Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1106: Six wings, fallen power!

"Kassapa, why are you betraying the Lord?" The four-winged angels couldn't accept the fall of their companions at all, and questioned Kasyapa loudly.

To fall means to give up one's beliefs, deny what one has before, and start all over again, and at the same time become the enemy of the Lord and no longer receive the Lord's blessing.

Depravity is easy to say, but choosing this path undoubtedly requires unimaginable courage and courage!

Otherwise, when Lucifer fell, it was not just a third of the angels in the Angel City following him.

"Betrayal? How can you say betrayal?" A trace of disdain flashed in Kassapa's eyes when he heard the doubts of his former companions. He stretched out his tongue and licked his scarlet lips. His four wings slowly flapped behind him, and said unruly: " I just re-selected the host to serve."

"You..." The angels couldn't imagine that Kassapa could say such a thing. They gritted their teeth, their eyes flushed.

After a while, the angels held the sword in their hands again, ignoring Zhang Ziling, looking directly at Kassapa and shouting: "Since you have chosen to fall, then you will be the Lord's enemy from now on. Today we will definitely cut you off. Here!"

"Kassapa, you can think clearly!" The angels shouted sharply, wishing to change their comrades' minds.

Seeing his former companion sword pointing at him, Kaye also felt a lot of emotion, and his eyes flashed red.

But soon, Kassapa put those emotions behind.

After taking a look at Zhang Ziling, after getting Zhang Ziling’s acquiescence, Kaye smiled and responded to the angels: “Are you sure you are my opponent? Don’t you want to think about how I threw the seraph cherub Under the gods?"

The black wings behind Kasuga leaf flapped lightly, the smile on his face was so strange that the eyes of the angels changed suddenly!

The angels realized this only after Kasuga said this, and couldn't help but look at the cherubim who had not crawled out of the ground, and their bodies trembled slightly.

How did she do it?

Suddenly endless doubts poured out of the angels' hearts, and their actions began to hesitate.

Like them, Kassapa is a four-winged angel living in Angel City. It stands to reason that they have no resistance in front of Seraphim! Even if it is a sneak attack, it is impossible to damage the Seraphim with the power of the four-winged angel!

Judging from the rapid fall of the cherubim and the roar of the cherubim with anger, it is not what a seraph should behave when attacked by a four-winged angel!

The power of depravity?

The angels shook their heads abruptly, and instantly threw this thought out of their minds!

Falling means giving up everything the Lord has given. How can it be possible to get stronger power than the Lord has given because of the Fall?

This is not in line with common sense at all!

They will not deny everything in their past.

"I can't figure it out?" Kaye looked at the confused angels, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and the contemptuous voice sounded in the ears of the angels, attracting the attention of the angels.

The angels looked at Kassapa with incomparably complicated eyes.

They now have to admit that Kassapa is already different from them.

She fell completely and couldn't return.

"My old companions, let you take a good look..." Kaye stretched out his palm, his palm was surrounded by dark energy, his breath was terrifying, and the angels were shocked.

"The Lord Demon Emperor gave me far more than what God power!"

As Kasaba's words fell, a violent aura broke out in Kasaba's body. The angels couldn't even bear Kasaba's current aura and resisted.

This is definitely not the power that a four-winged angel can possess!

"I have mastered it so soon..." Zhang Ziling sat in the void leisurely, looking at Kassapa with a light smile.

"Look, this is... the power of Lord Demon Emperor!" Kaye screamed, and a dazzling black light appeared behind her. On top of her four black wings, another pair of black wings emerged!

Dark feathers fell from the sky, and terrifying waves of air swept around.

The angels looked at the wings behind Kassapa in horror and couldn't believe it!

"Six-winged angels..." the angels murmured, and the six black wings behind Kasasa gave them endless shock.

In Angel City, since the birth of angels, the number of wings on the back has been fixed, and the status of each angel has changed from the beginning. The number of wings on the back will never increase or decrease.

Two wings are two wings, and four wings are four wings. There is no possibility of change at all.

Because that is the power given by the Lord, this is the law.


The six real wings behind Kassapa completely shattered the past worldviews of the four-winged angels!

The six black wings completely denied everything they had in the past!

It turns out that they can also become Seraphim!

"This is the power of Six Wings... Get rid of the **** of God and activate the deepest potential in your body." Kassapa shook his palm, and the surrounding space became slightly distorted by Kassapa's power, "Look, this is Isn't it more fascinating than the so-called Lord's gift...?"

Not long after he was promoted to Seraphim, Kassapa could not fully control his soaring power, but this still couldn't stop Kassapa's excitement.

"How, how is it possible?" A group of angels slowly backed away, shocked and raging in their hearts.

The impact that Kasyapa had on them was even greater than Zhang Ziling's killing of Sanaya!

The truths they believed in in the past were rudely overthrown with facts, making them totally unacceptable.

Now, they urgently need the Lord to answer them and tell them why!

Why can four wings become six wings!


Saint Mang rose from the ground, and cherubim dragged his **** body into the air again.

"Do you know what you are doing?" Cherubim stared at Kassapa sullenly and asked sharply.

The fall of Kassapa was never expected by the cherubim, and even the cherubim did not pay attention to the existence of Zhang Ziling. They just wanted to ask Kassapa!

Betraying the Lord is something their angels absolutely cannot accept! This is even worse than death!

"What are you doing?" Looking at the cherubim's frightened expression, Kassapa raised his eyebrows slightly and said jokingly: "Am I not being straight enough?"

"I just think that Lord Demon Emperor is more suitable for my master than God." Kasaba came to the cherubim in front of him. The cherubim just wanted to escape, but he slowed for a while because of the severe physical pain. Kaye pinched his neck directly!

Cherubim was picked up by Kassapa!

"It's just depravity, how can it be as serious as what you said? You are right..." Kaye looked at Zhang Ziling and chuckled, "Master Devil Emperor."

"Of course." Zhang Ziling smiled slightly, with red glow in his eyes, "Depravity is not a terrible thing. Those of your companions are willing to abandon the bright and dark, and come to my embrace..."

"I'm naturally very welcome too."

Upon hearing Zhang Ziling's words, the cherubim's pupils shrank suddenly.

The Devil Emperor actually induced the angels to fall in the public!


Didn't you put the Lord in your eyes at all?

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