Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1094: The storm is coming!

"Nine Emperors?"

Hearing the report of the archbishop below, the pope's eyes widened and his energy exploded.

After that, the light in the pope's eyes quickly dimmed, and the whole person looked a bit older.

"It's time to come, it's coming..."

"My Lord Pope?" The archbishop obviously hadn't seen the pope's look, his face was full of shock.

"My Lord Pope, the so-called nine emperors are just recent risers. Most of their strength is based on false rumours, exaggerating them hundreds of times. I think the strength of the nine emperors is not as powerful as the rumors. ."

"We actually don't have to..."

"Enough." The pope's indifferent voice sounded directly in the archbishop's mind, and the entire papal hall instantly became extremely solemn.

A drop of cold sweat slipped from the archbishop's cheek. If you look closely, you can still see that the archbishop's body is trembling slightly.

Anyone familiar with the pope knows that when the pope speaks in this extremely indifferent tone, it means that the pope no longer regards human life as human life.

In other words, now the pope may pinch the archbishop who is kneeling down to death at any time.

Suddenly, he would die at any time, even the Archbishop of the Holy See, who stood at the top of the cultivation world, still felt terrified.

The atmosphere in the Papal Palace became extremely heavy, the Pope closed his eyes slightly, and the powerful aura of the whole person exuded, and the archbishop below could not breathe.

But the archbishop did not dare to move at all, he could only kneel tremblingly, extremely nervous.

I don't know how long it took, the archbishop's sweat had completely soaked his robe, and the pope slowly opened his eyes.

"Go down, let the Knights of the Round Table, the Holy Knights, the Lord and the Lord, and the archbishops of the dioceses all come to the Vatican."

"By the way, those adults... also wake up together and say..."

"This is the greatest crisis in the history of the Holy See." The pope indifferently told the archbishop who was kneeling down.

"Pope!" Hearing the words of the pope, the archbishop's pupils shrank suddenly, and he couldn't believe what the pope said.

You must know that what the Pope said is almost all the power of the Holy See!

And those adults...

The archbishop felt it was difficult to breathe just thinking about it.

Adults have been asleep for thousands of years.

They are all comparable to gods, even beyond gods, second only to the existence of the Lord!

Do you really want to use such a powerful force against the mere nine emperors?

The archbishop admitted that the Nine Emperors are very powerful, but the power of the Holy See is far beyond everything in the world. The outside world simply doesn't know what kind of power the Holy See has, so they exaggerated the Nine Emperors to the point where their strength surpassed the Holy See.

How can those humble and ignorant mortals understand true power?

The archbishop clenched his fists, seemingly unwilling.

When is it necessary to use all the power of the Holy See to deal with a person?

In the memory of the archbishop, from ancient times to the present, even when the Crusades and other gods went to war... the Holy See has not yet awakened those adults, and has not exerted all its strength.

Those adults were created in the same era as the Lord, how could they be born because of a mere nine emperors?

Nine Emperors...

Is he worthy?

"Farn?" The pope seemed to have noticed the archbishop's unwillingness, his tone became a little heavier, and his voice echoed in the papal hall.

Faun was immediately awakened by the pope’s voice, and kowtow to the pope quickly, saying: "I, I will do it!"

After all, Fine did not dare to hesitate, stood up and ran to the outside of the Papal Palace, not dare to stay here for a moment.

But in the eyes of Farn, he was totally unwilling.

After Faun left, the Papal Palace returned to tranquility.

I don't know how long it took, and a heavy sigh echoed in the Papal Palace.

"Lord... the devil in your oracle is here. What shall we do?"

The headquarters and venue of the Bounty Hunters Guild, UK.

With a faint smile at the corner of Zhang Ziling's mouth, he seemed to be very satisfied with the public opinion on the Internet.

"In this way, the prestige of the Holy See is completely ruined. After I stepped down on the Holy See, I am afraid that not many monks will be willing to re-believe in God.

"The foundation of the Holy See in the cultivation world can also be completely removed, and the follow-up work will be less obstructed. The plan is going well!" Zhang Ziling said to himself, very happy.

In the venue, all the big figures also saw news about the explosion on the Internet, and the monks in the whole practice world began to pay attention to this live broadcast. And the destructive public opinion offensive has even more shocked the big figures.

This method of condemning the heart is more terrifying than razing the Holy See directly!

Sometimes, the power of human words is far greater than the power of reality.

Everyone has a deeper understanding of the methods of the Nine Emperors.

It turned out that after the Nine Emperors decided to destroy a super power, they really didn't even leave the enemy a chance to resist!

Now that the Nine Emperors and the Holy See have not yet begun to confront each other, the Holy See has little momentum, as if it has been shattered.

Even if the Nine Emperors didn't make preparations, the reputation of the Holy See plummeted and its status in the cultivation world was no longer there. This is also an unbearable hit to the Holy See, and it may not be relieved for decades.

In this short period of time, the Nine Emperors have already demonstrated his suffocating power in the virtual world.

Everyone understands that not only in the real world, but even in the online world, the Nine Emperors are invincible!


The big figures were frightened, and it was obvious that Zhang Ziling’s live broadcast had not officially started, and they were almost exhausted.

Too nervous, too exciting.

"Master Nine Emperors is so powerful, he deserves to be the number one in the world!"

"Hahaha! The Nine Emperors will take action quickly! Go and teach the arrogant Holy See!"

"This is the first time I have watched the live broadcast of Master Nine Emperors. Where can I get a reward?"

"I'm a newcomer, are there any rules for rewarding here? Can I reward directly?"

On the Cultivation Forum, some forum managers found that this live broadcast could not be blocked at all, and it was still a live broadcast of the Nine Emperors, so they simply let the live broadcast continue, and some managers even added a reward system to the live broadcast. , In order to make huge profits.

Anyway, if Lord Nine Emperors wants to take the money, they will give it again.

The managers of the major cultivation forums have also changed from resisting to taking advantage of the trend, and they have made money through this shareholder spirit.

I have to say that Zhang Ziling’s influence is huge. Some forum managers have just added the reward system. They have not even had time to do the reward animation. The monks have already paid more than 100 million rewards, and they almost didn’t turn that forum. The manager was scared to death.

They never thought that making money would be so easy.

Even if it is a super power, it is not so overbearing to make money.

And this is only a moderate cultivation forum.

The reputation of the Nine Emperors is too terrifying!

On this day, the entire network is carnival, but in the Holy See in the Vatican, the atmosphere has become more and more serious.

One after another, powerful men with terrifying auras gathered in the Vatican, and the powerful aura even began to twist the surrounding air.

Everyone in the Holy See knows that it will not be long...

The legendary nine emperors will come!

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