Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1085: Fallen knight

At this moment, the surrounding atmosphere became very weird. Carrick looked at Zhang Ziling in horror, his hands trembling slightly.

After hearing Zhang Ziling's words, Carrick had a bad premonition in his heart. He wanted to move his feet back, but Carrick found that he could not control his legs at all.

Because of fear, Carrick had completely lost control of his limbs.

In front of Zhang Ziling, Carrick didn't even have the courage to escape.


In despair, Carrick knelt down to Zhang Ziling.

"If Master Nine Emperors does not believe my determination, I will prove it to Master Nine Emperors!" Carrick roared, and directly removed the armor of his upper body, revealing his solid arms.

On the arm of Carrick’s inner armor, there is a badge symbolizing the twelve knights of the round table. It is the knights badge of the round table that has been passed down for thousands of years and is the supreme glory of the knights of the Holy See.

That badge is a fetish that all knights dream of!

The name is Knight Glory.

It is also that badge that Carrick is qualified to let the **** Kassapa descend.

Carrick violently tore off the badge on his arm, without any hesitation, directly crushed the badge in his hand in front of Zhang Ziling.

"He actually ruined the glory of the knight!" Yirentu exclaimed directly. He recognized the badge in Carrick's hand and knew exactly what that badge meant to the knight.

In the entire Holy See, there are only twelve yuan, which can be said to be a treasure more important than the life of a knight!

The glory of the knight is greater than everything about the knight.

And Carrick was able to crush the badge without hesitation, which meant that Carrick had betrayed the Holy See without hesitation and chose to fall.

Now, even if Zhang Ziling spares Carrick, Carrick will become the object of the trial of the Holy See, and become the enemy of the Holy See.

The Holy See never shows mercy to betrayers.

Therefore, when Yirentu saw Carrick crushing the badge, he understood what Carrick was determined...

Even the betrayal was so resolute, Yirentu couldn't help but admire Carrick.

Is such a shaky believer one of the twelve knights of the round table?

"Master Nine Emperors, the badge I just smashed is called Knight Glory. It is one of the only twelve pieces of the Holy See. It has been passed down for thousands of years. Now that I destroy it, it means that I have completely betrayed the Holy See and become the Holy See. Mortal enemy."

"Even if you let me go now, Lord Nine Emperors, I will still be chased by the Holy See and be pronounced heresy."

"Now I...have completely become a fallen knight!"

After Carrick crushed the badge, he slammed his head at Zhang Ziling and directly shattered the ground.

"Master Nine Emperors are enemies of the Holy See, and the humble me, fundamentally speaking, have no personal grievances with Master Nine Emperors, and strictly speaking, my position is the same as Master Nine Emperors..."

"So... Lord Nine Emperors, please let me go and let me become the enemy of the Holy See!"

Carrick roared loudly, the voice rang in everyone's ears, making everyone's mouth twitch.

Not long ago, Carrick was still the core knight of the Holy See, and now he has become a mortal enemy of the Holy See... Everyone is still curious how Carrick crossed the hurdle in his heart.

It stands to reason that the Knights of the Round Table have reached a fanatical state of faith in the Lord, and they are the group of people who are least likely to betray their faith.

But Carrick's abandonment of faith is as easy as throwing away a mass of rubbish, and he speaks of betrayal so boldly, as if he is on the side of justice.

Everyone didn't know how Carrick did it.

Zhang Ziling looked at Carrick's appearance and couldn't help but shook his head and smiled, quite interesting.

"I am a little bit curious now about how you became a knight of the round table." Zhang Ziling said with a smile, and the black flame ignited on his right palm gradually disappeared.

Carrick couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief after feeling the blazing heat around him disappear, but his head became more violent.

If Carrick destroys the badge, the Pope will be able to learn of Carrick's betrayal in an instant, and then he will send a trial team to hunt down Carrick.

And Carrick is a knight of the round table, the members of the trial group are at least the archbishop level. In the face of those strong, Carrick would definitely not be able to live long in this world if he did not have the qualifications to surrender.

Carrick didn't think he could escape the eyes of the trial team.

Living in the Holy See since he was a child, Carrick had also joined the trial team to hunt down other people. He knew exactly how terrifying the methods of the Holy See were.

He can never escape.

So, Carrick is now desperate.

If the Nine Emperors did not accept him, even if the Nine Emperors did not kill him now, Carrick could only live one or two more months at most, and he would still die in endless flight.

That kind of taste is absolutely painful.

Now Carrick heard a little hope from the change in Zhang Ziling's tone, and naturally he wanted to catch it desperately.

"I grew up in the Holy See, and received all kinds of rigorous training. I was told that the Lord is my only faith. But I have never seen my biological parents except for the priest. According to the priest, I am one An orphan."

"But I have always doubted what the Holy See said. I always feel that my parents have been by my side. So after I became a Knight of the Round Table, I secretly searched for my own life and found it from the secret files of the Holy See... "

Carrick's mood suddenly became low.

"My parents were also knights of the Holy See, and they were killed by the Holy See Tribunal for betraying the Holy See."

"And that time the leader of the trial team that killed my parents..." At this point, Carrick couldn't help clenching his fists, and his entire popularity changed significantly.

Seeing Carrick's strangeness, Zhang Ziling seemed to have thought of something, and quietly looked at Carrick who was kneeling on the ground.

"The leader of the trial team is... it's me."


Carrick did not intentionally lower the volume, and all the monks around could hear clearly.

Everyone can't believe that the Holy See can do such a thing!

Let the knights of the round table commit suicide and kill their parents...what is the reason for the Holy See to do this?

Everyone is puzzled.

"After that, I kept exploring why the Holy See did that, why he said I was an orphan, and even let me kill my parents."

"But I later understood..."

"The Knights of the Round Table can only serve the Lord, and the Lord can only be our only faith. So parents like... are not allowed to exist, because that will make the Knights of the Round Table not pure enough and make us miss other people in our hearts."

"Therefore, the Knights of the Round Table can only be an orphan. The Pope took a fancy to my talent, so he asked my parents to abandon me and let me live as an orphan until I became a Knight of the Round Table and became the strongest weapon of the Holy See."

"And the reason for my parents' betrayal... is just that they want to see me. So the pope asked me to do it personally, letting my parents see me, and then be killed by me."

"I finally made myself... a true orphan."

Carrick raised his head abruptly, his face washed with tears.

"So Master Nine Emperors..." Carrick looked at Zhang Ziling and roared, "I am willing to be a fallen knight!"

"That **** belief, I want to fall for my sins!"

"Fallen knight..."

Zhang Ziling looked at Carrick calmly, his eyes darkened.

Ever since he saw the scene of the base below Shengteng Academy, Zhang Ziling has understood the true face of the Holy See.

It can be said that Zhang Ziling is not guilty at all to destroy the Holy See.

"Maybe..." The breeze blew, Zhang Ziling's clothes danced lightly, "It's not a bad thing to fall."

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