Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1168: The emperor?

"This King Zhou..." Zhang Ziling took a closer look, but he couldn't see anything unusual from King Zhou.

Because King Zhou is an illusion, Zhang Ziling has no way to detect the situation inside King Zhou, so he can only observe it from the surface.

King Zhou and the group of officials were discussing the matter of the Sun-Shooting Bow. It seems that the energy fluctuations produced by Li Jing's Sun-Shooting Bow have affected Chaoge.

However, Zhang Ziling was not interested in these discussions, he just wanted to figure out what kind of character King Zhou was.

Without staying in this scene much, Zhang Ziling directly locked onto King Zhou and began to speed up the flow of the Temple of Time.

The surrounding pictures turned faster and faster, and Zhang Ziling quickly scanned King Zhou's life, hoping to find King Zhou's anomaly.

The picture changes faster and faster, even Nezha can no longer see what is happening, only afterimages can be seen.

However, Zhang Ziling didn't seem to be affected at all, his eyes were very serious, and he paid full attention to King Zhou.

In daily life, King Zhou stayed with Daji apart from studying, and rarely dealt with government affairs. On the surface, King Zhou was indeed licentious.

But Zhang Ziling had a faint feeling that King Zhou did not consider the survival of the entire dynasty at all. In other words...Except for Daji, King Zhou despised everyone in this world, including the gods.

Even King Nvwa Huang dared to speak rudely, threatening to possess.

Soon the War between Shang and Zhou was fought, and countless local uprisings occurred, and Li Jing became a general of Zhou.

At the same time, Zhang Ziling also found Nezha who was following Li Jing.

Nezha became a teenager, but his expression was indifferent, and there was no color in his eyes, just like a puppet.

In several battles, Nezha performed extremely well, killing the army of the Shang dynasty to throw away his armor and slay countless strong men.

However, no matter how fierce the fighting outside, King Zhou didn't care at all, and he still lived an extremely extravagant life in his palace.

Although Shang has many powerful men, and even many generals can match the strength of the gods, but more and more fairy gods have joined the war for discussion inexplicably, and the army of Shang has been retreating.

The entire dynasty is at stake, and the building will fall.

Zhang Ziling only paid a little attention to the outside war, and most of his energy was put on King Zhou.

Although Jiang Ziya in the Zhou army looked strange, there seemed to be the shadow of the evil emperor.

But Zhang Ziling didn't care about this anymore.

Through the years of fighting, Zhang Ziling was already familiar with the evil emperor, but the current King Zhou could attract Zhang Ziling's attention even more.

Even if it was confirmed that Jiang Ziya was transformed by the evil emperor and helped the great Zhou to destroy the great merchant, it would only be a fact that the evil emperor was deliberately planning to destroy the king of Zhou.

Zhang Ziling still didn't know why the evil emperor did this.

The only thing that made Zhang Ziling think it was worth noting was that Jiang Ziya was quite interested in Nezha, and he had raised his cultivation base for Nezha many times. I am afraid that Nezha has this strength and Jiang Ziya also has a great relationship.

The time flow in the Temple of Time is getting faster and faster. Nezha next to Zhang Ziling only feels that the sky is spinning, and he can't see anything. In desperation, he has to close his eyes and sit cross-legged and stop looking at those pictures.

For the current Nezha, it can't help much anyway, it is better to have a good life and rest for a while until Zhang Ziling stops.

Nezha didn't know why Zhang Ziling was so interested in King Zhou. After all, Nezha didn't know much about King Zhou, so it was not useful.

Anyway, Nezha felt that he could not answer anything except Li Jing.

In a sense, Nezha never participated in the entire war.

As time advances fast, Da Zhou's army has already attacked outside Chaoge City. The mountains and plains of the army and the gods and Buddhas gathered together to prepare for a general attack.

The terrifying power circulated in the sky, and countless rare and exotic beasts roared with great momentum.

However, in Chaoge City, facing the enemy at the moment, the people are very scarce, and the ministers of civil and military affairs are also scattered.

Because King Zhou had never cared about the war outside, he just blindly arrested people to join the army and sent his own powerful men to fight against the gods, causing the business talents to almost die.

At this moment, there are only a handful of strong men standing on the wall. Those soldiers are all new recruits. They were all just captured from the city, put on armor and weapons, and then forcibly collected the city.

The flow rate of the Temple of Time gradually slowed down.

Zhang Ziling calmly looked at King Zhou standing on the wall, his eyes flashing red.

This is the first time King Zhou has left the palace.

After a quick glance at King Zhou’s daily life, Zhang Ziling also discovered some anomalies.

It wasn't obvious in a short time, but when the time was long, Zhang Ziling discovered that King Zhou would repeat everything he did in the previous period.

Although King Zhou's speech seemed normal, it was too mechanically repetitive, and even made Zhang Ziling thought that the evil emperor had done tricks in this scene, and seemed to have deliberately concealed something about King Zhou.

The only thing worth noting is that King Zhou seems to treat everyone as livestock, that kind of arrogance from the heart.

Moreover, King Zhou's sense of superiority seems to be innate in nature, not deliberately after he became the King of God.

In other words, King Zhou subconsciously regarded everyone as livestock.

It's nature.

At this moment King Zhou was standing alone on the wall, Daji stood silently behind King Zhou, with a faint smile on his face, trusting King Zhou very much.

During the whole dynasty, only King Zhou and Daji were very calm, and the others looked like a catastrophe, their faces covered with ashes.

Looking at the outside formation, no one can give birth to resistance.

"Get up, let's go up to the city wall to see." Zhang Ziling pushed Nezha who was meditating to wake him up.

Was awakened by Zhang Ziling, Nezha quickly got up from the ground, a little strange to the surrounding environment.

Time has been fast-forwarding for many years, and Chaoge City has undergone great changes. It is normal that Nezha can't react for a while.

However, Zhang Ziling didn't give Nezha time to adapt, and directly took Nezha to fly up the city wall and came to King Zhou.


When Zhang Ziling fell in front of King Zhou, Zhang Ziling discovered that the smile on the corner of King Zhou's mouth... actually looked exactly like him!

That's a joking smile that only appears when you look down on all living beings without treating all enemies as opponents!

This King Zhou unexpectedly...never paid attention to the hundreds of thousands of troops outside, countless powerful men, and gods and Buddhas!

"How confident is he?" Doubt flashed in Zhang Ziling's eyes.

Because it was an illusion, Zhang Ziling could not detect King Zhou's power, nor could he know where King Zhou's confidence came from.

Among the deities outside the city, there are many famous saints, and the deities outside the city can easily attack the defensive formation of Chaoge.

In other words, now King Zhou can only rely on himself!

Rely on your own strength to fight all the enemies outside?

Zhang Ziling's brows become more frowning...

Who can do it except the emperor?

And Zhang Ziling knew all the living great emperors in Xuanxiao Continent, and it was clear that King Zhou was not among those people.

Where did King Zhou come from?

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