Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1137: Arrived!

The dazzling light illuminates the entire demon world like the day. The beautiful light beam appears to the demons as a flame that continues to burn their skin, and will only cause them endless pain.

The world-destroying judgment of the Jiuyao Stacked Star Array has not yet begun, and the creatures in the devil world have already felt that the end is coming.

"The power of the Nine Stars stacked star formation is really scary..." Lucifer seemed to have completely accepted the status quo, looking at the completely overlapping array in the sky, vomiting.

Lucifer, who is a fallen ten-winged angel, is like a lamenting citizen at the moment, constantly complaining.

Hearing Lucifer's thoughts, Gilgamesh couldn't help but look at Lucifer and whispered, "Hey, Lucifer."

"What are you doing?" Lucifer looked at Gilgamesh a little impatiently, obviously still sulking Gilgamesh because of the fact that the Devil Emperor was not coming.

Seeing Lucifer like this now, Gilgamesh couldn't help but laugh out loud, "It seems that you have been a demon king for thousands of years, and you are no different from before!"

"Fart!" Lucifer retorted Gilgamesh in an instant, "I am now the head of the seven demon kings, the arrogant demon, and the demon saint. The angel is very different from me now, okay?"

"Good, good, the gap is really big, you didn't have such a big hostility before." Gilgamesh looked at Lucifer and said softly, "But you are also good now."

"What the **** are you talking about? We're all dying, don't chirp like this, okay?" Lucifer scolded Gilgamesh with some impatientness.

"Okay..." Gilgamesh smiled bitterly when he heard Lucifer's urging, but the look in Lucifer's eyes became deeper, as if he was remembering something.

Gilgamesh looked at Lucifer deeply, and his scarlet eyes gradually became clear and blue, making Lucifer a little surprised.

Gilgamesh took a deep breath before slowly saying to Lucifer, "I have wanted to ask you this question for a long time, but I have never had a chance."

"Fart, let go!"

Lucifer seemed very impatient, but Gilgamesh didn't care about Lucifer's attitude, and his expression became more serious.

"Why did you choose to fall back then, my" Gilgamesh's voice suddenly became full of magnetism.

Hearing Gilgamesh's name, Lucifer was stunned. He stared at Gilgamesh in a daze, and his eyes became complicated.

Looking at Lucifer who was stunned, Gilgamesh continued to ask: "Why? What happened in the Angel City that made you hate God so much?"

"Stop talking." Lucifer turned his head to the other side, and his voice seemed to become choked.

"What happened?" Gilgamesh asked, "Why wouldn't you tell me?"

"I told you to stop talking!" Lucifer roared out directly, as if he didn't want to mention that!

Gilgamesh looked at Lucifer in a daze, never expected that Lucifer's reaction would be so intense!

The two of them were originally brothers, and both were the guardians of God.

However, when Lucifer chose to fall and led a large number of angels into the demon world, Gilgamesh announced that he had severed his brotherhood with Lucifer.

It has been five thousand years since Gilgamesh called Brother Lucifer last time.

Lucifer saw Gilgamesh's stunned look, and seemed to feel overly excited, and his tone became slightly calmer.

"Sorry, I'm feeling a bit out of control, you know, I'm like this."

"I don't want to talk about that anymore, but I'm very happy to be able to call my brother again."

"That's it... wait for death."

Lucifer said in a low mood, very depressed.


Seeing what Lucifer looked like now, Gilgamesh also realized that Lucifer had chosen to fall and there was a secret.


"That's fine, you probably wouldn't be able to say it because of your personality. Just let it be, it's good to die together." Gilgamesh didn't insist on this matter either, raising his eyes to the sky's Nine Lights Star Array. Feeling inexplicably happy.

After accumulating energy in the short period of time just now, the Nine Lights Stacked Star Array is now ready to go, and can make the Devil Realm fly away at any time.

The angels in the demon world flew over the palace at this moment, staying in the safe area around the Lord, so as not to be accidentally injured by the Jiuyao Stacked Star Array.

After this big killing array is opened, it does not distinguish between enemy and me.

Even if the angels accidentally stepped out of the safe zone, they would be wiped out in an instant.

The monsters of the demon world were wailing under the shining light, and the terrifying pressure emitted by the Jiuyao Stacked Star Array made them inevitable.

God sat on the throne leisurely, admiring the sorrow below, the whole person became more and more excited, and the corners of his mouth raised evil smiles.

Immediately able to witness the most beautiful scenery in the world, God is so excited that he can't help himself.

Soon, all the angels God brought from Angel City came to the safe area around God, and those monsters who were not guarded by angels also took advantage of the angels to leave and fled frantically around.

But now the Jiuyao Stacked Star Array has been completely completed, and when the entire Demon Realm is about to disappear, wherever the monsters flee, they will end up.

Therefore, the angels did not care about the monsters and fallen angels fleeing everywhere, at most they would kill the monsters who stepped into the safe zone.

The terrible situation below the devil, God sees everything in his eyes.

"It's really wonderful... If the world is like this, how beautiful?" God was intoxicated, and looked at Lucifer and Gilgamesh who were nailed to the cross above, with a faint smile on his lips.

"Master Devil, we are here."

Somewhere in the devil world, Kamiya walked out of the bronze door that appeared out of thin air and said to Zhang Ziling behind him.

As soon as Zhang Ziling entered the demon world, he felt an extraordinary power in the sky. Zhang Ziling directly looked up, squinting at the huge array in the sky and whispered: "That's..."

The light of the Jiuyao Stacked Star Array was spreading heartily on Zhang Ziling's body.

"Nine Yao Stacked Star Array!"

Kassapa and Kamiya exclaimed at the same moment, they both recognized the huge circle in the sky.

"Nine Yao Stacked Star Array?" Zhang Ziling looked at the magic array in the sky that could destroy the energy of one world, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but a little.


Without much words, Zhang Ziling flew straight to the center of the demon world.

The towering palace and the huge phantom of the cross can be seen anywhere in the devil world, and Zhang Ziling even knows where he is going next without even having to look at it.

Zhang Ziling's swift movements made Kayah and Kamiya quite flustered, but they also knew that things were becoming a little urgent now, and they didn't dare to hesitate anymore. They turned into black lights and chased after Zhang Ziling.

The Jiuyao Stacked Star Array, absolutely cannot pour its power onto this land!

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