know, in this world, apart from saints, no creatures can make him feel this way.

Zhang Ziling is a saint?

Satan eliminated this possibility in an instant.

How can there be so many saints in this world?

If you can meet a saint in a casual mortal world, then the entire God Realm would be messed up long ago.

After vetoing Zhang Ziling’s identity, Satan also regarded Zhang Ziling as a existence with a certain superpower. Although such creatures could not be comparable to saints in terms of overall strength, they were able to perform comparable to a certain single ability. The power of a saint.

This kind of existence cannot be called a saint, but can only be regarded as a false saint, and its true strength is similar to that of a half-step saint.

The hypocrisy can make Satan have that dangerous illusion.

"Who are you?" Satan asked Zhang Ziling coldly.

In this banquet hall, there is only one lower **** and one upper god, and Zhang Ziling a mortal.

Cain and Lilith were not put in the eyes of Satan at all, and Satan did not know the origin of Zhang Ziling, and that Zhang Ziling naturally became the focus of Satan's attention.

"Who am I?" Seeing Satan asked, Zhang Ziling raised an eyebrow and chuckled, "Is it not clear enough in the message Lilith sent to you?"

"You want me to show you on the spot?"

"It's you!!!" After hearing Zhang Ziling's words, Satan suddenly exploded with an extremely astonishing aura, the power of the terrifying saint spread to the surroundings, and the entire banquet hall trembled violently.

"Well, what did you say?" Lilith on the side heard the conversation between Zhang Ziling and Satan, her face paled, and her eyes filled with fear.

Lilith is not stupid, she now knows that Zhang Ziling must have moved in the message she sent to Satan.

Otherwise, Zhang Ziling would not be so sure that Satan will come.

At this time Lilith also understood, why when Satan first appeared, her voice was so cold that it made her feel like an ice cellar!

"It's over..." The more Lilith thought about it, the whiter her face became, and she felt that her future was dim.

Judging from Satan's attitude toward her just now, Lilith doesn't think that Satan will let her go after solving Zhang Ziling.

"Despicable human!" Lilith hated Satan even more when she was inexplicably forced to a dead end.

"It seems that you know it clearly!" Zhang Ziling looked at Satan who burst out of horror, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became stronger and stronger, "However, you disappoint me a bit."

Zhang Ziling looked directly at Satan, a ray of red light flashed in his eyes, "I didn't come here with my real body."

"True body?" A look of astonishment flashed across Satan's face, and then he laughed out loud. "You are qualified to let me come here in person? Isn't it too fantasy?"

"It's just a pseudo-sage. Although I have to clean up you will have some trouble, but it's just some trouble."

"Since you and my woman have the truth, then you have to be prepared to be tortured by me." Satan's voice instantly became extremely cold, and the entire banquet hall had a thick layer of ice, and the temperature dropped sharply. , Even Lilith and Cain felt extremely cold.

The temperature that can make the gods feel cold...This alone can tell that even if Satan comes as a clone, it is extremely powerful!

"Go, go, go?" The color of despair in Lilith's eyes became more and more intense, and she instantly understood that she had been framed by Zhang Ziling.

And Lilith also knew that Satan would never give her a chance to argue, the only thing she could do was wait for death.

Now Lilith realized that if she wanted to survive, she could only expect Zhang Ziling to defeat Satan.

The thought that whether she can survive depends entirely on the person she hates most, Lilith feels bitter and complicated.

"You can see that you are very angry." Zhang Ziling looked at Satan with a chuckle, stepped forward, and immediately came to Lilith.

"Stand up." Lilith suddenly heard Zhang Ziling's voice echoing in her ears.

Lilith knelt on the ground and looked at Zhang Ziling with a complicated expression.

"Bitch girl, don't you roll over?" Satan frowned when he saw Zhang Ziling appeared next to Lilith.

Although Satan has decided to kill Lilith, Lilith is her toy after all, and he does not allow anyone else to approach her.

This is a trampling on his dignity!

Lilith suddenly shook her body when she heard Satan's words, and quickly stood up, subconsciously approaching Satan.

Lilith was so terrified of Satan that she did not dare to violate any of his orders.

Knowing that Satan would kill herself, Lilith still couldn't restrain her inner fear of Satan, and kept approaching Lilith.

"If you want to live, just cooperate with me honestly." At this time, Zhang Ziling grabbed Lilith by the wrist and then hugged Lilith into his arms.

"Lilith!" When Satan saw Lilith actually rushed into someone else's arms in front of him, he went violently, and violent power poured over Zhang Ziling.

No one has ever dared to insult a saint like this!

"Yes, that's it..." Zhang Ziling saw Satan go wild, a trace of playfulness flashed in his eyes, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he actually pinched Lilith's chin and kissed Lilith forcibly!

"Um! Um!" Lilith's eyes were full of fright. She wanted to struggle, but found that she was bound by some unknown force. She couldn't move at all, and she could only let Zhang Ziling do whatever she wanted. .


A barrier of devilish energy appeared in front of Zhang Ziling, and Satan's power poured over it, and was completely offset by the barrier.

The aftermath of the impact of the two forces spread to the surroundings. Cain was accidentally affected, and was directly rushed out, hitting the wall and fainted.

"Lilith!" Satan's eyes turned red, and Zhang Ziling's act of forcibly occupying his woman made Satan's heart more and more angry. With a sudden kick of his legs, the whole person burst into Zhang Ziling like a cannonball!

"Humble human... I want you to die!"

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