Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1083: Allow you to fall and serve me as Lord

Kassapa's screams echoed in the sky, and everyone was terrified.

The angel was caught and shocked all the monks below.

Everyone looked at Zhang Ziling in the sky in horror, shaking violently.

Nine Emperors...

Can even God be easily defeated?

Kassapa's screams constantly stimulated everyone's nerves, making people dare not believe what they saw.

Too illusory.

Although they thought that the Nine Emperors were gods walking in the world, when the Nine Emperors easily defeated a **** in front of them, everyone still did not dare to accept this shocking reality.

The existence of gods in this world is exaggerated enough, and now that the nine emperors can easily defeat even gods, this has even broken everyone's worldview!

In the eyes of everyone, the blazing angel Kassapa behaved in front of the Nine Emperors just like them, still without resistance.

God, is also an ant?

The strength of the Nine Emperors is like a bottomless pit, there is no bottom at all, and it is boundless.

At this moment, Kassapa can no longer care about the thoughts of the mortals. She is praying frantically, hoping that God can save her.

But no matter how Kasyapa sent a distress message to the God Realm, he didn't get any response at all!

The God Realm is like dead.

She was completely abandoned by the God Realm.

The power of the two demon claws gathered by Zhang Ziling is the same, and Kassapa can still barely endure it, but Carl is completely crushed at this moment and died.

The screams before Karl's death made the hearts of the bounty hunters and members of the Exotic Bureau extremely palpitable.

Too miserable.

What is even more tragic is that Carl did not understand how he provoke the Nine Emperors until his death.

Nowadays, the only angel who is still wailing in the sky is Kassapa. Her four wings have been completely broken. The blood dripped down the dark claws to the ground, and a strange fragrance wandered around, letting everyone The monk was relaxed and happy.

The angel's blood actually has a refreshing effect!

Zhang Ziling floated in front of Kaye, gently lifted Kaye's chin, his eyes filled with smiles.

"Devil, Demon Emperor..." Kaye's eyes were full of pain, and he spit out a few words with difficulty, "You, what did you do?"

The complete loss of contact with the God Realm made Kassapa feel like an abandoned child, and there was endless fear in his heart.

Kasyapa now understands that all this is the ghost of Zhang Ziling.

She now fully understands the despair of Gamil when facing Zhang Ziling. With such a powerful and suffocating strength, Kassapa can't afford to resist at all.

The gap is too big.

This is simply not a power that mortals can possess.

And Zhang Ziling can block her consciousness from returning to the gods, and even prevent her from sending messages to the gods...

This also means that Zhang Ziling has the ability to completely wipe out her consciousness!

When he thought that he would lose his life just because of God's surrender, Kassapa was very terrified, very regretful that God had descended on Carrick.

Kassapa had never been to the mortal world before. This time he went to the mortal world just to see what the mortal world looks like, and at the same time enjoy the worship of those ignorant human beings and absorb the power of faith.

But Kayah did not expect that he would encounter a monster like Zhang Ziling just the first time he descended from God!

Is the mortal world so dangerous now?

Kassapa wailed in his heart and began to think of asking Zhang Ziling for mercy.

Although begging for mercy from a mortal, the enemy of the Lord is against her beliefs, but Kassapa wants to live even more. She is the kind of angel who is willing to fall in order to survive!

When Lucifer fell, more than one-third of the angels followed Lucifer and took refuge in Satan.

In Kasyapa's view, the fallen angels are no big deal, as long as they can survive, there is enough.

Zhang Ziling looked at Kaye's struggling expression, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became more and more subtle, as if he had changed his plan to kill her.

"What an interesting angel..." Zhang Ziling chuckled lightly, brushing his palm across Kaye's smooth face, and finally pressed it out on the back of Kaye's head, pulling it closer.

Zhang Ziling leaned into Kaye's ear and whispered, "Beautiful Miss Angel, do you...want to live?"

The hot air from Zhang Ziling's mouth blows to Kaye’s earlobe, making Kaye feel an itching, and even the pain seems to be reduced a bit.

"You, what are you going to do?" Kassapa forced to endure the pain, and asked Zhang Ziling with some horror.

Although Kasyapa wanted to live, Zhang Ziling's current tone made Kasyapa even more terrified.

"It's just that I can't bear to kill you when I see you so beautiful..." Zhang Ziling chuckled, but Kayah was even more frightened.

"Do not be afraid……"

Zhang Ziling removed the devil's claws that grasped Kaye, and Kaye's broken body was free from the interference of the devil energy, and it quickly recovered under the restoration of divine power.

Although her body was restored to its original shape, Kaye didn't think Zhang Ziling would just let her go.

There is definitely a bigger conspiracy in this one!

"You can perceive the realm of the gods now, right?" Suddenly, Zhang Ziling's voice rang in Kaye's ears, causing Kaye to wake up suddenly.

After Zhang Ziling reminded him, Kaye realized that he had been able to contact the God Realm.

Just when Kasaba was surprised to send a distress message to the Lord, Zhang Ziling's voice rang in Kasaba's ear again, which immediately extinguished Kasaba's joy.

"If you want help, just try."

"I try not to do anything excessive."

After hearing Zhang Ziling's words, Kasyapa did not dare to mess around.

She was not sure how many times Zhang Ziling could wipe out her consciousness before the Lord came to save her.

"what do you want me to do?"

Soon, Kassapa finally calmed down, and completely gave up his plan to ask God for help, and directly asked Zhang Ziling.

She didn't think Zhang Ziling really let her go because of her appearance.

If Zhang Ziling really liked her appearance, she wouldn't be so cruel just now.

With the grip of the devil's claws and the method of isolating her from all perceptions of the gods, Kasyapa was sure that Zhang Ziling really planned to kill her, and he didn't pity Yu Yu at all.

But Kaye just didn't know why Zhang Ziling changed her mind and chose to let her go.

The reason for the change of mind is probably what Kassapa will do next!

After calming down, Kasaba also analyzed the problem thoroughly.

"What you have to do is very simple..." Zhang Ziling asked Kaye bluntly, smiled, and said faintly: "Let you come down, and then make me Lord."

"Let, let me... fall?" Kaye's eyes changed slightly, and then he looked at Zhang Ziling and said, "Yes, but even if I want to fall, I need my consciousness to return to the realm of God."

"Are you not afraid that after I go back, I won't leave the world again?"

Since there is no life worry, Kasaba also wants to regain some initiative.

Zhang Ziling just smiled at Kaspa's words, as if he was not worried that Kasaba would not come.

Seeing Zhang Ziling's smile, Kassapa felt chilly in his spine, as if he was in the ice and snow, biting the bones!

"Then you can take a bet..."

"I asked Gamil to pass the words to your lord, was it serious?"

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