Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1181: He is back?

China, Kyoto.

At this moment, Kyoto is still the same as it was five years ago. It is a prosperous and international metropolis. The people in the city are still in a hurry, leading a busy life that is almost the same as before.

But the only difference is that they are not working for themselves now, but for...the God of heaven.

Major companies have been renamed to major churches, dedicated to serving a god, and people have changed from company employees to believers.

Although their identities are different, they are probably still doing the same thing and holding the same salary.

For gods, the value of ordinary people is to live and provide them with faith.

For ordinary people, although what they look up in the city every day is not the sun but the sacred garden hanging high above the city, in the eyes of them who are busy working to live, occasionally look at the buildings suspended in the sky. Very strange.

The **** court had been in the air for five years, and many idlers were secretly guessing when the **** court fell, and then killed all of them.

The big change is that children born in the past five years have been imprinted by the gods, and their talents will be brought into the god's court to be cultivated, become god's personal slaves, and enjoy privileges in the city.

Ordinary families hope that their children will be taken away by God, and then the whole family will be blessed by God and be shining to the ancestors. Family members can live comfortably without having to work.

Those who are prosperous will often receive the envy of the neighbors around them.

Most of the people who have been favored by God are grateful for the coming of God and changing the class they once belonged to.

Compared with the lives of ordinary people who have not been affected much, the cultivators in the cultivation world are much more miserable.

It seems that the Nine Emperors’ live broadcast of the slaughter of the gods five years ago caused the gods to be quite dissatisfied with the mortal monks. When the gods descended from the mortal world, they swept the monks in a big way, causing a **** storm in the cultivation world in a short time.

Many monks gritted their teeth because they were afraid of God's guilt, reluctantly abolished the realm that they had spent all of their work, changed back to an ordinary person, and ran back to work in the company.

There are also some monks who have won the favor of some gods because of their good sociability. They succeeded in living as slaves of the gods. They dutifully worked as security guards around the gods. They were able to obtain guidance from the gods occasionally in their cultivation. satisfaction.

There are also monks who are clambering and iron bones. They are neither willing to abolish their own cultivation bases nor to be slaves of the gods. In the end, they naturally become the targets of the gods to annihilate them and are wanted all over the world. Ordinary people can also get a lot of rewards for submitting a monk's information.

Therefore, many ordinary people have spontaneously become so-called monk hunters, specifically looking for monks who practice secretly to earn rewards.

And those monks who practised quietly in the dark corners, while enjoying the joy of cultivation, while cherishing the past glorious era belonging to monks.

However, not many monks have mentioned the Nine Emperors.

Five years is enough to make people forget many people or things, including the Nine Emperors' live broadcast of the slaughter of the gods five years ago, which made the entire cultivation world agitated.

It's just that the guy who is still a little addicted to the past whispered a few words to the Nine Emperors, so he didn't dare to mention it again.

In general, the God Realm did not destroy the world, and the gods did not cleanse the world like those who used to spread rumors.

They just kept all the obedient people and kept them in captivity.

The shrine suspended above Kyoto is the headquarters of the shrine, named Lingxiao Hall. On weekdays, saints enter and exit there to preside over everything in the world.

Even the gods have not avoided the so-called going to the village to follow the customs. Most gods are tainted with some mundane spirits and fight for some power.

The Lingxiao Temple is considered the most fierce place in the power struggle of the gods. Most of the saints hide their swords in their smiles, wanting to win more people for their respective territories.

People in Kyoto can often see the colorful glow of the sky.

"God! The big event is not good!!!"

In the Lingxiao Hall, the gilt hall, a **** rushed in quickly and shouted loudly to a middle-aged man sitting at the jade table on the high platform, in an anxious tone.

At this moment, Emperor Vast Sky, the lord of the heavenly court, and a group of saints were discussing the future plans of the divine palace. After the gods rushed in that day, the saints looked over.

"Why is it so noisy?" Great Emperor Haotian frowned and looked at the heavenly **** who was kneeling below, a trace of impatientness flashed in his eyes.

The other saints also watched the reckless kid and put pressure on him invisibly.

No one likes to be interrupted when discussing business matters.

Obviously, this person who rushed in naturally touched their taboos. If it weren't for a group of saints who were waiting for him to speak, they would have been grumpy and erased the rushing god.

On that day, the **** obviously had not endured the pressure of so many saints, so he knelt down on the main hall, sweating profusely.

But that day when God thought of what he was going to report, he directly overcame the pressure he was under, and quickly said: "Go back to the saints, the Angel City in and on the God Realm has appeared!"


The Great Emperor Haotian abruptly stood up from his seat, and the terrifying power of the saint crushed on the angel.

Under the coercion of the Great Emperor Vast Sky, the envoy couldn't even breathe, but still resisted the fear in his heart, and said, "Heaven and Angel City have appeared, and the Demon and Demon Emperor are back."

Even though he was both a god, the kid who rushed into the High Heaven Hall was just a heavenly soldier scout, and he was too far apart from Emperor Vast Sky, and being able to speak under the aura of Emperor Vast Sky would be considered as a firm mind.

"The Devil Emperor is back?"

"It's the devil who cut off God and occupied the Angel City? Hasn't he disappeared for five years?"

"How come... we all hid in the mortal world, his goal is only the gods, shouldn't come to trouble us?"

All the saints in the High Heaven Hall were whispering, and there was fear in their eyes.

The shadow of the human skin tree, although none of the saints present had seen Zhang Ziling, the prestige spread by Zhang Ziling had already resounded through the gods.

A monster that can directly slay the gods ignoring the immortal body, let the saints not only think of Zhang Ziling to the legendary realm.

God is already a saint who has reached Consummation, and at the same time he possesses an immortal body, and he also holds in his hands the abnormal artifact that can summon saints wantonly.

When the Lord wielded his army to attack the Demon World, many saints were paying attention to the outcome of that war, and everyone thought that God would return in a big victory.

As a result, the Devil Emperor appeared.

All changes in the subsequent events exceeded the expectations of the saints.

God was beheaded, Lucifer surrendered, and the entire Demon Realm was subdued by the Demon Emperor, and then the Demon Realm army was brought to the God Realm with a single mind.

And Lucifer and Gilgamesh also visited the great courts of the gods aggressively, making them panic.

But later, Angel City and the Devil Emperor disappeared together. Only Lucifer and Gilgamesh were left with some remnants of the Demon Realm in the God Realm, and many saints took the opportunity to besiege both of them.

But they didn't have the ability to kill Lucifer and Gilgamesh, and in the end they didn't want to waste time, so they hung them in front of the disappearing Angel City and hurried away.

The saints who had almost forgotten the Devil Emperor, now they heard such words!

He is back?

Thinking of this, all the saints slumped on their seats, staring at the Emperor Vast Sky above in a daze.

"God, what shall we do now...?"

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