Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1175: Vientiane reincarnation, the evil emperor's... game!

Zhang Ziling walked quickly outside the Angel City, frowning.

The world seemed to have become strange, but Zhang Ziling did not find out what was abnormal.

Since thinking of the evil emperor's clone, Zhang Ziling's ominous premonition has grown stronger and stronger.

The evil emperor has mastered the two ways of time and space, plus a lot of clones, there are too many things he can do.

Although Zhang Ziling could prevent the evil emperor from escaping in the realm of true devil, correspondingly... Zhang Ziling could not perceive the outside world.

This is also the reason why Zhang Ziling doesn't like to use his field very much.

If the evil emperor would rather sacrifice his non-renewable master clone to hold Zhang Ziling for a short period of time...

How big is the evil emperor's plot?

Zhang Ziling came to the outside of the Angel City Wall. The Demon Soldiers around the city wall were all normal and kept patrolling.

There is nothing unusual.

But it was precisely this calm that made Zhang Ziling feel rather uncomfortable, and his mood became more and more annoying.

"How long has it been since Nezha challenged me?" Zhang Ziling asked a demon soldier when he caught him.

"Majesty, Demon Emperor?" The soldier of the Demon Realm obviously didn't expect Zhang Ziling to talk to him. The whole person was flattered and couldn't even speak with excitement.

Seeing the excitement of this Devil Soldier, Zhang Ziling also knew that there was nothing to ask from him, so he directly let go of him and flew straight to Kaye, who was walking leisurely on the wall.

"Master Demon Emperor?" Kaye saw Zhang Ziling flying over and hurriedly saluted.

"Did you find anything unusual here?" Zhang Ziling asked directly without greeting.

"Abnormal?" Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, Kaye's eyes flashed with doubt, "No! The outside is peaceful."

"It's calm?"

Zhang Ziling frowned slightly and couldn't help but look out.

Outside the Angel City, as Kaye said, it was very calm, and within thousands of miles, there was no god, the cranes and clouds, and the rays of light.

It's too calm.

Obviously the Demon Legion had already occupied the Angel City, but no **** came to inquire.

"My Lord Demon Emperor, what's wrong with you? The Angel City has been very calm for an hour, no fairy gods have come."

"One hour?"

Hearing Kaye's words, Zhang Ziling's eyes changed slightly, his aura suddenly became stronger, and the entire Angel City shook violently, making Kaye a shock.

"Demon, Lord Demon?" Kassapa didn't understand what had happened.

"Okay! Good you Xie Wushuang! It was this idea!"

Zhang Ziling slammed into the sky, the devilish energy surging in the sky, the coercion belonging to the great emperor spread to this world, shaking the sky and the earth.

The evil emperor trapped in the Angel City looked at Zhang Ziling flying into the sky with a smile, without being affected by Zhang Ziling's aura.

On the contrary, the two fallen angels guarding the evil emperor knelt down because they could not withstand the terrifying pressure of Zhang Ziling.

"Master Devil Emperor?"

The demon warriors in the entire Angel City did not figure out what caused Zhang Ziling to be so angry!

Zhang Ziling's momentum quickly climbed, and Chu Yuanjie's several gods and the will of the magic way all rushed out, and looked at Zhang Ziling in shock.

"What happened to the boss?"

"What's the matter? Why is the boss so angry?"

"Demon, Lord Demon... You, your power, are you joking?"

Whether it was a few great soldiers or great will, all were completely shocked by Zhang Ziling's burst of power.

When Chu Yuanjie saw Zhang Ziling's appearance, they couldn't help but fear in their eyes.

Even if they haven't seen Zhang Ziling's current expression.

so horrible! The current Zhang Ziling, the momentum alone can almost break the entire God Realm!

Kassapa on the wall was completely lying on the ground. The powerful pressure made her unable to breathe at all, and even the armor she was wearing began to shatter!

"Master Devil!!!"

Kasyapa called with difficulty, trying to calm Zhang Ziling down.

If this continues, I am afraid that the entire Angel City will explode and die under the power of Zhang Ziling!

Seeing that the situation became more and more serious, the Staff of Power quickly condensed a powerful barrier with Chu Yuanjie, covering the entire Angel City, protecting the people below from being crushed by Zhang Ziling's momentum.

On the other hand, the Heaven-seeking Apparatus and the Heavenly Demon Scroll gathered all the people who were seriously injured because of Zhang Ziling's aura, and healed them together.

Zhang Ziling's outbreak caused the entire Demon Legion to be hit hard.


Suddenly, the sound of glass shattering came from the sky, and the great soldiers looked at the sky quickly, and were shocked to see a crack in the sky!

"This, this is..."

Chu Yuanjie stared at the more and more cracks in the sky, and swallowed slightly.

"Whether it's name is empty, Wanxiang reincarnation..." Chu Yuanjie muttered, and his body began to tremble slightly, "When is it?"

A touch of fear breeds in the hearts of all the artifacts.

"Which name is not in the room, the reincarnation of Vientiane..." The evil emperor looked at the more and more cracks in the sky, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly. All the accumulation in the past 100,000 years has also caught the main clone of me, who can never regenerate, but the effect looks very good!"

The evil emperor seemed to be in a happy mood, and he didn't cherish his consumption.

In order to lay down this forbidden technique, the resources used by the evil emperor can almost consume more than half of the top powers on the Xuanxiao Continent!

At the beginning of the establishment of the Angel City, the evil emperor had already placed his forbidden technique under the Angel City.

And the evil emperor also counted that as long as his main clone appeared, Zhang Ziling would definitely use the real demon realm to trap himself.

The evil emperor also clearly knew that he had no ability to escape from Zhang Ziling's realm. The appearance of this master clone in front of Zhang Ziling meant death.

However, what the evil emperor needed was to induce Zhang Ziling to use the realm of the real devil.

As long as the Evil Emperor's avatar drags Zhang Ziling for a few minutes, so that Zhang Ziling is completely unaware of the outside world, then the Evil Emperor can activate the forbidden technique that has been placed under the Angel City for a long time!

It also separates the realm of real devil, angel city, and god.

The entire Angel City was swallowed into the evil emperor's nameless room, and the time of the Angel City will continue to reincarnate.

In other words, the flow of time inside the Angel City and outside the Angel City will be completely different!

In Angel City and True Devil Realm, the flow of time will be different!

The evil emperor also knew that the flow of time in this unnamed room could not be too different from the outside world, otherwise Zhang Ziling would definitely perceive it.

The entire unnamed room also swallowed the Angel City for five days.

In other words, even though Kaye and the others only felt it for an hour, outside of Angel City... it had already been five days.

Being able to change the flow of time around Zhang Ziling to this is already the limit of the Evil Emperor's accumulation of hundreds of thousands of years.


Five days is enough, enough for the evil emperor to complete his layout.

After all, a day in the sky...

One year on earth.


The sky exploded and turned into scattered fragments.

Zhang Ziling's momentum also gradually weakened, and Kaye and the others let out a sigh of relief and slowly got up to look at the real scene outside Angel City.

Everyone was stunned.

"what is this?"

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