Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1051: I want the Holy See to annihilate

"King, six humans are waiting outside the castle at this moment, saying they want to see you."

In an elegant library in the castle, Lucius respectfully said to Zhang Ziling who was teaching Louise to read.

"Should I send someone to drive them away or... deal with it."

"What's the name of the leader?" Zhang Ziling did not look up to Lucius' report, but just asked indifferently, still guiding Louise.

"He said his name is Chen San." Lucius replied, hesitated slightly, and then slowly said, "He also said that he was your subordinate."

Hearing what Lucius said, Zhang Ziling stopped his movements, looked up at Lucius, and said, "Take them to the back manor, and I will be there later."

"Yes." Although Lucius was curious as to why Zhang Ziling had such a weak subordinate, Lucius didn't ask much, and after bowing to Zhang Ziling, he quietly retreated.

"Master, are you going to meet guests?" Louise closed the book and asked Zhang Ziling.

"Well, you've seen Chen San, too, I'm going to explain some things to him. You just read a book here, and today you can go to Sister Ella to play with the ten languages." Zhang Ziling touched Louise's Head, whispered softly.

"But you have to be careful not to hinder Sister Ella from doing things."

"Yeah!" Louise nodded happily, smiling.

Seeing Louise's happy appearance, the corner of Zhang Ziling's mouth rose slightly, and then the whole person slowly disappeared in place, leaving Louise alone in the library.

In fact, if Louise lives in the environment of ordinary people, with her spiritual strength, it only takes a few minutes to learn a language.

However, because Louise has always been in the laboratory and has never touched the words, this has caused Louise to encounter a huge obstacle in learning.

Therefore, to exercise Louise's thinking, learning languages ​​is undoubtedly the fastest way.

During these three days, apart from communicating with Ella and others, Zhang Ziling spent most of the time in the library with Louise, allowing Louise to absorb various knowledge.

As a human being incarnate by the law of great avenues, Zhang Ziling knew how terrifying Louise's talent was without even thinking about it. If he didn't exercise it well, he would waste a piece of jade.

And Louise is now very cleverly trained by Zhang Ziling. After Zhang Ziling left, she just made a slight face and then picked up another book on the table and quickly flipped through it.

Behind Louise, piles of books were piled up like a hill.

Those are all books that Louise has read in these three days.

"Chen, Chen San...this, this adult's family, it seems a bit horrible!" The Scarred Youth glanced at the blood clan staring at them around the manor, swallowed slightly, and he could feel the blood clan inside An extremely dangerous breath.

"Don't tell me, even the butler who just brought us in has a breath far above me, I am afraid he has the strength of S rank!" The muscular man also frowned and said, "There are many strong people in this castle!"

"Chen San, we seem to have come to an incredible place!" The glasses man said with some emotion.

"I didn't expect nine... that adult has such a strong family background in Europe, it is incredible!" Chen San almost missed it, but fortunately, he reacted at the last minute and quickly changed his words.

"I started to look forward to the next life a little bit!"

Several people were a little excited and nervous, and they all sat tightly and talked quietly.

The kinsmen in the castle looked at Chen Sanliu with curiosity, and wanted to know what was special about these six human beings, that they could become guests of their king!

Everyone knows exactly how terrifying Zhang Ziling is. Even their gods are committed to Zhang Ziling and dare not defy.

It can be seen from this point...

Their king is definitely the supreme supreme king of the Three Realms!

"It seems that you guys are still having a good chat! Did I bother you?" At this time, Zhang Ziling's chuckle sounded in everyone's ears, causing Chen San and several others to directly strike a spirit.

"Nine...big, my lord!" Chen San quickly got up from the chair, looked at Zhang Ziling nervously, and said tremblingly, "No, no!"

At this moment, the other five people did not dare to be big, and stood up one after another, learning from Chen San to salute Zhang Ziling.

Although they are all rough and unrestrained, it does not mean that they have no respect for the strong.

When and what to do, this is the first principle that cultivators need to abide by in order to survive in the cultivation world!

After Zhang Ziling made his voice, everyone felt tremendous pressure from Zhang Ziling.

"Sit all, don't be so nervous." Zhang Ziling said with a smile, and then one or two beauty of the blood race put up a chair for Zhang Ziling for Zhang Ziling to sit down.

Feeling Zhang Ziling's impenetrable aura, Chen San and the others did not dare to be presumptuous, and after smiling at Zhang Ziling, they sat down, looking very nervous.

"Chen San, don't you introduce your friends?" Zhang Ziling looked at Chen San and asked with a smile.

"Yes, yes!" Chen San quickly stood up. After he saw Zhang Ziling, his nerves were already stretched to the limit.

His brother may not know what kind of existence the character he is facing, but Chen San is clear...

The handsome young man in front of him is the one who can cause the whole world to panic endlessly...

Nine Emperors!

"This, the scarred person is Will, an A-level bounty hunter, who is good at hiding and is extremely fast."

"This muscular man is called Bi Li, and he is also an A-level bounty hunter. He is extremely defensive and extremely destructive."

"This man with glasses is called Paul, and he is also an A-level bounty hunter. He is a sniper and can easily assassinate strong men of the same level."

"The other two are a pair of brothers called Mickey and Mitte, both of which are B-level bounty hunters, but they have high attainments on computers. They are the Black Mirror Brothers in the top ten in the world's hacker list."

After Chen San introduced the two extremely young teenagers standing at the extreme edge, he especially emphasized their talents to Zhang Ziling so as not to let Zhang Ziling look down on them.

"Big, sir..." Neither Mickey nor Mi Te are very talkative, and they are very nervous after seeing Zhang Ziling. It is their limit to be able to say hello to Zhang Ziling.

"Very good..." Zhang Ziling nodded in satisfaction, then his expression became serious.

"Do you know why I want you to come over?" Zhang Ziling looked at Chen San and asked indifferently.

"I don't know..." Chen San shook his head honestly.

He only knew that Zhang Ziling asked him to call all the brothers he believed in, and he didn't know anything else.

Seeing Chen San shaking his head, doubts arose in everyone's eyes, and the corners of Zhang Ziling's mouth rose slightly.

"I want you to help me..."

"Let the Holy See be completely annihilated."

At this time, a cold wind followed, blowing everyone's hair and clothes.

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