Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1056: Class D bounty hunter, Zhang Ziling

"Master Nine Emperors, we have registered your identity in the Bounty Hunter Guild according to your instructions, and you can enter the Bounty Hunter Guild Hall unimpeded."

On a private jet to the UK, Chen San moved the registration information on the computer to Zhang Ziling, who was enjoying the scenery outside the window.

After Zhang Ziling dealt with the matters of the Chuyuan Ring and the Staff of Power, he directly embarked on a journey to England.

"But..." When he moved the computer to Zhang Ziling, Chen San's face was embarrassed again, as if hesitated to speak.

"But what?" Zhang Ziling returned to his senses and asked Chen San.

Chen San barely forced a wry smile on his face, and slowly said to Zhang Ziling: "Because Lord Nine Emperors is registered online, the Bounty Hunter Guild cannot test the strength of Lord Nine Emperors, so..."

Speaking of this, Chen San first paused, and then continued: "So Master Nine Emperors is currently only a D-level bounty hunter, currently ranked 19,280."

When Chen San uttered these words, Bi Li and Will not far away could not help but shudder, and their apples moved slightly.

The Nine Emperors became a D-rank bounty hunter, and the ranking in the Bounty Hunter Guild is still five figures...

Just thinking about it, Bi Li and Will felt that their bodies were shaking.

If this is put on them, I am afraid they will not accept it.

Chen San looked at Zhang Ziling nervously, his forehead was already covered with cold sweat.

He has even called the head of the Bounty Hunter Guild just now, and he has repeatedly stressed that Zhang Ziling’s registration level should be at least A, but the people on the phone did not agree, saying that he should follow the procedures. Can't go through the back door.

So... in desperation, Chen San finally made Zhang Ziling become a D-level bounty hunter.

Hearing Chen San's words, Zhang Ziling didn't respond much, he just glanced at the registration information on the computer for a while, and there was no other information besides a series of numbers and grades.

It can be seen from the above that the Bounty Hunter Guild pays great attention to the privacy of the bounty hunters’ personal information. Even if a capable hacker intrudes into the Bounty Hunter Guild’s intranet, I am afraid that there will be no reward. Specific information about Golden Hunter.

"Is the name empty?" Zhang Ziling did not entangle what level of bounty hunter he was, but instead focused his attention on the top blank space.

The photo there is a question mark and the name is also a question mark, but they all seem to be editable.

"The photo and the name are optional. If Master Nine Emperors doesn't want to fill in, you can leave it alone." Chen San saw that Zhang Ziling was not entangled with the D-level bounty hunter, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then quickly explained to Zhang Ziling. .

"But I still mind if you fill in a nickname, Lord Nine Emperors, so it will be much easier to move in the Bounty Hunter Guild."

"Really?" Zhang Ziling thought for a while, then typed a few words on the computer.

After doing all this, Zhang Ziling lay down on the chair again, squinting his eyes slightly, and lazily said: "I will rest for a while and call me when it comes. You can entertain freely during this time. Just be careful not to be too noisy. "

After Zhang Ziling finished speaking, he closed his eyes and took a nap and stopped talking.

Seeing Zhang Ziling fall asleep, Chen San did not dare to disturb Zhang Ziling, but carefully took away the computer in front of Zhang Ziling, and did not dare to make a sound.

Seeing that Chen San had obtained the computer, Bi Li and Will leaned in front of Chen San, wanting to know what name Zhang Ziling had named themselves.

"Mr. D?"

Seeing the evil nickname on the screen, Chen San's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help looking at Zhang Ziling, who was resting with his eyes closed.

"Master Nine Emperors didn't say it on the surface, it seems that I still have a sorrow for that D Grade..." Chen San looked at Zhang Ziling blankly and muttered.

"Yeah." Bi Li and Will also nodded in agreement, thinking about Zhang Ziling's nickname.

After this episode, Chen San and the others didn't dare to do any entertainment. They all sat back to their places and fell asleep, waiting for the plane to land.

There is a dedicated private airport at the Bounty Hunter Guild headquarters, and Chen San, who is an A-level bounty hunter, is naturally eligible to land in the private airport. Only Chen San is required to send the expected arrival time of the plane to the Bounty Hunter Guild With a dedicated person in charge, the guild will naturally arrange positions for the aircraft.

When Zhang Ziling's private plane arrived at the airport, the Bounty Hunters Guild had sent people to wait in the airport for a while.

Although Chen San and the others behaved like trash in front of Zhang Ziling, the A-level powerhouses in the Bounty Hunter Guild were actually less than 100, and Chen San and others had a very high status in the Bounty Hunter Guild.

When every A-level bounty hunter returns to the guild headquarters, he will receive a high-level reception, second only to the S-level strong.

"Be refreshed, that plane belongs to the Hurricane Mercenary Corps, and there are three A-level bounty hunters on it. Don't neglect it later!"

After the plane landed, a blond man in the airport warned the people behind him with his voice.

"It seems that your status in the Bounty Hunter Guild is quite high!" Zhang Ziling looked at the busy crowd below through the window, his mouth slightly raised.

"Both and all are fictitious names, how can they be compared to the arrogance of an adult?" Chen San smiled awkwardly at Zhang Ziling. In front of the Nine Emperors, Chen San didn't take himself seriously.

After slapped Zhang Ziling's flattery, Chen Sancai then asked Zhang Ziling for instructions: "Shall we go down first?"

"Well, let's go." Zhang Ziling nodded, "Before acting, take me to see this bounty hunter guild."


With Zhang Ziling's permission, Chen San and the others also got off the plane first, and Zhang Ziling slowly followed behind.

The blond man waiting outside the plane saw Chen San and a few people getting off the plane, he suddenly squeezed a smile on his face and ran forward, and said to Chen San: "The journey has been exhausted, the three adults have worked hard, and the guild is ready for the three adults. With the best room, do adults go to rest first?"

"No, let's go to the guild first. You guys are all gone, there are too many people." Chen San just glanced at the blond man indifferently, and then said flatly.

"Okay, everyone is gone!" Hearing Chen San's words, the blond man was not annoyed, but just smiled and let the people behind him who had been caught in the dust quickly dispersed.

Seeing everyone dispersed, Chen San didn't look at the blond man again, and walked to the guild hall.

The blond man just stood aside with a smile, watching Will and Bi Li pass in front of him quietly.

Chen Sansan and three are all A-level bounty hunters. As a guild staff member, the blond man naturally remembers their appearance, so his attitude towards Chen Sansan is extremely respectful.

But when Chen San and the others passed by, Zhang Ziling also happened to get off the plane.

Zhang Ziling was about to keep up with Chen Sanshi, but the blond man on the side was full of expression and directly stopped Zhang Ziling.

Seeing that the blond man stopped him, Zhang Ziling raised his eyebrows slightly and asked, "What's the matter?"

"That side is the VIP passage. Only those above Grade A are allowed to pass. Go over there." The blond man suddenly became arrogant and said to Zhang Ziling.

He was notified that there were three A-level bounty hunters and a newly registered D-level bounty hunter on the plane. Just now, Chen San and three A-level bounty hunters have passed, so now this young man who came down must be the D-level reward. The golden hunter is out.

In the eyes of the blond man, although Zhang Ziling and Chen Sanji were together, they were just a D-class trash anyway. If he were allowed to take the VIP channel, he might provoke other A-class powerhouses. At that time, that person in charge would suffer.

Therefore, the blond man did not want Zhang Ziling to follow Chen San.

Anyway, it is a D-class trash, and it is estimated that the three A-class adults will not care about this follower.

But when the blond man's voice reached Chen Sansan's ear, the blond man suddenly felt that the surrounding atmosphere seemed to become weird.

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