Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1112: Perfect body

Gilgamesh's power became stronger and stronger, and the uncontrolled power of the saint burst out of Gilgamesh's body without restriction, making the surrounding space extremely unstable.

The whole land was shaking violently, and the sky was dim and dark, like the end of the day.

The sky was extremely dim, and only the light connecting the God Realm channel with Gilgamesh was the only light source of this world, as if it were the center of the world.

The entire Vatican has been isolated by Zhang Ziling. The outside world is sunny, but the Vatican is an apocalyptic wasteland, and the forces of riots are flowing everywhere.

Most of the Vatican monks exploded and died because of the unbearable power of environmental changes.

Gilgamesh continued to roar, and the spirit body was directly transformed into a real body. The process of this transformation made Gilgamesh feel endless pain.

The angels only felt that Gilgamesh's breath was rising rapidly, but they did not understand why Gilgamesh was so painful.

Isn't it a good thing to soar in strength?

The angels wondered what Zhang Ziling did.

However, the angels didn't have time to think about it. They were just stunned for a moment, and Kassapa rushed over again, easily tearing their defenses apart, and another angel was attacked and fell seriously injured.

Danger, has not left them yet.

At this time, the angels were able to react. It is not the time for them to worry about others.

For a while, the angels once again concentrated their energies to defend against Kassapa's attack.

Kassapa was fighting with a group of four-winged angels, although the power of the rioting saints around Kassapa was under tremendous pressure. However, Kassapa can still exert a power far superior to the four-winged angels, and every blow can cause serious damage to the four-winged angels.

If Gilgamesh can no longer stop Kassapa, soon... all the four-winged angels present will have to die!

But at this moment Gilgamesh had no intention of caring about the four-winged angels, and the pain of hitting the soul even made Gilgamesh forget that he was a saint!

Too painful.

"Kassapa." Zhang Ziling looked at Gilgamesh, who was in extreme pain, and whispered.

Hearing Zhang Ziling's voice, Kaye's offensive stopped suddenly, and Kaye turned to look at Zhang Ziling and asked, "My Lord Demon?"

The pause at this moment of Kassapa made the four-winged angels who were about to collapse a sigh of relief and quickly used this precious time to restore their strength.

In this tense time, or many persist for a second, oneself can be saved!

Therefore, angels have never cherished time so much like they do now, and they can't wait to break a second into several parts.

"Just hurt them seriously and leave a sigh of relief." Zhang Ziling didn't look at Kaye, but just gave a light command.

"Yes." Although Kasyapa didn't understand Zhang Ziling's approach, for Kasyapa, she only needed to follow the orders of Lord Demon Emperor, without any thinking.

After Zhang Ziling gave the order, Kasyapa once again rushed to a group of four-winged angels who had not recovered much, and the attack method changed accordingly, and it was no longer as deadly as before.

But this is still very uncomfortable for the four-winged angels.

As the four-winged angels were severely injured by Kassapa after another, the resistance of the remaining angels became more difficult, and the frequency of severe injuries became faster and faster.

This is a vicious circle.

Seeing that Kaye did not kill the Four Winged Angels, Zhang Ziling did not pay attention to the fighting between Kaye and the Four Winged Angels anymore. He set his sight on Gilgamesh and let go of the hand that grabbed his shoulder.

The power of the Great Emperor lingering in Zhang Ziling's palm quietly dissipated.

Zhang Ziling has probably figured out Gilgamesh's character. Compared to God, Gilgamesh is more like a kind angel who has implemented justice, and he has his own persistence in his heart. If he makes a promise, he will definitely complete it.

When Zhang Ziling discovered this, he also took advantage of Gilgamesh's character to subdue Gilgamesh.

For Zhang Ziling, he didn't care what kind of character Gilgamesh was. The important thing was that Gilgamesh was a saint.

And the combat power of the saint level, for Zhang Ziling, who does not have a magic palace at this stage, can be regarded as a not weak combat power.

After Zhang Ziling destroyed the Holy See, his next goal was to destroy the Holy Court.

It is understood that the gods of the gods do not know how big or small they are. Even the small gods of Takatenhara in Japan have eight million gods.

If all gods need Zhang Ziling to step down in person, even if it takes a day to clean up the gods, I don't know how long it will take.

What's more, the time flow rate of the God Realm is different from that of the mortal world. If you stay in the God Realm for a long time, accidents will inevitably occur.

After all, since Zhang Ziling's return, the Evil Emperor has made various explicit hints to induce Zhang Ziling to go to the God Realm, and even Zhang Ziling's choice to slaughter the God's Court has a lot to do with the Evil Emperor.

Regarding his old opponent, although Zhang Ziling didn't know exactly what abacus he was making, it's always right to be careful.

Since he chose to step out of the God’s Court, and Zhang Ziling could not spend too much time in the God Realm, he conquered the Saints and the Angel Corps to replace Zhang Ziling in sweeping down other smaller God’s Courts. Zhang Ziling personally went to clean up the largest God Courts. This was a natural result. The fastest way.

Therefore, Zhang Ziling naturally had no reason to let it go when he met a saint who could be subdued.

After all, now that he has a lot of money, the only saints that Zhang Ziling can use are the Naihe the Evil Emperor gave him and the Izanami that he posted, and the two saints are far from enough.

As Zhang Ziling let go of Gilgamesh, the beam of light connecting the passage of the gods became stronger, and Gilgamesh's spirit body quickly disintegrated and transformed into a real body!

Zhang Ziling stood aside and looked at Gilgamesh calmly, surrounded by magical energy, which turned into chains to seal off the space around Gilgamesh, preventing Gilgamesh from escaping.

As Gilgamesh's breath rose gradually, cracks gradually appeared in the passage of the gods in the sky, and the beam of light weakened.

The God Realm Channel could no longer withstand the strength of Gilgamesh's power transmission, and it could be shattered at any time.

However, Zhang Ziling didn't care about all of this, but looked at Gilgamesh quietly.

"The Devil!" Gilgamesh roared, the spirit body has been completely transformed into an entity, and the fierce power surging in the space, the power is terrifying.

The passage of the gods shattered in Gilgamesh's roar, and the beam of light burst suddenly, causing the entire world to sink into the extreme daylight.

Zhang Ziling didn't even blink his eyes under such bright light, and he was very calm.

The eight dazzling white wings of light stretched out to their heart's content, Gilgamesh floated relaxedly in the air, and Zhang Ziling's magic chain was also enlarged by the white wings, covering the entire space.

The entire sky over the Vatican is completely covered by light wings and black chains.

Gilgamesh's perfect body...

It was forcibly pulled down by Zhang Ziling!

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