Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1126: All show their magic

The woman stared blankly at the white-robed boy standing on the flying sword, her brain blank.

Before today, she had never seen these ugly monsters, and never knew...There are such immortals in this world.

Just when the woman was stunned, she suddenly noticed that a few monsters were jumping from the air above the white-robed boy, with big grinning mouths open.

"Be careful behind!" The woman screamed subconsciously, afraid that the white-robed boy would be swallowed by the monster.


The white-robed boy didn't panic at all, just squeezed a magic trick with one hand. The flying sword that killed a monster before flew around the white-robed boy again, quickly beheading the monsters.

A rain of blood accompanied the headless corpses of the monsters, and the white-robed boy jumped off the flying sword and walked to the woman.

"Thanks..." The woman thanked the white-robed boy in poor Chinese.

The white-robed boy suddenly became a little shy, not at all the coldness he had when facing the monster just now. After closing the flying sword behind his back, the white-robed boy stretched out his hand to the woman and said: "The brothers and sisters have already set up a refuge camp in the city. I'll take you there."

"The monsters here, give us Shushan."

The woman stared at the white-robed boy blankly. After she saw the white-robed boy's smile, she felt inexplicably at ease.

The woman suddenly laughed, holding her child in one hand and grasping the hand of the boy in the white robe with the other.

"Tianyong disciple listens to the order, knots the heavenly sword formation, and punishes demons!"

Over the city, Li Shuangyan stood on the flying sword and shouted, with a cold face.


Li Shuangyan gave an order, and all the disciples of Tianyong City sacrificed their flying swords and turned into a large formation to kill the monsters on the edge of the city.

"Tianyong and Shushan are really energetic! It seems that we can't be ashamed!" Kunlun Yun flew through the monster group, laughing heartily.

Wherever he went, countless monsters had their heads beheaded!

"Kunlun disciples, let's go!"

"Yes!!!" All the Kunlun disciples shouted in unison, rushing to the monsters ahead, abruptly blocking the monsters' offensive.


In a large supermarket in the city, a monster flew out of it.

"Yin and yang, overcome the strength with softness, here, Wudang Wang." A xiaosheng wearing a Taoist robe walked out of the supermarket, and the crowd gathered behind him looked at the robed Xiaosheng and cheered loudly.

"Huaxia Kungfu! Long live China Kungfu!" A bunch of European citizens roared excitedly, and some even whistled!

The little student in the robe directly knocked out the huge monster with a palm, shocking them!

"Master Wang, your Tai Chi strength is getting stronger and stronger!" A rough man with a banner was sitting on the roof of a broken car on the road, and laughed at the Dao Pao Xiaosheng in front of the supermarket.

Around the rough man, a golden zombie brought several silver zombies to tear several monsters to pieces.

"Brother Li joked, how can Wang's Tai Chi Jin compare to Brother Li's golden corpse?"

"Hahaha! Daoist Wang is still as humble as ever! Who knows your Tai Chi Jin practice world? Don’t hide your privates today, Daoist Wang will kill more than today!” The rough man glanced at his head. On the other side of the street, dozens of monsters rushed over there.

"Very good." Dao Pao Xiaosheng smiled and rushed towards the dozens of monsters, his body is like a ghost, and he slapped one with one palm. Each of his palms could shake the bones of a monster into powder.

The citizens hiding in the supermarket all rushed out, cheering for the robe boy!

"Awesome, Wang Dao, it seems that I can't lose the face of our ancestors in a foreign country!" The rough man jumped off the car and waved the banner in his hand, "Come on!"

The gold and silver corpses instantly turned into phantoms, and went to harvest the lives of the monsters!

On the other side of the city, a group of strong men armed with cold soldiers and armors, under the command of a man with a lupine scarf, defeated the monsters outside the city!

Beside that man, there are two beautiful men with excellent temperament, their breaths are all terrifying.

"Wuhou, Zhou Mo, I will work with you for the time being this time!" Sima Xun was surrounded by purple awns and smiled as he looked at the surging sea of ​​monsters in front of him, "Showing our spirit-master in this Europe. "

"Hahaha, good."

Throughout the city, with the help of the major monks in the Chinese cultivation world, people quickly regained control of the city, and the murderous monsters were slain in defeat!

Not only in this city, but in other cities close to the Vatican, there are cultivating circles from other countries appearing. Supernaturalists, magicians, and elves each show their magical powers to help the army reclaim the occupied city and force the monsters back to the Vatican again!

The cultivators from all over the world who rushed to Europe all stood up and fought with the monsters running out of the Holy See!

"this is……"

Kasyapa stood alone above the city. Below her were endless monster corpses. Countless soldiers were working overtime to carry the corpses to make enough space for Kasyapa.

Kasyapa alone defended a city.

Kassapa looked far away and found that dazzling brilliance broke out in other cities, and all the monsters rushing into the city seemed to be forced out.

Kassapa originally thought that except for the city she was guarding, other cities would fall under the offensive of monsters, and in the end the monsters would sweep across Europe and create a purgatory on earth.

However, the monks in the cultivation world now stood up, and they actually blocked the sea of ​​monsters that Gabriel had created!

Seeing one city after another being subdued by the cultivators, the corner of Kassapa's mouth couldn't help but rise slightly.

"It seems... these mortals are not all useless!"

Kasaba chuckled, the six black wings behind him flapped violently, and the whole person turned into a light and rushed towards the sea of ​​monsters that had been culled again in front.

Accompanied by the cannon fodder of the army, Kaye is dancing alone in the blood, and the endless screams of monsters are the best affirmation of Kaye’s performance!

"This this……"

Over the ruins of the Holy See, Gabriel looked into the distance in a daze, somewhat unbelievable.

"Our sea of ​​monsters...was actually beaten back by a group of mortals?" Hua Wei swallowed slightly, some of whom couldn't believe what he was seeing.

The power of mortals...

"Mortal monk..." Morgana clenched her fists and frowned, "If this goes on, the things that the lord confessed to us will not be completed."

"Damn it!" Gabriel couldn't help but growl, "When did those mortals come to Europe? I feel like cultivators from all over the world are here!"

"What should we do now?" Hua frowned and asked, they obviously didn't expect this admiration.

"You two razed the surrounding cities, killed all the monks inside, and let our strange beasts rush out!" Gabriel said through gritted teeth.

"Then you?" Morgana quickly looked at Gabriel and asked.

"I'm fine... I can hold on for a while alone!" Gabriel smiled bitterly, then glanced at the monster-filled pit below, a trace of worry flashed in his eyes, "We have spent enough time, Devil Emperor He is likely to come out!"

"If the Devil Emperor comes out... then, everything is over!" Gabriel said quickly, urging Hua and Morgana to act.

"be careful!"

Hearing Gabriel's urging, Hua and Morgana did not hesitate anymore, letting go of Gabriel and preparing to kill them around.

The power of the violent saint burst out of Hua and Morgana at this moment!

"Where are you all going?"

Just as Hua and Morgana were about to leave, a joking voice came from the monster sea below them.

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