Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1120: Mighty!

Zhang Ziling calmly looked inside the iron gate, his face was indifferent, and the monks couldn't tell whether Zhang Ziling was angry or not.

The entire cultivation world has exploded, and all the monks cannot accept what the Holy See has done...

Too cruel.

Behind the iron door, countless iron chains hang from the ceiling, and under each iron chain there is a sharp iron hook.

More than half of the hooks are hooked on the back of a person's head, the skin has been peeled off, the belly is cut open, and the internal organs are completely absent.

There are men, women and children, all being hung.

Everyone's body is extremely dry, it is obvious that they have been hanged here for a long time, and their blood has drained.

On the floor, there was a viscous unknown liquid everywhere, mixed with minced meat, exuding an extremely disgusting stench.

There were hideous claw marks everywhere, and it didn't look like any known creature in the world could make it.

The monks saw this scene even more terrifying than **** through the screen, and they couldn't accept it.

Seeing those children whose skins were stripped off, everyone couldn't imagine what kind of talent could do this!

Metamorphosis is not enough to describe.

Zhang Ziling stood at the iron gate for a while, and after looking at the dark hall, he slowly moved forward.

"The Devil..."

As soon as Zhang Ziling took a step forward, a deep voice sounded in the space, and the corpse forest on the ceiling began to shake.

Zhang Ziling stopped again and looked forward indifferently.

"get out."

Zhang Ziling gave a cold rebuke, and the terrifying sound waves swayed around, the corpse forest shook, and many dry corpses fell out of the iron hook and hit the ground.

"Devil Emperor, don't panic." The thick voice didn't seem to be anxious at all, but directly persuaded Zhang Ziling, no seriousness could be heard from the tone.

It seems that he doesn't care what Zhang Ziling will do to him.

"what are you going to do?"

When he heard that voice, Zhang Ziling also converged his aura to the limit, and asked coldly.

"What can I do to you, Lord Demon Emperor?" The thick voice smiled, "Even Gilgamesh is docile to you to clean up. I'm just a mere mortal. I don't dare to talk to the Demon Emperor. Zhenghui."

When these words were spoken, Zhang Ziling's brows wrinkled involuntarily, his eyes flashing red.

Zhang Ziling could hear from these words, the people hiding here seem to know his true background.

From the Xuanxiao Continent...

Devil Emperor.

With speculation in his heart, Zhang Ziling also temporarily suppressed the anger in his heart, and waited patiently.

However, Zhang Ziling still couldn't understand the skinless corpses hanging in the house, especially the children around the age of ten. Just thinking about it, you can know how tortured them during their lifetime.

Not wanting to look any further, Zhang Ziling's body shook slightly, and the surrounding corpse forest instantly turned into powder and dissipated.

The entire gloomy room, although it still looks terrifying and **** now, it is already within the range of everyone's psychological acceptance.

But when the monks in front of the screen thought of the previous scenes, they still felt nauseous and almost vomited.

"As expected to be the Devil Emperor..."

After Zhang Ziling destroyed the corpse forest, the voice began to flatter Zhang Ziling, but from the tone of voice, Zhang Ziling only heard ridicule.

The attitude of that voice made Zhang Ziling very unhappy.

"I know that Lord Devil Emperor must have a lot of things to ask me, don't worry, as long as I know...I will tell the adults exactly."

Zhang Ziling was silent and did not respond.

"Of course, before I tell Lord Devil Emperor, there are still some things that Lord Devil Emperor needs to do, as long as Lord Devil Emperor finishes..."

"Afterwards, feel free."

After speaking, the thick voice disappeared, and there was no more movement.

Zhang Ziling looked forward quietly, black air began to surround him.

"Master Nine Emperors is finally going to make another move!"

"What the Holy See is doing is too inhumane, so it's okay to destroy it."

"Seeing this scene, I believe that even if Lord Nine Emperors does not take action, the world's heroes will never let this group of beasts go! Even children can do it!"

Seeing the changes in Zhang Ziling's momentum, the monks all cheered, hoping that Zhang Ziling could destroy the Holy See as soon as possible!

Now they really don't want to see the existence of the Holy See for another moment.

However, things did not develop toward the cultivators' imagination.

They only saw the devilish energy lingering on Zhang Ziling slowly condensing into a giant black claw, and then rushed towards them.


The drone was crushed by Zhang Ziling, and the live broadcast to the world was interrupted.

The monks who were watching the live broadcast stared blankly at the black screen in front of them, and did not respond for a while.

In the end what happened?

After a while, the entire network exploded, and all the cultivators started to quarrel, discussing why the Nine Emperors turned off the live broadcast!

Obviously, even the scenes of God Slaughter were shown, but the live broadcast was turned off at the last minute...

No one expected Zhang Ziling's operation.

In the bounty hunter guild hall, Ella frowned and looked at the black screen ahead, thinking about something.

After a while, Ella stood up abruptly and ran out of the venue with strides.

At this moment, the venue was also in chaos, and the big figures got up to contact their forces and sent people to the Vatican to investigate the situation.

The Nine Emperors turned off the live broadcast at this time. It was too strange. Many monks were beginning to worry about Zhang Ziling.

After all, before Zhang Ziling turned off the live broadcast, everyone could clearly see the frowning expression.

Although everyone knows that the Nine Emperors are powerful, the Holy See can figure it out even the gods, and cannot afford to have other means to pit the Nine Emperors!

After seeing the picture below the Pope’s Palace, the monks also understood that the Holy See would never be able to keep it in the cultivation world!

Now that the Nine Emperors are fighting on the front line alone, they also want to contribute.

Just a moment after Zhang Ziling turned off the live broadcast, many monks around the world bought air tickets to cities near the Vatican, ready to go to help Zhang Ziling.

In airports around the world, almost one in ten strangely dressed people hurriedly waited for the plane to take off to the city near the Vatican.

What's more, major airlines temporarily increased many flights to cities near the Vatican, refunded ordinary people's tickets under various excuses, and sold tickets to practitioners through the practitioner forum.

In many flights, the entire plane is filled with various practitioners, Taoist priests, soul guardians, supernatural beings, magicians, elves and even robots...Various powerful men are sitting on the same plane. Scenes can be seen everywhere.

China is even more crazy! Countless big forces have sent all their disciples to Europe at the fastest speed!

Or fly with a sword, or flee away!

Longbu, Shushan, Tianyong, Kunlun, Yizong, Cao's Heavy Industry, Chu Family, Wei Family, Ye Family, Lu Family... even Wudang, Longhu Mountain, Nanjiang Ganshi School, etc. have nothing to do with Zhang Ziling. All of the factions are going to the Vatican!

Zhang Ziling's slight frown touched the hearts of the whole world.

The world's top powers are all acting together at this moment!

The armies of various European countries have been mobilized, and heavy armed forces have crossed the borders of one country after another, heading for the Vatican.

The entire cultivation world has never been so united!

An unimaginable number of monks are gathering in greatness...

Together, destroy the Holy See!

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