Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1074: Aliens and the Archbishop

Bang bang bang!

Hundreds of heavily armed soldiers rushed into the guild hall and surrounded a group of bounty hunters with their guns. The bounty hunters leaned together on alert, with grim faces.

"Alien Management Bureau?" Hong Long put down the phone in his hand and looked at the group of soldiers in a daze.

All soldiers have the unique logo of the Alien Management Bureau on their chests, and the weapons they are equipped with are new types of weapons developed by the government to deal with practitioners.

These weapons can't cause any harm to ordinary people, but they can seal the meridians of the cultivator, making the cultivator unable to perform power and become a waste.

It can be said that the Foreign Person Administration of the United Kingdom is one of the best institutions in the management of the practice world among governments, second only to the Dragon Department of China and the Aegis of the United States.

When the soldiers from the Alien Administration rushed in, the atmosphere in the entire hall became serious.

The intervention of the Alien Management Bureau shows that the British government has noticed here. Most of these bounty hunters are unregistered monks. If the Alien Management Bureau conducts thorough investigations, I am afraid that most people here will have to be arrested. go back.

They are very clear about the power of the weapons in the hands of those soldiers.

With their speed, they can't escape.

"Alien Management Bureau?" Zhang Ziling raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard Hong Long's exclaim, and asked Hong Long.

"The Alien Management Bureau is the abbreviation of the British Alien Management Agency. It is a department specially set up by the British government to manage the order of the practice world. It is similar in nature to the Dragon Ministry of China." Come as an analogy to explain to Zhang Ziling.

"Although the strength of the Alien Management Bureau is not as strong as that of the Dragon Head, it is also a world-class superpower, and it has to overwhelm the Bounty Hunter Guild."

"It seems that the movement just now led these guys." Zhang Ziling glanced at the soldiers and said softly, "Are they here to make trouble?

"It's possible." Hong Long nodded solemnly. "The Alien Management Bureau and the Dragon Department have different attitudes towards cultivators. They are more irritable and always think that cultivators are an unstable factor, so their actions have always been more violent. solve."

"I came here this time because the little sun I just created has already affected the world of ordinary people. They came here to ask questions."

"Those soldiers are ordinary people, it's really a bit tricky." Zhang Ziling frowned slightly, and it was still difficult for Zhang Ziling, who was a demon emperor, to deal with ordinary people.

If it were in Xuanxiao Continent, Zhang Ziling would naturally have no such scruples, but the earth would still be the place where he originated after all. If there is no necessary reason, Zhang Ziling still doesn't want to deal with those people.

After all, for Zhang Ziling, ordinary people are too fragile, not only do they have no sense of accomplishment, but also affect the balance of ordinary people's world.

Ordinary people are not like monks. Once they die too much, they will definitely cause great repercussions in society. When Zhang Ziling kills, the whole world will be messed up.

"Leave it to me here, Master Nine Emperors, I still have a way to deal with people in the different administrative bureau," Hong Long also noticed that Zhang Ziling's brows were slightly wrinkled, and he immediately understood what Zhang Ziling was hesitating.

In the world, there are indeed many strong people who are disdainful or scrupulous about taking action against ordinary people. It seems that there is a strange power in the world that controls those strong. Once those strong in the center of the world do too much. If it does, the whole world will collapse directly, and it is said that it will be dealt with by the river crab god.

"Yeah." Zhang Ziling nodded, didn't refuse the red dragon, and retreated directly to the back.

"Where is Alva?" A stubborn middle-aged stubble strode into the hall and shouted directly.

The magnificent voice reverberated in the guild hall, immediately making the bounty hunters excited.

Director of Alien Management Bureau, Alien Tu!

"Director Yirentu, why is so angry?" Honglong saw Yirentu rushing in with anger, and he also hurried forward to greet him.

"Red Dragon?" Yirentu glanced at Red Dragon, "Where is Alva?"

"You will find... Alva what's the matter?" Red Dragon realized that the Nine Emperors were about to become the president, and it would not be appropriate to call Alva president, so he suddenly changed his mouth.

By the way, where is Alva?

A trace of doubt flashed in the red dragon's heart. Since he arrived in the guild hall, he had not seen Alva and Donn.

This is a bit abnormal.

"What's the matter? You don't know what kind of movement you made?" The foreigner Tu Chong Honglong shouted, "The entire British citizens have seen it. Are you still pretending to be innocent here?"

"Call Alva out, today your Bounty Hunter Guild will not give us an explanation. Everyone present will not be able to leave!" Yirentu was obviously awake because of being awakened during the afternoon nap, and the whole person became very irritable. It's all roaring out.

Facing the slaughter of strangers who were in the midst of anger, the red dragon couldn't help it. He couldn't help but look at Zhang Ziling, and asked Zhang Ziling unfavorably, "My lord, where is Alva?"

"Dead." Zhang Ziling said calmly, and the whole person was extremely calm.


Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, Honglong and Yirentu were shocked and couldn't help exclaiming.

"I didn't kill it, it was killed by someone called Jun." Zhang Ziling added later, his expression still calm.

"Jun?" Both Hong Long and Yirentu frowned, obviously they had never heard of that kind of monarch.

"Have you seen Jun? Where is he?"

At this time, an old and kind voice came from outside the hall and rang in everyone's ears.

After all the bounty hunters heard that voice, their expressions became a little trance, and their hearts were extremely calm, as if bathed in holy light.

"Can a single sentence affect people's hearts?" Hong Long shook his head fiercely, and quickly looked out of the hall, uncertain.

He was almost affected.

As far as Honglong's eyes were, an old man in a white priest's robe walked in tremblingly with a cane.

His long white hair and beard were almost dragged on the ground, and he looked very kind.

"Archbishop Carl." After seeing the old man walk in, Yi Ren Tu's face changed slightly, and he quickly saluted the old man.

Why is this old guy here?

In the eyes of Yirentu, the brilliance is uncertain, and he is lost in thought.

"Who is he?" Zhang Ziling glanced at Karl, and then asked Hong Long in a low voice.

"Carl is the archbishop of the Holy See in the British diocese. It is said that he can also rank in the top ten among the Holy See, but I have never seen him in real life. I really did not expect this person to be so strong!"

"Are you from the Holy See?" Zhang Ziling narrowed his eyes when he heard Red Dragon's words, and the red glow flickered.

"It seems something has been done..."

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