Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1038: The existence above the saint

Satan clutched his swollen cheeks and looked at Zhang Ziling incredulously. He had not yet come out of the fact that he was slapped by Zhang Ziling.

Cain and Lilith couldn't help rubbing their eyes, their bodies trembled slightly, feeling that what they were seeing was illusory.

Perhaps Satan was the first saint to be slapped in history?

At this time, Cain and Lilith had such thoughts in their hearts.

Now the worldviews of Cain and Lilith have collapsed directly, and even if something happens next, I am afraid that Cain and Lilith will not find it strange.

"This palm is telling you, don't be clever in front of me." Zhang Ziling pinched Satan's chin and warned softly.

Looking at Zhang Ziling's red eyes, Satan felt that he was plunged into an endless black hole, and the deep darkness seemed to swallow him completely!

The power of Zhang Ziling really shook Satan's soul.

As the lord of **** and the king of demons, Satan should be the representative of darkness and evil, and the boundless darkness is all at his service.

However, Satan now feels that he is about to be completely swallowed by the darkness of Zhang Ziling. powerful is it?

Satan dared not imagine how much Zhang Ziling's strength surpassed him!

In front of Zhang Ziling, the power of the saints that Satan had just gathered also dissipated again.

Because of fear and unbearable memories, Satan completely lost the desire to resist Zhang Ziling. In front of Zhang Ziling...Satan even lost his dignity as a saint!

"Ming, I understand..." Under the pressure of Zhang Ziling's aura, Satan nodded in fear.

Obviously Satan knows that he has an immortal body, but he always has a hunch in his heart...

Devil Emperor Zhang Ziling could kill his life easily!

At this time, Satan suddenly thought about the disappearance of Gao Tianyuan's saint Izanaki...

It was also from the disappearance of Izanagi that the relationship between Tian Ting and Gao Tianyuan became very tense. Satan was originally very happy to watch Tian Ting and Gao Tianyuan conflict, after all, he could still usurp some benefits from it.

However, before Izanagi's disappearance, Tian Ting and Izanagi jointly issued the wanted warrant that emerged in Satan's mind.

Wanted Zhang Ziling!

When he thought of this, Satan's body began to tremble violently. Looking at Zhang Ziling's delicate face, the fear in his eyes became more and more intense.

Zhang Ziling’s wanted order, Izanagi’s disappearance, the appearance of the Devil Emperor Zhang Ziling...

Satan connects all of this together, and the fear that springs up in his heart is springing up like mushrooms, filling Satan's heart.

Devil Emperor Zhang Ziling can really kill the saint with the immortal body!


Satan could no longer withstand the pressure of Zhang Ziling's monstrous aura and knelt down, leaving Cain and Lilith dumbfounded.

Cain and Lilith didn't understand why Satan would kneel!

A saint, kneel down?

What about the dignity of a saint?

The worldview of Cain and Lilith has completely collapsed! They looked at Zhang Ziling with endless awe.

However, Cain and Lilith would not understand how a saint would collapse when he took the power of the emperor.

If it hadn't been for Zhang Ziling to release Satan, and he hadn't completely pressed his aura on Satan, I am afraid that Satan's soul would have been completely shattered at this moment.

And now Satan just kneels down, enough to show the power of Satan's spirit!

The might of the emperor is enough to crush everything in the world!

"Devil, Devil..." Satan supported his body with his arms, sweat dripping from his forehead, dripping water stains on the ground.

The banquet hall, which had condensed frost due to the power of Satan, became dry again at this moment, the endless frost melted and disappeared, and the temperature in the hall warmed up.

Zhang Ziling looked at Satan who was kneeling in front of him indifferently, with no trace of emotion in his eyes.


"I ask."

"You answer."

A dark throne appeared behind Zhang Ziling, gleaming with cold luster under the shining of moonlight, and a terrifying aura radiated from the throne.

Sitting on the throne, Zhang Ziling's eyes became more and more indifferent, just like immortal ice.

Cain and Lilith couldn't help becoming solemn when they saw Zhang Ziling sitting on the throne. They couldn't suppress their urge to worship Zhang Ziling, and they knelt down at Zhang Ziling.


"The Devil!"

Cain and Lilith spoke in unison, solemnly.

Satan felt the more terrifying power of the great emperor. The memory of the devil emperor Zhang Ziling in the prehistoric period kept emerging, and his body trembled out of his control, and he threw his five bodies on the ground.

"Gong, Gongying... Devil Emperor." Satan tremblingly said to Zhang Ziling, forcibly enduring the fear in his heart.

At the moment that throne appeared, the last trace of saint's power in Satan's body was completely dissipated, and Satan no longer had the capital to resist.

"Satan..." Zhang Ziling played with the moonlight flowing at his fingertips and indifferently called out Satan's name.

"The minister, the minister is..." For some reason, Satan had already regarded Zhang Ziling as the emperor, and he was the courtier who had offended Long Wei, trembling.

"You should be very clear about this breath, right?" The moonlight circling at Zhang Ziling's fingertips dissipated as light spots, and turned into the power of the heavenly magic scroll!

The Heavenly Demon Scroll is Zhang Ziling's magic weapon, and Zhang Ziling is very familiar with its power. Zhang Ziling can naturally simulate the aura of the Heavenly Demon Scroll.

Feeling the breath flowing from Zhang Ziling's fingertips, Satan's body shook suddenly, and then he replied tremblingly: "Clear, clear."

"Where is it?" Zhang Ziling asked again.

"I, I don't know..." Satan dared not look up, and replied nervously.

"Don't you know?" A cold light flashed in Zhang Ziling's eyes, and the terrifying power of the Great Emperor burst out, oppressing Satan.

Satan couldn't bear the momentum of Zhang Ziling, his arms couldn't support his body, his whole body was completely lying on the ground, the floor cracked!

The might of Zhang Ziling's great emperor made Satan's body creak!

Cain and Lilith in the hall could see all this clearly, and they did not dare to speak out at all, they only dared to watch quietly, not even the atmosphere.

Now, Cain and Lilith have completely believed that the saint is not the highest existence in this world at all!

In the rumors, the realm above the saint really exists!

Before, Cain and Lilith could not imagine what the power above the saint would look like...

But when Cain and Lilith saw Satan shivering in front of Zhang Ziling, they understood everything.

The existence above the saint is like the Devil Emperor Zhang Ziling!

"Then where did you get this breath?" Zhang Ziling asked again, looking at Satan lying on the ground.

"Hui, Hui Devil... I, I just saw a copy, it was with God!"

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