Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1185: Nine Emperors! ! !


The divine power of the two gods erupted from their bodies, and the terrifying aura lingered in the sky. The entire Nanzhou city was shaken by this. The cars around the two gods all flew into the sky and crashed into the tall buildings.

The gods of the gods are not as good and bad as the mortal monks. Even the weakest lower gods in the gods are invincible in the mortal world and can easily destroy a city.

After hearing what Zhang Ziling said, the two gods in front of Zhang Ziling felt that their dignity had been insulted, and their divine power broke out uncontrollably, trying to crush the mortals who dared to disturb them.

"A mere mortal, how dare you?" The heavenly little **** glared at Zhang Ziling, his eyes glistened, the ground under his feet cracked, and the divine might pressed Zhang Ziling.

After seeing the anger of the gods, the people watching from a distance showed horrified expressions on their faces and hurriedly fled to the distance.

They are afraid to stay here a little longer and die here.

Most of the ordinary people ran away, and there were still a handful of monks who survived the killing of the gods hiding in the dark, staring at Zhang Ziling's back, clenching their fists.

They always feel that Zhang Ziling's back is very familiar, but they can't tell why, their brains are running wildly, wanting to awaken their memories.

for sure! I must have seen it somewhere! that person……

Sun Si, who was sitting across from Yixannamei, turned pale with fright at the moment, and his body was shaking involuntarily.

The location of this restaurant is not far from the two gods. After Zhang Ziling attracted the attention of the gods, the diners in the restaurant fled frantically, not wanting to stay here.

Only Izanami and Sun Si are still in the restaurant.

In fact, Sun Si wanted to escape, but Yixannami had been sitting, and Sun Si could only hold back his fear and sit, praying in his heart that Zhang Ziling was not an ordinary person.

In fact, there are occasional rumors that XX killed the gods, and Sun Si only listened to the stories in the past.

But now, Sun Si hopes that Zhang Ziling is the kind of person in the story, a hero who can kill the gods.

Unlike Izanami’s feeling of being aloof, when Sun Si saw Zhang Ziling, he knew Zhang Ziling was a human being.

In the past five years, Sun Si has actually cooked food for many gods. Although the gods are powerful, Sun Si always feels that they lack something compared to human beings.

Although Sun Si couldn't tell where it was different, Sun Si felt that way.

Unlike Izanami, both himself and Zhang Ziling are humans.

Naturally, Sun Si hoped that Zhang Ziling could beat those two gods.

People always fantasize about entrusting heroes to the things they can't do, and heroes will come to save them.

Even under the rule of the gods, most people are numb. When there are real heroes, although there is not much possibility for people to follow the hero and resist the gods, there is always a glimmer of hope in their hearts, hoping that the hero can defeat the gods and lead them. Back to the original days.

At this moment, in the minds of ordinary people like the monks and Sun Si in the dark, Zhang Ziling has become the first hero to stand up!

Perhaps they will witness a miracle today, even if the chance of this miracle is slim.

"You two, can you sign up for your name?" Zhang Ziling didn't care about what people thought, and now he has put all his attention on the Buddha and the little **** of heaven.

Zhang Ziling had depression in his heart that needed to be vented, and the Buddha and the heavenly little **** unfortunately hit the muzzle.

"The mere mortals also want to know our name?" Buddha's dull voice exploded in Zhang Ziling's ears.

Zhang Ziling just smiled and spread his hands to the Buddha's question, but did not respond.

"You humble scum, looking for death!" Seeing Zhang Ziling's attitude, the Buddha was full of anger, and the law behind his back became apparent. He clenched his fist and prepared to blast towards Zhang Ziling.

He was confident that he could smash Zhang Ziling into meatloaf with one punch!

"Wait! Something is wrong with this guy."

Suddenly the little **** of heaven grabbed the thick arm of the Buddha and called in a deep voice.

"Go away!"

The Buddha shook off the heavenly court with a low voice and blasted directly towards Zhang Ziling.

The Buddha's light is vast, and the entire Nanzhou City is covered in golden light.

"This reckless fellow!" The little **** of heaven frowned and scolded, and quickly backed away.

How could a person who could not change his face under the pressure of their two gods was an ordinary mortal?

But at this moment the Buddha can't think of so much. Zhang Ziling's attitude made him angry. Now the Buddha can't wait to crush Zhang Ziling!

"It's too slow... I'm not used to it."

Zhang Ziling looked at the Buddha's fist, his mouth raised slightly, his eyes were full of jokes.

Before the Buddha's fist arrived, the biting wind of fist blew towards Zhang Ziling, but it only blew Zhang Ziling's robes and long hair, without causing any impact on Zhang Ziling.

Zhang Ziling's figure is still tall and straight in the world!


A slight noise rang in Zhang Ziling's body, and then the dark magic energy surged out of Zhang Ziling's body, covering Zhang Ziling's body.

Under the golden light, some of the cultivators could see Zhang Ziling's back, and the black air lingering around the body touched the still dusty memories in the hearts of the cultivators.

"It's not..." A monk was hiding in the ruins, clenched his fists, his eyes flushed.

"Yes, it's him?" Another monk opened his eyes wide, and he couldn't believe the name that came out of his heart.

"I'm back, it must be him! He's back!" A monk couldn't restrain his inner excitement, and he shouted directly, his neck flushed red.

That dark magic flame, that tall figure, and that signature smile...

The memories of all monks were awakened.

Nine Emperors!

Five years ago, under the witness of all the monks, the one who killed the gods and destroyed the Holy See...

Devil Emperor Zhang Ziling!

"You're back!"

A monk rushed out, watching Zhang Ziling's back roar, tears filled his eyes.

"Back! The Nine Emperors are back!"

"Nine Emperors!!!"

Following the roar of the first person, more and more monks chanted, washing their faces with tears.

It has been five years since the Nine Emperors disappeared... for five years!

They have been waiting for too long, waiting for someone to lead them and take back their homes!

Now that person is back.

The cheers of the monks lingered around the Buddha, and the uneasy smile at the corner of Zhang Ziling's mouth made the Buddha more irritated.

"Here! Old! Son! Go! Die!"

Seeing the Buddha rushing over, Zhang Ziling's smile deepened, his eyes flashing red.

The pitch-black chain suddenly appeared, causing a shocking noise around!

"Master Nine Emperors!!!"


The Buddha's fist hit the black chain, and a dazzling golden light rose into the sky.

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