Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1116: Demon Road Boarder!

Gilgamesh was curled up, the ten black wings behind him slowly flapped, and the powerful heartbeat echoed in the air, attracting everyone's mind.

The angels looked at Gilgamesh quietly, their eyes were bloodshot, and their tears were dry.

Lord Gilgamesh...


Gilgamesh's original breath of sacredness and peace has disappeared, replaced by overbearing evil, treacherous and fierce.

The angels had never seen Gilgamesh exuding such an evil aura, and they did not know Gilgamesh anymore.

In the cage, Gilgamesh hugged his knees with both hands, curled up into a ball, his armor was broken, and now he was wearing no clothes, his perfect figure appeared in the eyes of the world, like a holy artifact in the evil garden.

Until now, the angels still couldn't believe what they saw before their eyes. The white and holy wings behind Gilgamesh turned into dark wings, constantly stimulating the nerves of the angels.

What even suffocated all the angels was...

That is, Ten Wings!

The angels have never heard of an angel with ten wings. The strongest in the entire Angel City is the eight-winged angel.

After the fall of Lucifer, Gilgamesh became the strongest angel in the Angel City, with eight wings, which is recognized as the limit of angels.

The angels once thought that the eight wings were the apex of the angels, and even God once admitted that Gilgamesh has reached the limit and there is no possibility of progress.

However, now the ten dark wings behind Gilgamesh deeply shocked the souls of the angels.

In the end...

What did Master Gilgamesh eat?

In such a short period of time, the disposition of a saint who abides by justice can be greatly changed, and that is not a superficial change. This change comes from the soul.

Has completely fallen.

Zhang Ziling seemed to be very satisfied with Gilgamesh's current changes. The smile on the corner of his mouth became more and more dense, and the red glow in his eyes flickered, as if he was thinking about something.


With a soft sound, cracks appeared in the dark cage that trapped Gilgamesh, and then red glow overflowed.

Gilgamesh opened his eyes, and a touch of bloodthirsty slipped away.

"Master Gilgamesh?"

The angels were shocked by Gilgamesh's current appearance, their bodies trembling slightly, and their legs couldn't help but feel weak.

They couldn't believe that in that moment, they actually recognized Lord Gilgamesh as a demon from hell!

Earth-shaking changes!

"Huh?" Zhang Ziling's eyes narrowed slightly, as if he had discovered something, he couldn't help but step back a few steps.


A dazzling red glow burst out from the cage, the black wings behind Gilgamesh suddenly opened, and the terrifying black air whizzed through the air, stirring the world and the earth.

The pitch-black cage shattered, turning into sky-filled spots and dissipating.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Zhang Ziling suddenly burst into laughter and looked at Gilgamesh in the wind, with excitement in his eyes for a long time.

"Unexpectedly! Unexpectedly, there will be such a big gain!" Zhang Ziling's laughter became more and more mad, and the four-winged angels were frustrated.

in the end……

what happened?

The cultivators everywhere in the cultivation world were staring at the screen at this moment, and the howling wind on the other side of the screen made them feel that something unknown was happening.

The laughter of the Nine Emperors echoed in their ears, and the cultivators felt hairy.

They had never seen this side of Lord Nine Emperors before, so evil and weird, which made people worry.

No one understands why after Gilgamesh broke through the cage, Zhang Ziling would laugh so happily and so crazy!

"Master Gilgamesh!!!"

Out of the worry in their hearts, the four-winged angels called out to Gilgamesh, hoarse.

They don’t understand what happened, but they have a hunch...

If they don't do anything, something terrible will happen in the future.

Enough to affect the God Realm!

Hearing the call of the four-winged angels, Gilgamesh turned to look at the four-winged angels, his eyes extremely indifferent, without any emotion.

"This..." The four-winged angels opened their mouths slightly. After they saw Gilgamesh, everything they wanted to say was blocked in the air.

"Interesting, really interesting!" Zhang Ziling smiled, constantly looking at Gilgamesh at the moment, as if he was looking at the most perfect artwork.

After Gilgamesh swallowed Shu Rodan, Shu Rodan had some unknown mutation in Gilgamesh.

Perhaps because of Gilgamesh's insistence on the ultimate justice, or perhaps because of the influence of the earth's special environment, Zhang Ziling's magical laws infused into Xiu Luodan merged with the power of the Great Emperor.

The combination of these two supreme powers wreaked havoc in Gilgamesh, constantly transforming Gilgamesh's body.


Gilgamesh turned out to be a boarder of the magic way!

The rule of Three Thousand Avenues is the top ten highest rule, the magic way!

Although Zhang Ziling completely controlled the laws of the magic way, he still did not possess the will or the origin of the magic way.

In Xuanxiao Continent, Zhang Ziling hadn't even discovered the existence of the will of the magic way.

When Zhang Ziling discovered that the great laws of the earth possessed will, he also tried to communicate the will of the great laws of the earth. However, the Will of the Demon Dao seemed to have been deliberately avoiding Zhang Ziling. Zhang Ziling could not find the will of the Demon Dao, nor could he communicate with the Will of the Demon Dao.

After a lot of hard work and no gain, Zhang Ziling even thought that the Law of the Magic Way had not evolved a will at all, and finally gave up.

After all, the law of the magic way is one of the ten supreme laws. It is a great way that is not easy for the emperor to master, and it is normal that the will cannot be evolved.


Zhang Ziling never expected that Gilgamesh would directly become a boarder of the laws of the magical path just by letting Gilgamesh eat a Shu Rodan!

The law of the magic road really has the will!

Zhang Ziling's laughter became more and more insane, and the demonic energy surging all over his body began to cheer.

Mastering the origin of the Demon Dao, Zhang Ziling can completely control the Demon Dao. Whether or not all creatures in the world become demon is entirely within Zhang Ziling's mind.

A word can seduce the world's magic way!

Discovering the existence of the will of the magic way, Zhang Ziling's gain is far more than that.

The law of the magic way has will, which means that other supreme laws on the earth also have a high probability of having will!

Just find the will of time and the will of space, and take the origin of the two as one's own!

At that time, even if Zhang Ziling was rejected by the Dao of Time and Dao of Space, Zhang Ziling would still be able to fully penetrate the two paths of time and space, master them completely, and even not be inferior to his own magic path in the end!

After mastering the two laws of time and space, then relying on the two laws of time and space to hide the evil emperor...

There is no possibility of hiding!

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