Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1099: Endless Sea of ​​Blood

The surroundings of the church are already red, the air seems to have turned into blood, and this world has become a sea of ​​blood!

There were no people alive in the square, the screams stopped, and all the knights stood silently, with red lights in their eyes, looking very strange.

They are all breathless, just standing like this weirdly.

Standing in the blood mist, Zhang Ziling, the devilish energy around him has turned into blood light, making the whole person look even more evil.

The cultivators in the entire cultivation world were dumbfounded. Everyone looked at the **** world on the computer screen and couldn't believe their eyes.

Where... is it really the world they live in?

Such doubts arose in the hearts of all the monks, and they always felt that what they saw was an illusion.

Zhang Ziling's methods have completely made them understand...what exactly is a god.

In their eyes, Zhang Ziling is a god!

Except for God, no one can do such a shocking thing, the blood sea light is for people to watch, and it can make people feel endless despair.

When the big figures in the venue saw the scene, they also understood why a super power was destroyed by the Nine Emperors.

Not to mention other things, just talk about Zhang Ziling's current blood-making sea, the means to turn a group of knights into puppets... they knew that nothing in their forces could stop this offensive.

At this time, the knights standing around moved and approached Zhang Ziling step by step, very slowly, like zombies.

The strong men in the church were shocked when they saw the sight of the square outside.

It was still blood mist just now, and in such a short period of time, it became a sea of ​​blood.

The entire church, at this moment, is wrapped in a sea of ​​blood, slowly being eroded by blood. The strong people even felt that after a while, the barrier they created would not be able to withstand the erosion of blood, and the entire church would be submerged in a sea of ​​blood.

Such a dense scene outside cannot be achieved by the blood of hundreds of knights!

In other words, the blood was created out of thin air by Zhang Ziling.

"How did he do it?" Some strong people didn't understand at all, how did Zhang Ziling cause this sea of ​​blood?

The strong, nauseating smell of blood has been telling them that the blood surging in the outer air is all real!

"Let's not talk about how the blood came out. What exactly does the Nine Emperors want to do?" A knight of the round table frowned, always feeling that the blood sea that Zhang Ziling suddenly created was hiding some terrifying conspiracy.

Hearing that the Knights of the Round Table was puzzled, the expressions of the other strong men changed slightly, obviously noticing this.

This is absolutely what purpose!

Cavill was full of worries in his eyes at the moment. The adult said that, which meant that the adults would not act until the last moment.

If they behave too weakly, I am afraid that even if the Nine Emperors do not take action, that adult will personally take action to solve them.

Others didn't know, but Cavill, who was the first knight, knew clearly... what kind of terrifying power the lord had!

Cavill is already one of the strongest people on the surface of the Holy See. Even if the strong from other forces in the world, few can fight Cavill.

But even if Cavill surrendered, he was not the enemy of the lord in the shadows.

Those adults, but the Crusades back then, fighting with other gods, didn't bother to take action!

Just thinking about it, Cavill felt his heart tremble.

However, even though Cavill wanted to behave in front of the adult, he didn't know what Zhang Ziling wanted to do, and he couldn't help but panic.

In this situation, he couldn't even reach the gods, and he couldn't contact the angels of the gods.

This was the first time Cavill felt so weak. He had never felt that he was so weak. He couldn't even see the opponent's intentions, and didn't even know how to make a move...

Cavill suddenly became confused.

Even when the Nine Emperors slaughtered Shengteng Middle School before, when Cavill went to clean up the mess, he didn't feel so scared.

Only when he truly felt Zhang Ziling's strength could he realize how terrifying the title of the Nine Emperors was!

"What are you doing in a daze? After a while, you may be more troublesome!"

Just when a group of strong people didn't know what to do, the feminine voice in the shadow once again sounded in everyone's ears, awakening a group of strong people instantly.

"My lord?" Cavill was startled, before he had time to ask the adult, the knights surrounding Zhang Ziling began to take action.

"I... today...not just to kill you." Zhang Ziling looked at the church in front of him and whispered, the smile in his eyes became more and more intense, "Promise Ella, I will naturally do it."

After the words fell, the knights around Zhang Ziling all screamed and rushed towards the church.

"The blood puppet formation uses blood to forcibly turn the enemy into your own puppet, so as to create your own army in a short time and weaken the enemy at the same time."

"Such a formation is a necessary formation in the battle between the two countries in the Xuanxiao Continent. As long as one side does not raise the blood puppet formation to offset the enemy's blood puppet formation, the convenience will be defeated!"

"Although the blood puppet formation is so easy to use, there are few battles that can successfully use this formation, but I have to admit the mystery of this formation."

Zhang Ziling looked at the church ahead and whispered, with a faint smile in his scarlet eyes.

"In this case, it is undoubtedly the best to use the blood puppet array. After all, the blood puppet array can create a sea of ​​blood by motivating the blood to enhance the blood puppet's power."

"But... those guys who are locked up by the Holy See can also use blood to improve their strength."

When Zhang Ziling's voice fell, the earth began to vibrate.

"What's the matter?" Cavill blasted a blood puppet knight out, and after feeling the ground shake, he couldn't help but exclaim.

"No, there is a riot in the dungeon!"

A scream came out at this moment, and a bishop rushed out from the inside of the church, hissing with all his strength.


Before the bishop rushed to the strong side, he was overtaken by the blood gushing from the back, and then was dragged back.

"help me!!!"

The bishop struggled desperately, calling for help from the powerful.

"Damn it! What is that!" Cavill didn't have time to think, and he drew out his long sword, hurriedly swung a sword gas to cut off the blood that wrapped the bishop, and rescued the bishop.

Cavill flew in front of the bishop, dragged him back among the strong, and shouted, "What happened in the dungeon?"

"Blood river! A river of blood poured into the dungeon, and all those blood races rioted! At least the strength of each blood race has skyrocketed a hundred times!" The bishop said with lingering fear. What happened in the dungeon just now made him never forget. "so horrible!"

"Damn it! It turns out he was planning this!" Hearing what the bishop said, Cavill punched the ground fiercely, directly blasting the ground out of a big pit.

If the outer sea of ​​blood was absorbed by the blood race, Cavill would never imagine what the blood race's power would expand into!

"Half of you go to the dungeon to suppress those heretics, and the others will join me to deal with the nine emperors!"

"No need to go, you guys... stay here."

At this time, Zhang Ziling's icy voice rang in the ears of the strong, causing everyone to tremble suddenly, and their faces changed drastically.

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