Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1101: The so-called **** is not qualified yet!

"What, what is that?"

The monks who were watching the live broadcast from all over the world all looked at the screen in a daze. The holy rays of the nine creatures floating in the sky seemed to wash their souls.

Too sacred, beyond words.

That light does not belong to the world.

Behind the nine creatures were white wings, which looked like a certain creature in myth.

A certain idea appeared in everyone's hearts.

"How, how?"


"Heaven, angel... does it really exist?"

The monks couldn't believe what they saw, that the creatures in the myth really exist in this world?

These mortals, ordinary creatures living in the world, never thought that one day they would see...


The true god!

At this moment, the entire network became boiling, and all the cultivators couldn't control their emotions and became extremely excited.

Although the monks all possess supernatural powers, the existence of the cultivation world is a fact that everyone can accept. After all, it has not been out of the scope of human beings.

The so-called cultivation is nothing more than the monks being able to introduce the power of nature into their bodies and temper themselves.

But the gods... the creatures in this myth are clearly beyond the scope of nature.

That is no longer a reality.

The existence of angels does not mean that other gods in mythology also exist with a high probability?

Thinking of the creatures that control their destiny living in the sky, the cultivators felt terrified and couldn't calm their hearts for a long time.

The appearance of these nine angels completely changed everyone's worldview.

Zhang Ziling stood calmly among the ruins of the church. The twelve knights of the round table, except for the two and Cavill that Zhang Ziling solved, all the other nine were cast down, and the nine four-winged angels were cast down at the same time!

The mighty divine might permeated the space, shaking the whole land.

Carl looked at the angels suddenly descending in the sky, and the panic on his face eased slightly. The other living archbishops all knelt down and prayed devoutly to the nine angels.

For them, this is the Lord's salvation.

Nine angels descended to the earth at the same time. In history...except for the Crusades, there has never been so many angels!

Last time, the Holy See was to deal with another court.

This time, the Holy See was just to deal with one person.

And... this time the appearance of the angels has been completely revealed in front of all the monks!

In other words, the God Realm was completely exposed to the sight of mortals, and no one could predict what it would look like in the future.

"Is this... the strength of the Nine Emperors?" Faen was bleeding all over his body at the moment, looking at the holy knights who fell in front of him, his eyes were extremely complicated.

The Holy Knight is the second only to the Knights of the Round Table in the Holy See, and it can even be said that it is stronger than the Knights of the Round Table!

If it were not for the holy knights who did not have the qualifications to let the angels descend, they would be able to be called the strongest knights in the Holy See!


It was these strongest knights who rushed to the forefront when the Nine Emperors appeared among them.

Today, none of the so-called holy knights, the strong men blessed by the pope, survived the shock just now.

The sacred armor of each holy knight has been shattered, and his body has become charcoal.

If it were just the aftermath of the shock, given the defensive power of the holy knights and their holy armor, it would be impossible to hurt the holy knights at that level.

However, it was precisely because the holy knights were too confident in the defensive power of their armor, they all touched the flames lingering around the Nine Emperors.

The result is no surprise...

All the holy knights burned to death.

In other words... the defense of the Nine Emperors alone has destroyed the entire type of the strongest combat power of the Holy See.

The top combat power equivalent to the hole cards of other super powers!

Finn finally understood why the Pope became so solemn after knowing the news that the Nine Emperors were coming, and asked him to summon all the powerhouses of the Holy See, and even awaken those adults!

Fa'n looked at Zhang Ziling's upright back, facing the nine angels, but still did not show any timid backs, and he understood everything.

The nine emperors are already gods.

The nine angels floated slowly in the air, their eyes indifferent, looking directly at Zhang Ziling.

"Devil Emperor, you are getting too much."

The ethereal voice of an angel rang in the sky, echoing all around, causing ripples in the space.

Zhang Ziling looked at the talking angel with a smile in his eyes, and then chuckled lightly: "You gods have dropped more than nine, right?"

"Looking at your position, there seems to be some big guy behind!"

Zhang Ziling’s words detonated the Internet once again!

All the monks were excited, with craziness in their eyes. The big figures in the venue could no longer maintain their image, and they all looked at the screen and shouted.

"Master Nine Emperors... he is actually provoking God!"

"That angel seems to call the sword emperor... the devil emperor?"

"Yes! Sword Emperor is the title we took. That adult is named Devil Emperor among the Nine Emperors, right?"

Watching this live broadcast of the monks were all crazy, screaming at their heart's content regardless of where they were.

The news is too big!

God also knew Lord Nine Emperors, and listened to the words of those angels... Lord Nine Emperors had fought with God before.

The Nine Emperors really are gods walking in the world!

"Have you noticed, what the Lord Nine Emperors said, it seems that there are stronger gods hiding in the dark?"

"In the tone of Lord Nine Emperors, didn't he even look at the angels?"

"Look at the wings behind those angels. They seem to be the four-winged angels in the myth. They are not low in the God Realm, right? Lord Nine Emperors are stronger than Gods?"

Everyone screamed, trying to relieve their inner shock a little bit!

Among the ruins of the church, after hearing what Zhang Ziling said, the eyes of the nine angels became solemn, and they looked at Zhang Ziling and said solemnly: "It is worthy of being a mortal who can defeat Gamil, and even Kaye was seriously injured. See so much."

"Kassah..." Hearing the words of the angels, Zhang Ziling's eyes flashed with a smile, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly, "She is indeed a very beautiful angel, but Gamil is just average."

"Presumptuous!" An angel holding a sword screamed at Zhang Ziling, "How can a lowly mortal dare to talk about the gods?"

"Discussing the gods?" Zhang Ziling raised his eyes to look at the angel, a red light flashed in his eyes.

The next moment, Zhang Ziling suddenly disappeared in place, appeared in front of the angel, and directly pinched the smooth neck of the angel!

The dark devilish energy lingered around Zhang Ziling, brutally infiltrating that angel's body!


The angel screamed in pain.

"Zhi!!!" When the other eight angels saw Zhang Ziling directly grabbing his companion, they were all frightened and roared loudly.

Zhang Ziling grabbed Zhizhi's neck and turned his head to look at the others, his tone full of contempt.

"You have to be clear..."

"The so-called gods are not yet qualified to speak to me like this."

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